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JNA API 5.12.1

Interface Ole32

    • Method Detail

      • CoCreateGuid

        WinNT.HRESULT CoCreateGuid(Guid.GUID pguid)
        Creates a GUID, a unique 128-bit integer used for CLSIDs and interface identifiers.
        pguid - A pointer to the requested GUID.
        S_OK if the GUID was successfully created.
      • StringFromGUID2

        int StringFromGUID2(Guid.GUID rguid,
                            char[] lpsz,
                            int cchMax)
        Converts a globally unique identifier (GUID) into a string of printable characters.
        rguid - The GUID to be converted.
        lpsz - A pointer to a caller-allocated string variable to receive the resulting string.
        cchMax - The number of characters available in the lpsz buffer.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of characters in the returned string, including the null terminator. If the buffer is too small to contain the string, the return value is 0.
      • IIDFromString

        WinNT.HRESULT IIDFromString(java.lang.String lpsz,
                                    Guid.GUID lpiid)
        Converts a string generated by the StringFromIID function back into the original interface identifier (IID).
        lpsz - A pointer to the string representation of the IID.
        lpiid - A pointer to the requested IID on return.
        This function can return the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, and S_OK.
      • CoInitialize

        WinNT.HRESULT CoInitialize(WinDef.LPVOID pvReserved)
        Initializes the COM library on the current thread and identifies the concurrency model as single-thread apartment (STA). New applications should call CoInitializeEx instead of CoInitialize. pvReserved [in, optional] This parameter is reserved and must be NULL.
        pvReserved - the pv reserved
        S_OK The COM library was initialized successfully on this thread. S_FALSE The COM library is already initialized on this thread. RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE A previous call to CoInitializeEx specified the concurrency model for this thread as multithread apartment (MTA). This could also indicate that a change from neutral-threaded apartment to single-threaded apartment has occurred.
      • CoInitializeEx

        WinNT.HRESULT CoInitializeEx(Pointer reserved,
                                     int dwCoInit)
        Initializes the COM library for use by the calling thread, sets the thread's concurrency model, and creates a new apartment for the thread if one is required.
        reserved - This parameter is reserved and must be NULL.
        dwCoInit - The concurrency model and initialization options for the thread. Values for this parameter are taken from the COINIT enumeration. Any combination of values from COINIT can be used, except that the COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED and COINIT_MULTITHREADED flags cannot both be set. The default (and only sane choice) is COINIT_MULTITHREADED.
        This function can return the standard return values E_INVALIDARG, E_OUTOFMEMORY, and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following values. S_OK, S_FALSE, RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE
      • CoInitializeSecurity

        WinNT.HRESULT CoInitializeSecurity(WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecDesc,
                                           int cAuthSvc,
                                           Pointer asAuthSvc,
                                           Pointer pReserved1,
                                           int dwAuthnLevel,
                                           int dwImpLevel,
                                           Pointer pAuthList,
                                           int dwCapabilities,
                                           Pointer pReserved3)
        Registers security and sets the default security values for the process.
        pSecDesc - [in, optional] The access permissions that a server will use to receive calls. This parameter is used by COM only when a server calls CoInitializeSecurity. Its value is a pointer to one of three types: an AppID, an IAccessControl object, or a SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR, in absolute format. See the Remarks section for more information.
        cAuthSvc - [in] The count of entries in the asAuthSvc parameter. This parameter is used by COM only when a server calls CoInitializeSecurity. If this parameter is 0, no authentication services will be registered and the server cannot receive secure calls. A value of -1 tells COM to choose which authentication services to register, and if this is the case, the asAuthSvc parameter must be NULL. However, Schannel will never be chosen as an authentication service by the server if this parameter is -1.
        asAuthSvc - [in, optional] An array of authentication services that a server is willing to use to receive a call. This parameter is used by COM only when a server calls CoInitializeSecurity. For more information, see SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE.
        pReserved1 - [in, optional] This parameter is reserved and must be NULL.
        dwAuthnLevel - [in] The default authentication level for the process. Both servers and clients use this parameter when they call CoInitializeSecurity. COM will fail calls that arrive with a lower authentication level. By default, all proxies will use at least this authentication level. This value should contain one of the authentication level constants. By default, all calls to IUnknown are made at this level.
        dwImpLevel - [in] The default impersonation level for proxies. The value of this parameter is used only when the process is a client. It should be a value from the impersonation level constants, except for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT, which is not for use with CoInitializeSecurity. Outgoing calls from the client always use the impersonation level as specified. (It is not negotiated.) Incoming calls to the client can be at any impersonation level. By default, all IUnknown calls are made with this impersonation level, so even security-aware applications should set this level carefully. To determine which impersonation levels each authentication service supports, see the description of the authentication services in COM and Security Packages. For more information about impersonation levels, see Impersonation.
        pAuthList - [in, optional] A pointer to SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_LIST, which is an array of SOLE_AUTHENTICATION_INFO structures. This list indicates the information for each authentication service that a client can use to call a server. This parameter is used by COM only when a client calls CoInitializeSecurity.
        dwCapabilities - [in] Additional capabilities of the client or server, specified by setting one or more EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES values. Some of these value cannot be used simultaneously, and some cannot be set when particular authentication services are being used.
        pReserved3 - [in, optional] This parameter is reserved and must be NULL.
        This function can return the standard return value E_INVALIDARG, as well as the following values. S_OK Indicates success. RPC_E_TOO_LATE CoInitializeSecurity has already been called. RPC_E_NO_GOOD_SECURITY_PACKAGES The asAuthSvc parameter was not NULL, and none of the authentication services in the list could be registered. Check the results saved in asAuthSvc for authentication service–specific error codes. E_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory.
      • CoSetProxyBlanket

