JNA API 3.5.1

Class NativeString

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CharSequence, Comparable

     class NativeString
    extends Object
    implements CharSequence, Comparable
    Provides a temporary allocation of an immutable C string (const char* or const wchar_t*) for use when converting a Java String into a native memory function argument.
    Todd Fast, todd.fast@sun.com, twall@users.sf.net
    • Constructor Detail

      • NativeString

        public NativeString(String string)
        Create a native string (NUL-terminated array of char).

        If the system property jna.encoding is set, its value will be used to encode the native string. If not set or if the encoding is unavailable, the default platform encoding will be used.

      • NativeString

        public NativeString(String string,
                    boolean wide)
        Create a native string as a NUL-terminated array of wchar_t (if wide is true) or char.

        If the system property jna.encoding is set, its value will be used to encode the native charstring. If not set or if the encoding is unavailable, the default platform encoding will be used.

        string - value to write to native memory
        wide - whether to store the String as wchar_t
JNA API 3.5.1

Copyright © 2007-2012 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.