JNA API 4.0.0

Class Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32

  extended by com.sun.jna.Structure
      extended by com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing interface:

public static class Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32
extends Structure

Describes an entry from a list of the processes residing in the system address space when a snapshot was taken.

Nested Class Summary
static class Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
Structure.ByValue, Structure.StructField
Field Summary
 WinDef.DWORD cntThreads
          The number of execution threads started by the process.
 WinDef.DWORD cntUsage
          This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
 WinDef.DWORD dwFlags
          This member is no longer used, and is always set to zero.
 WinDef.DWORD dwSize
          The size of the structure, in bytes.
 WinDef.LONG pcPriClassBase
          The base priority of any threads created by this process.
 char[] szExeFile
          The name of the executable file for the process.
 BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID
          This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
 WinDef.DWORD th32ModuleID
          This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
 WinDef.DWORD th32ParentProcessID
          The identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).
 WinDef.DWORD th32ProcessID
          The process identifier.
Fields inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
Constructor Summary
Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32(Pointer memory)
Method Summary
protected  List getFieldOrder()
          Return this Structure's field names in their proper order.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure
allocateMemory, allocateMemory, autoAllocate, autoRead, autoRead, autoWrite, autoWrite, cacheTypeInfo, clear, ensureAllocated, equals, fieldOffset, getAutoRead, getAutoWrite, getFieldList, getFields, getNativeAlignment, getNativeSize, getNativeSize, getPointer, getStringEncoding, getStructAlignment, hashCode, newInstance, newInstance, read, readField, readField, setAlignType, setAutoRead, setAutoSynch, setAutoWrite, setFieldOrder, setStringEncoding, size, sortFields, toArray, toArray, toString, toString, useMemory, useMemory, write, writeField, writeField, writeField
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public WinDef.DWORD dwSize
The size of the structure, in bytes. Before calling the Process32First function, set this member to sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32). If you do not initialize dwSize, Process32First fails.


public WinDef.DWORD cntUsage
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.


public WinDef.DWORD th32ProcessID
The process identifier.


public BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.


public WinDef.DWORD th32ModuleID
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.


public WinDef.DWORD cntThreads
The number of execution threads started by the process.


public WinDef.DWORD th32ParentProcessID
The identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).


public WinDef.LONG pcPriClassBase
The base priority of any threads created by this process.


public WinDef.DWORD dwFlags
This member is no longer used, and is always set to zero.


public char[] szExeFile
The name of the executable file for the process. To retrieve the full path to the executable file, call the Module32First function and check the szExePath member of the MODULEENTRY32 structure that is returned. However, if the calling process is a 32-bit process, you must call the QueryFullProcessImageName function to retrieve the full path of the executable file for a 64-bit process.

Constructor Detail


public Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32()


public Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32(Pointer memory)
Method Detail


protected List getFieldOrder()
Description copied from class: Structure
Return this Structure's field names in their proper order. For example,

 protected List getFieldOrder() {
     return Arrays.asList(new String[] { ... });
IMPORTANT When deriving from an existing Structure subclass, ensure that you augment the list provided by the superclass, e.g.

 protected List getFieldOrder() {
     List fields = new ArrayList(super.getFieldOrder());
     fields.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[] { ... }));
     return fields;
Field order must be explicitly indicated, since the field order as returned by Class.getFields() is not guaranteed to be predictable.

Specified by:
getFieldOrder in class Structure

JNA API 4.0.0

Copyright © 2007-2013 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.