        WinNT.HRESULT CoSetProxyBlanket(Unknown pProxy,
                                        int dwAuthnSvc,
                                        int dwAuthzSvc,
                                        WTypes.LPOLESTR pServerPrincName,
                                        int dwAuthnLevel,
                                        int dwImpLevel,
                                        Pointer pAuthInfo,
                                        int dwCapabilities)
        Sets the authentication information that will be used to make calls on the specified proxy. This is a helper function for IClientSecurity::SetBlanket.
        pProxy - [in] The proxy to be set.
        dwAuthnSvc - [in] The authentication service to be used. For a list of possible values, see Authentication Service Constants. Use RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE if no authentication is required. If RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT is specified, DCOM will pick an authentication service following its normal security blanket negotiation algorithm.
        dwAuthzSvc - [in] The authorization service to be used. For a list of possible values, see Authorization Constants. If RPC_C_AUTHZ_DEFAULT is specified, DCOM will pick an authorization service following its normal security blanket negotiation algorithm. RPC_C_AUTHZ_NONE should be used as the authorization service if NTLMSSP, Kerberos, or Schannel is used as the authentication service.
        pServerPrincName - [in, optional] The server principal name to be used with the authentication service. If COLE_DEFAULT_PRINCIPAL is specified, DCOM will pick a principal name using its security blanket negotiation algorithm. If Kerberos is used as the authentication service, this value must not be NULL. It must be the correct principal name of the server or the call will fail. If Schannel is used as the authentication service, this value must be one of the msstd or fullsic forms described in Principal Names, or NULL if you do not want mutual authentication. Generally, specifying NULL will not reset the server principal name on the proxy; rather, the previous setting will be retained. You must be careful when using NULL as pServerPrincName when selecting a different authentication service for the proxy, because there is no guarantee that the previously set principal name would be valid for the newly selected authentication service.
        dwAuthnLevel - [in] The authentication level to be used. For a list of possible values, see Authentication Level Constants. If RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT is specified, DCOM will pick an authentication level following its normal security blanket negotiation algorithm. If this value is none, the authentication service must also be none.
        dwImpLevel - [in] The impersonation level to be used. For a list of possible values, see Impersonation Level Constants. If RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT is specified, DCOM will pick an impersonation level following its normal security blanket negotiation algorithm. If NTLMSSP is the authentication service, this value must be RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE or RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IDENTIFY. NTLMSSP also supports delegate-level impersonation (RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE) on the same computer. If Schannel is the authentication service, this parameter must be RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE.
        pAuthInfo - [in, optional] A pointer to an RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE value that establishes the identity of the client. The format of the structure referred to by the handle depends on the provider of the authentication service. For calls on the same computer, RPC logs on the user with the supplied credentials and uses the resulting token for the method call. For NTLMSSP or Kerberos, the structure is a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY or SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX structure. The client can discard pAuthInfo after calling the API. RPC does not keep a copy of the pAuthInfo pointer, and the client cannot retrieve it later in the CoQueryProxyBlanket method. If this parameter is NULL, DCOM uses the current proxy identity (which is either the process token or the impersonation token). If the handle refers to a structure, that identity is used. For Schannel, this parameter must be either a pointer to a CERT_CONTEXT structure that contains the client's X.509 certificate or is NULL if the client wishes to make an anonymous connection to the server. If a certificate is specified, the caller must not free it as long as any proxy to the object exists in the current apartment. For Snego, this member is either NULL, points to a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY structure, or points to a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX structure. If it is NULL, Snego will pick a list of authentication services based on those available on the client computer. If it points to a SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY_EX structure, the structure's PackageList member must point to a string containing a comma-separated list of authentication service names and the PackageListLength member must give the number of bytes in the PackageList string. If PackageList is NULL, all calls using Snego will fail. If COLE_DEFAULT_AUTHINFO is specified for this parameter, DCOM will pick the authentication information following its normal security blanket negotiation algorithm. CoSetProxyBlanket will fail if pAuthInfo is set and one of the cloaking flags is set in the dwCapabilities parameter.
        dwCapabilities - [in] The capabilities of this proxy. For a list of possible values, see the EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES enumeration. The only flags that can be set through this function are EOAC_MUTUAL_AUTH, EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING, EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING, EOAC_ANY_AUTHORITY (this flag is deprecated), EOAC_MAKE_FULLSIC, and EOAC_DEFAULT. Either EOAC_STATIC_CLOAKING or EOAC_DYNAMIC_CLOAKING can be set if pAuthInfo is not set and Schannel is not the authentication service. (See Cloaking for more information.) If any capability flags other than those mentioned here are set, CoSetProxyBlanket will fail.
        This function can return the following values. S_OK The function was successful. E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments is invalid.
      • CoUninitialize

