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JNA API 4.5.1

Interface Winevt.EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface Winevt.EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID
    Defines the identifiers that identify the log file metadata properties of a channel or log file.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static int EvtLogAttributes
      Identifies the property that contains the file attributes (for details on the file attributes, see the GetFileAttributesEx function).
      static int EvtLogCreationTime
      Identifies the property that contains the time that the channel or log file was created.
      static int EvtLogFileSize
      Identifies the property that contains the size of the file, in bytes.
      static int EvtLogFull
      Identifies the property that you use to determine whether the channel or log file is full.
      static int EvtLogLastAccessTime
      Identifies the property that contains the last time that the channel or log file was accessed.
      static int EvtLogLastWriteTime
      Identifies the property that contains the last time that the channel or log file was written to.
      static int EvtLogNumberOfLogRecords
      Identifies the property that contains the number of records in the channel or log file.
      static int EvtLogOldestRecordNumber
      Identifies the property that contains the record number of the oldest event in the channel or log file.
    • Field Detail

      • EvtLogCreationTime

        static final int EvtLogCreationTime
        Identifies the property that contains the time that the channel or log file was created. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeFileTime.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogLastAccessTime

        static final int EvtLogLastAccessTime
        Identifies the property that contains the last time that the channel or log file was accessed. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeFileTime.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogLastWriteTime

        static final int EvtLogLastWriteTime
        Identifies the property that contains the last time that the channel or log file was written to. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeFileTime.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogFileSize

        static final int EvtLogFileSize
        Identifies the property that contains the size of the file, in bytes. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt64.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogAttributes

        static final int EvtLogAttributes
        Identifies the property that contains the file attributes (for details on the file attributes, see the GetFileAttributesEx function). The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt32.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogNumberOfLogRecords

        static final int EvtLogNumberOfLogRecords
        Identifies the property that contains the number of records in the channel or log file. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt64.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogOldestRecordNumber

        static final int EvtLogOldestRecordNumber
        Identifies the property that contains the record number of the oldest event in the channel or log file. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeUInt64.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • EvtLogFull

        static final int EvtLogFull
        Identifies the property that you use to determine whether the channel or log file is full. The variant type for this property is EvtVarTypeBoolean. The channel is full if another event cannot be written to the channel (for example, if the channel is sequential and maximum size is reached). The property will always be false if the channel is circular or the sequential log is automatically backed up.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
JNA API 4.5.1

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