JNA API 4.0.0

Class LMAccess.USER_INFO_1

  extended by com.sun.jna.Structure
      extended by com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess.USER_INFO_1
Enclosing interface:

public static class LMAccess.USER_INFO_1
extends Structure

The USER_INFO_1 structure contains information about a user account, including account name, password data, privilege level, and the path to the user's home directory.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure.ByReference, Structure.ByValue, Structure.StructField
Field Summary
 WString usri1_comment
          Pointer to a Unicode string that contains a comment to associate with the user account.
 int usri1_flags
          Specifies a DWORD value that determines several features.
 WString usri1_home_dir
          Pointer to a Unicode string specifying the path of the home directory for the user specified in the usri1_name member.
 WString usri1_name
          Pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the user account.
 WString usri1_password
          Pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the password of the user indicated by the usri1_name member.
 int usri1_password_age
          Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the number of seconds that have elapsed since the usri1_password member was last changed.
 int usri1_priv
          Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the level of privilege assigned to the usri1_name member.
 WString usri1_script_path
          Pointer to a Unicode string specifying the path for the user's logon script file.
Fields inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
Constructor Summary
LMAccess.USER_INFO_1(Pointer memory)
Method Summary
protected  List getFieldOrder()
          Return this Structure's field names in their proper order.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
allocateMemory, allocateMemory, autoAllocate, autoRead, autoRead, autoWrite, autoWrite, cacheTypeInfo, clear, ensureAllocated, equals, fieldOffset, getAutoRead, getAutoWrite, getFieldList, getFields, getNativeAlignment, getNativeSize, getNativeSize, getPointer, getStringEncoding, getStructAlignment, hashCode, newInstance, newInstance, read, readField, readField, setAlignType, setAutoRead, setAutoSynch, setAutoWrite, setFieldOrder, setStringEncoding, size, sortFields, toArray, toArray, toString, toString, useMemory, useMemory, write, writeField, writeField, writeField
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public WString usri1_name
Pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the name of the user account.


public WString usri1_password
Pointer to a Unicode string that specifies the password of the user indicated by the usri1_name member.


public int usri1_password_age
Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the number of seconds that have elapsed since the usri1_password member was last changed.


public int usri1_priv
Specifies a DWORD value that indicates the level of privilege assigned to the usri1_name member.


public WString usri1_home_dir
Pointer to a Unicode string specifying the path of the home directory for the user specified in the usri1_name member.


public WString usri1_comment
Pointer to a Unicode string that contains a comment to associate with the user account.


public int usri1_flags
Specifies a DWORD value that determines several features.


public WString usri1_script_path
Pointer to a Unicode string specifying the path for the user's logon script file.

Constructor Detail


public LMAccess.USER_INFO_1()


public LMAccess.USER_INFO_1(Pointer memory)
Method Detail


protected List getFieldOrder()
Description copied from class: Structure
Return this Structure's field names in their proper order. For example,

 protected List getFieldOrder() {
     return Arrays.asList(new String[] { ... });
IMPORTANT When deriving from an existing Structure subclass, ensure that you augment the list provided by the superclass, e.g.

 protected List getFieldOrder() {
     List fields = new ArrayList(super.getFieldOrder());
     fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { ... }));
     return fields;
Field order must be explicitly indicated, since the field order as returned by Class.getFields() is not guaranteed to be predictable.

Specified by:
getFieldOrder in class Structure

JNA API 4.0.0

Copyright © 2007-2013 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.