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JNA API 4.5.1


  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Winevt.EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID
    Defines the identifiers that identify the metadata properties of an event definition.
    • Field Detail

      • EventMetadataEventID

        static final int EventMetadataEventID
        Identifies the value attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventVersion

        static final int EventMetadataEventVersion
        Identifies the version attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventChannel

        static final int EventMetadataEventChannel
        Identifies the channel attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32. This property does not contain the channel identifier that you specified in the event definition but instead contains the value attribute of the channel. The value is zero if the event definition does not specify a channel.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventLevel

        static final int EventMetadataEventLevel
        Identifies the level attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32. This property does not contain the level name that you specified in the event definition but instead contains the value attribute of the level. The value is zero if the event definition does not specify a level.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventOpcode

        static final int EventMetadataEventOpcode
        Identifies the opcode attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32. This property does not contain the opcode name that you specified in the event definition but instead contains the value attribute of the opcode. The value is zero if the event definition does not specify an opcode.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventTask

        static final int EventMetadataEventTask
        dentifies the task attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32. This property does not contain the task name that you specified in the event definition but instead contains the value attribute of the task. The value is zero if the event definition does not specify a task.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventKeyword

        static final int EventMetadataEventKeyword
        Identifies the keyword attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt64. This property does not contain the list of keyword names that you specified in the event definition but instead contains a 64-bitmask of all the keywords. The top 16 bits of the mask are reserved for internal use and should be ignored when determining the keyword bits that the event definition set.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventMessageID

        static final int EventMetadataEventMessageID
        Identifies the message attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32. The property contains the resource identifier that is assigned to the message string. To get the message string, call the EvtFormatMessage function. If the event definition does not specify a message, the value is -1.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EventMetadataEventTemplate

        static final int EventMetadataEventTemplate
        Identifies the template attribute of the event definition. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeString. This property does not contain the template name that you specified in the event definition but instead contains an XML string that includes the template node and each data node; the string does not include the UserData. The value is an empty string if the event definition does not specify a template.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtEventMetadataPropertyIdEND

        static final int EvtEventMetadataPropertyIdEND
        This enumeration value marks the end of the enumeration values.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
JNA API 4.5.1

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