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JNA API 4.2.1

Interface Secur32

    • Field Detail

      • INSTANCE

        static final Secur32 INSTANCE
    • Method Detail

      • GetUserNameEx

        boolean GetUserNameEx(int nameFormat,
                              char[] lpNameBuffer,
                              IntByReference len)
        Retrieves the name of the user or other security principal associated with the calling thread. You can specify the format of the returned name.
        nameFormat - The format of the name.
        lpNameBuffer - A pointer to a buffer that receives the name in the specified format.
        len - On input, the size of the buffer, on output the number of characters copied into the buffer, not including the terminating null character.
        True if the function succeeds. False otherwise.
      • AcquireCredentialsHandle

        int AcquireCredentialsHandle(String pszPrincipal,
                                     String pszPackage,
                                     int fCredentialUse,
                                     WinNT.LUID pvLogonID,
                                     Pointer pAuthData,
                                     Pointer pGetKeyFn,
                                     Pointer pvGetKeyArgument,
                                     Sspi.CredHandle phCredential,
                                     Sspi.TimeStamp ptsExpiry)
        The AcquireCredentialsHandle function acquires a handle to preexisting credentials of a security principal. This handle is required by the AcceptSecurityContext and InitializeSecurityContext functions. These can be either preexisting credentials, which are established through a system logon that is not described here, or the caller can provide alternative credentials.
        pszPrincipal - A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the principal whose credentials the handle will reference.
        pszPackage - A pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the security package with which these credentials will be used.
        fCredentialUse - A flag that indicates how these credentials will be used.
        pvLogonID - A pointer to a locally unique identifier (LUID) that identifies the user.
        pAuthData - A pointer to package-specific data. This parameter can be NULL, which indicates that the default credentials for that package must be used. To use supplied credentials, pass a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY structure that includes those credentials in this parameter.
        pGetKeyFn - This parameter is not used and should be set to NULL.
        pvGetKeyArgument - This parameter is not used and should be set to NULL.
        phCredential - A pointer to a CredHandle structure to receive the credential handle.
        ptsExpiry - A pointer to a TimeStamp structure that receives the time at which the returned credentials expire. The value returned in this TimeStamp structure depends on the security package. The security package must return this value in local time.
        If the function succeeds, the function returns one of the SEC_I_ success codes. If the function fails, the function returns one of the SEC_E_ error codes.
      • InitializeSecurityContext

        int InitializeSecurityContext(Sspi.CredHandle phCredential,
                                      Sspi.CtxtHandle phContext,
                                      String pszTargetName,
                                      int fContextReq,
                                      int Reserved1,
                                      int TargetDataRep,
                                      Sspi.SecBufferDesc pInput,
                                      int Reserved2,
                                      Sspi.CtxtHandle phNewContext,
                                      Sspi.SecBufferDesc pOutput,
                                      IntByReference pfContextAttr,
                                      Sspi.TimeStamp ptsExpiry)
        The InitializeSecurityContext function initiates the client side, outbound security context from a credential handle. The function is used to build a security context between the client application and a remote peer. InitializeSecurityContext returns a token that the client must pass to the remote peer, which the peer in turn submits to the local security implementation through the AcceptSecurityContext call. The token generated should be considered opaque by all callers. Typically, the InitializeSecurityContext function is called in a loop until a sufficient security context is established.
        phCredential - A handle to the credentials returned by AcquireCredentialsHandle. This handle is used to build the security context. The InitializeSecurityContext function requires at least OUTBOUND credentials.
        phContext - A pointer to a CtxtHandle structure. On the first call to InitializeSecurityContext, this pointer is NULL. On the second call, this parameter is a pointer to the handle to the partially formed context returned in the phNewContext parameter by the first call.
        pszTargetName - A pointer to a null-terminated string that indicates the target of the context. The string contents are security-package specific.
        fContextReq - Bit flags that indicate requests for the context. Not all packages can support all requirements. Flags used for this parameter are prefixed with ISC_REQ_, for example, ISC_REQ_DELEGATE.
        Reserved1 - This parameter is reserved and must be set to zero.
        TargetDataRep - The data representation, such as byte ordering, on the target. This parameter can be either SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP or SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP.
        pInput - A pointer to a SecBufferDesc structure that contains pointers to the buffers supplied as input to the package. The pointer must be NULL on the first call to the function. On subsequent calls to the function, it is a pointer to a buffer allocated with enough memory to hold the token returned by the remote peer.
        Reserved2 - This parameter is reserved and must be set to zero.
        phNewContext - A pointer to a CtxtHandle structure. On the first call to InitializeSecurityContext, this pointer receives the new context handle. On the second call, phNewContext can be the same as the handle specified in the phContext parameter.
        pOutput - A pointer to a SecBufferDesc structure that contains pointers to the SecBuffer structure that receives the output data. If a buffer was typed as SEC_READWRITE in the input, it will be there on output. The system will allocate a buffer for the security token if requested (through ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY) and fill in the address in the buffer descriptor for the security token.
        pfContextAttr - A pointer to a variable to receive a set of bit flags that indicate the attributes of the established context. Flags used for this parameter are prefixed with ISC_RET, such as ISC_RET_DELEGATE.
        ptsExpiry - A pointer to a TimeStamp structure that receives the expiration time of the context. It is recommended that the security package always return this value in local time. This parameter is optional and NULL should be passed for short-lived clients.
        If the function succeeds, the function returns one of the SEC_I_ success codes. If the function fails, the function returns one of the SEC_E_ error codes.
      • DeleteSecurityContext