        void CoUninitialize()
        Closes the COM library on the current thread, unloads all DLLs loaded by the thread, frees any other resources that the thread maintains, and forces all RPC connections on the thread to close.
      • CoCreateInstance

        WinNT.HRESULT CoCreateInstance(Guid.GUID rclsid,
                                       Pointer pUnkOuter,
                                       int dwClsContext,
                                       Guid.GUID riid,
                                       PointerByReference ppv)
        Creates a single uninitialized object of the class associated with a specified CLSID.
        rclsid - The CLSID associated with the data and code that will be used to create the object.
        pUnkOuter - If NULL, indicates that the object is not being created as part of an aggregate. If non-NULL, pointer to the aggregate object's IUnknown interface (the controlling IUnknown).
        dwClsContext - Context in which the code that manages the newly created object will run. The values are taken from the enumeration CLSCTX defined in WTypes.
        riid - A reference to the identifier of the interface to be used to communicate with the object.
        ppv - Address of pointer variable that receives the interface pointer requested in riid. Upon successful return, *ppv contains the requested interface pointer. Upon failure, *ppv contains NULL.
        an HRESULT
      • CLSIDFromProgID

        WinNT.HRESULT CLSIDFromProgID(java.lang.String lpszProgID,
                                      Guid.CLSID.ByReference lpclsid)
        Looks up a CLSID in the registry, given a ProgID.
        lpszProgID - [in] A pointer to the ProgID whose CLSID is requested.
        lpclsid - [out] Receives a pointer to the retrieved CLSID on return.
        S_OK The CLSID was retrieved successfully. CO_E_CLASSSTRING The registered CLSID for the ProgID is invalid. REGDB_E_WRITEREGDB An error occurred writing the CLSID to the registry. See Remarks below. Remarks Given a ProgID, CLSIDFromProgID looks up its associated CLSID in the registry. If the ProgID cannot be found in the registry, CLSIDFromProgID creates an OLE 1 CLSID for the ProgID and a CLSID entry in the registry. Because of the restrictions placed on OLE 1 CLSID values, CLSIDFromProgID and CLSIDFromString are the only two functions that can be used to generate a CLSID for an OLE 1 object.
      • CLSIDFromString

