JNA API 4.0.0

Class GhostedDragImage

  extended by com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.GhostedDragImage

public class GhostedDragImage
extends Object

Provide a ghosted drag image for use during drags where DragSource.isDragImageSupported() returns false.

Its location in screen coordinates may be changed via move(java.awt.Point).

When the image is no longer needed, invoke dispose(), which hides the graphic immediately, or returnToOrigin(), which moves the image to its original location and then disposes it.

Constructor Summary
GhostedDragImage(Component dragSource, Icon icon, Point initialScreenLoc, Point cursorOffset)
          Create a ghosted drag image, using the given icon.
Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Make all ghosted images go away.
 void move(Point screenLocation)
          Move the ghosted image to the requested location.
 void returnToOrigin()
          Animate the ghosted image returning to its origin.
 void setAlpha(float alpha)
          Set the transparency of the ghosted image.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GhostedDragImage(Component dragSource,
                        Icon icon,
                        Point initialScreenLoc,
                        Point cursorOffset)
Create a ghosted drag image, using the given icon.

icon - image to be drawn
initialScreenLoc - initial screen location of the image
Method Detail


public void setAlpha(float alpha)
Set the transparency of the ghosted image.


public void dispose()
Make all ghosted images go away.


public void move(Point screenLocation)
Move the ghosted image to the requested location.

screenLocation - Where to draw the image, in screen coordinates


public void returnToOrigin()
Animate the ghosted image returning to its origin.

JNA API 4.0.0

Copyright © 2007-2013 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.