        int DeleteSecurityContext(Sspi.CtxtHandle phContext)
        The DeleteSecurityContext function deletes the local data structures associated with the specified security context.
        phContext - Handle of the security context to delete.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, the return value is SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE;
      • FreeCredentialsHandle

        int FreeCredentialsHandle(Sspi.CredHandle phCredential)
        The FreeCredentialsHandle function notifies the security system that the credentials are no longer needed. An application calls this function to free the credential handle acquired in the call to the AcquireCredentialsHandle function. When all references to this credential set have been removed, the credentials themselves can be removed.
        phCredential - A pointer to the credential handle obtained by using the AcquireCredentialsHandle function.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, the return value is SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE;
      • AcceptSecurityContext

        int AcceptSecurityContext(Sspi.CredHandle phCredential,
                                  Sspi.CtxtHandle phContext,
                                  Sspi.SecBufferDesc pInput,
                                  int fContextReq,
                                  int TargetDataRep,
                                  Sspi.CtxtHandle phNewContext,
                                  Sspi.SecBufferDesc pOutput,
                                  IntByReference pfContextAttr,
                                  Sspi.TimeStamp ptsTimeStamp)
        The AcceptSecurityContext function enables the server component of a transport application to establish a security context between the server and a remote client. The remote client uses the InitializeSecurityContext function to start the process of establishing a security context. The server can require one or more reply tokens from the remote client to complete establishing the security context.
        phCredential - A handle to the credentials of the server. The server calls the AcquireCredentialsHandle function with either the SECPKG_CRED_INBOUND or SECPKG_CRED_BOTH flag set to retrieve this handle.
        phContext - A pointer to a CtxtHandle structure. On the first call to AcceptSecurityContext, this pointer is NULL. On subsequent calls, phContext is the handle to the partially formed context that was returned in the phNewContext parameter by the first call.
        pInput - A pointer to a SecBufferDesc structure generated by a client call to InitializeSecurityContext that contains the input buffer descriptor.
        fContextReq - Bit flags that specify the attributes required by the server to establish the context. Bit flags can be combined by using bitwise-OR operations.
        TargetDataRep - The data representation, such as byte ordering, on the target. This parameter can be either SECURITY_NATIVE_DREP or SECURITY_NETWORK_DREP.
        phNewContext - A pointer to a CtxtHandle structure. On the first call to AcceptSecurityContext, this pointer receives the new context handle. On subsequent calls, phNewContext can be the same as the handle specified in the phContext parameter.
        pOutput - A pointer to a SecBufferDesc structure that contains the output buffer descriptor. This buffer is sent to the client for input into additional calls to InitializeSecurityContext. An output buffer may be generated even if the function returns SEC_E_OK. Any buffer generated must be sent back to the client application.
        pfContextAttr - A pointer to a variable that receives a set of bit flags that indicate the attributes of the established context. For a description of the various attributes, see Context Requirements. Flags used for this parameter are prefixed with ASC_RET, for example, ASC_RET_DELEGATE.
        ptsTimeStamp - A pointer to a TimeStamp structure that receives the expiration time of the context.
        This function returns one of SEC_* values.
      • EnumerateSecurityPackages

        int EnumerateSecurityPackages(IntByReference pcPackages,
                                      Sspi.PSecPkgInfo ppPackageInfo)
        The EnumerateSecurityPackages function returns an array of SecPkgInfo structures that describe the security packages available to the client.
        pcPackages - A pointer to a int variable that receives the number of packages returned.
        ppPackageInfo - A pointer to a variable that receives a pointer to an array of SecPkgInfo structures. Each structure contains information from the security support provider (SSP) that describes a security package that is available within that SSP.
        If the function succeeds, the function returns SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, it returns a nonzero error code.
      • FreeContextBuffer

        int FreeContextBuffer(Pointer buffer)
        The FreeContextBuffer function enables callers of security package functions to free a memory buffer that was allocated by the security package as a result of calls to InitializeSecurityContext and AcceptSecurityContext.
        buffer - A pointer to memory allocated by the security package.
        If the function succeeds, the function returns SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, it returns a nonzero error code.
      • QuerySecurityContextToken

        int QuerySecurityContextToken(Sspi.CtxtHandle phContext,
                                      WinNT.HANDLEByReference phToken)
        The QuerySecurityContextToken function obtains the access token for a client security context and uses it directly.
        phContext - Handle of the context to query.
        phToken - Returned handle to the access token.
        If the function succeeds, the function returns SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, it returns a nonzero error code. One possible error code return is SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE.
      • ImpersonateSecurityContext

        int ImpersonateSecurityContext(Sspi.CtxtHandle phContext)
        The ImpersonateSecurityContext function allows a server to impersonate a client by using a token previously obtained by a call to AcceptSecurityContext or QuerySecurityContextToken. This function allows the application server to act as the client, and thus all necessary access controls are enforced.
        phContext - The handle of the context to impersonate. This handle must have been obtained by a call to the AcceptSecurityContext function.
        If the function succeeds, the function returns SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, it returns a SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE, SEC_E_NO_IMPERSONATION or SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION error code.
      • RevertSecurityContext

        int RevertSecurityContext(Sspi.CtxtHandle phContext)
        Allows a security package to discontinue the impersonation of the caller and restore its own security context.
        phContext - Handle of the security context being impersonated. This handle must have been obtained in the call to the AcceptSecurityContext function and used in the call to the ImpersonateSecurityContext function.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is SEC_E_OK. If the function fails, the return value can be either SEC_E_INVALID_HANDLE or SEC_E_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION.
JNA API 4.2.1

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