        WinNT.HRESULT CLSIDFromString(java.lang.String lpsz,
                                      Guid.CLSID.ByReference pclsid)
        Converts a string generated by the StringFromCLSID function back into the original CLSID.
        lpsz - [in] The string representation of the CLSID.
        pclsid - [out] A pointer to the CLSID.
        Return value This function can return the standard return value E_INVALIDARG, as well as the following values. NOERROR The CLSID was obtained successfully. CO_E_CLASSSTRING The class string was improperly formatted. REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG The CLSID corresponding to the class string was not found in the registry. REGDB_E_READREGDB The registry could not be opened for reading.
      • CoTaskMemAlloc

        Pointer CoTaskMemAlloc(long cb)
        Allocates a block of task memory in the same way that IMalloc::Alloc does. CoTaskMemAlloc uses the default allocator to allocate a memory block in the same way that IMalloc::Alloc does. It is not necessary to call the CoGetMalloc function before calling CoTaskMemAlloc.

        The initial contents of the returned memory block are undefined - there is no guarantee that the block has been initialized. The allocated block may be larger than cb bytes because of the space required for alignment and for maintenance information.

        If cb is 0, CoTaskMemAlloc allocates a zero-length item and returns a valid pointer to that item. If there is insufficient memory available, CoTaskMemAlloc returns NULL. Applications should always check the return value from this function, even when requesting small amounts of memory, because there is no guarantee that the memory will be allocated.
        cb - The size of the memory block to be allocated, in bytes.
        If the function succeeds, it returns the allocated memory block. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
      • CoTaskMemRealloc

        Pointer CoTaskMemRealloc(Pointer pv,
                                 long cb)
        Changes the size of a previously allocated block of task memory. This function changes the size of a previously allocated memory block in the same way that IMalloc::Realloc does. It is not necessary to call the CoGetMalloc function to get a pointer to the OLE allocator before calling CoTaskMemRealloc.

        The pv parameter points to the beginning of the memory block. If pv is NULL, CoTaskMemRealloc allocates a new memory block in the same way as the CoTaskMemAlloc function. If pv is not NULL, it should be a pointer returned by a prior call to CoTaskMemAlloc.

        The cb parameter specifies the size of the new block. The contents of the block are unchanged up to the shorter of the new and old sizes, although the new block can be in a different location. Because the new block can be in a different memory location, the pointer returned by CoTaskMemRealloc is not guaranteed to be the pointer passed through the pv argument. If pv is not NULL and cb is 0, then the memory pointed to by pv is freed.

        CoTaskMemRealloc returns a void pointer to the reallocated (and possibly moved) memory block. The return value is NULL if the size is 0 and the buffer argument is not NULL, or if there is not enough memory available to expand the block to the specified size. In the first case, the original block is freed; in the second case, the original block is unchanged. The storage space pointed to by the return value is guaranteed to be suitably aligned for storage of any type of object. To get a pointer to a type other than void, use a type cast on the return value.
        pv - A pointer to the memory block to be reallocated. This parameter can be NULL.
        cb - The size of the memory block to be reallocated, in bytes. This parameter can be 0.
        If the function succeeds, it returns the reallocated memory block. Otherwise, it returns NULL.
      • CoTaskMemFree

        void CoTaskMemFree(Pointer pv)
        Frees a block of task memory previously allocated through a call to the CoTaskMemAlloc(long) or CoTaskMemRealloc(com.sun.jna.Pointer, long) function. The function uses the default OLE allocator. The number of bytes freed equals the number of bytes that were originally allocated or reallocated. After the call, the memory block pointed to by pv is invalid and can no longer be used.
        pv - A pointer to the memory block to be freed. If this parameter is NULL, the function has no effect.
      • CoGetMalloc

        WinNT.HRESULT CoGetMalloc(WinDef.DWORD dwMemContext,
                                  PointerByReference ppMalloc)
        Retrieves a pointer to the default OLE task memory allocator. HRESULT CoGetMalloc( [In] DWORD dwMemContext, [Out] LPMALLOC *ppMalloc );
        dwMemContext - context
        ppMalloc - returned pointer
        See Also:
      • GetRunningObjectTable

        WinNT.HRESULT GetRunningObjectTable(WinDef.DWORD reserved,
                                            PointerByReference pprot)
        Returns a pointer to the IRunningObjectTable interface on the local running object table (ROT). HRESULT GetRunningObjectTable( [In] DWORD reserved, [Out] LPRUNNINGOBJECTTABLE *pprot );
        reserved - unused
        pprot - returned pointer
        See Also:
      • CreateBindCtx

        WinNT.HRESULT CreateBindCtx(WinDef.DWORD reserved,
                                    PointerByReference ppbc)
        Returns a pointer to an implementation of IBindCtx (a bind context object). HRESULT CreateBindCtx( [In] DWORD reserved, [Out] LPBC *ppbc );
        reserved - unused
        ppbc - returned pointer
        See Also:
      • CoIsHandlerConnected

        boolean CoIsHandlerConnected(Pointer pUnk)
        Determines whether a remote object is connected to the corresponding in-process object. BOOL CoIsHandlerConnected( [In] LPUNKNOWN pUnk );
        pUnk - object
        whether the object is connected
        See Also:
      • OleInitialize

        WinNT.HRESULT OleInitialize(Pointer pvReserved)
        Initializes the COM library on the current apartment, identifies the concurrency model as single-thread apartment (STA), and enables additional functionality described in the Remarks section below. Applications must initialize the COM library before they can call COM library functions other than CoGetMalloc and memory allocation functions.
        pvReserved - Reserved; must be null.
        S_OK if the COM library and additional functionality were initialized successfully on this apartment.

        S_FALSE if the COM library is already initialized on this apartment.

        OLE_E_WRONGCOMPOBJ if the versions of COMPOBJ.DLL and OLE2.DLL on your machine are incompatible with each other.

        RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE if a previous call to CoInitializeEx specified the concurrency model for this apartment as multithread apartment (MTA). If running Windows 2000, this could also mean that a change from neutral threaded apartment to single threaded apartment occurred.

      • OleUninitialize

        void OleUninitialize()
        Closes the COM library on the apartment, releases any class factories, other COM objects, or servers held by the apartment, disables RPC on the apartment, and frees any resources the apartment maintains. Remarks: Call OleUninitialize on application shutdown, as the last COM library call, if the apartment was initialized with a call to OleInitialize(com.sun.jna.Pointer). OleUninitialize calls the CoUninitialize function internally to shut down the OLE Component Object(COM) Library. If the COM library was initialized on the apartment with a call to CoInitialize or CoInitializeEx, it must be closed with a call to CoUninitialize. The OleInitialize(com.sun.jna.Pointer) and OleUninitialize calls must be balanced — if there are multiple calls to the OleInitialize(com.sun.jna.Pointer) function, there must be the same number of calls to OleUninitialize: Only the OleUninitialize call corresponding to the OleInitialize(com.sun.jna.Pointer) call that actually initialized the library can close it.
      • OleFlushClipboard

        WinNT.HRESULT OleFlushClipboard()
        Carries out the clipboard shutdown sequence. It also releases the IDataObject pointer that was placed on the clipboard by the OleSetClipboard function.
        S_OK on success.

        CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN The Windows OpenClipboard function used within OleFlushClipboard failed.

        CLIPBRD_E_CANT_CLOSE The Windows CloseClipboard function used within OleFlushClipboard failed.


        OleFlushClipboard renders the data from a data object onto the clipboard and releases the IDataObject pointer to the data object. While the application that put the data object on the clipboard is running, the clipboard holds only a pointer to the data object, thus saving memory. If you are writing an application that acts as the source of a clipboard operation, you can call the OleFlushClipboard function when your application is closed, such as when the user exits from your application. Calling OleFlushClipboard enables pasting and paste-linking of OLE objects after application shutdown. Before calling OleFlushClipboard, you can easily determine if your data is still on the clipboard with a call to the OleIsCurrentClipboard function. OleFlushClipboard leaves all formats offered by the data transfer object, including the OLE 1 compatibility formats, on the clipboard so they are available after application shutdown. In addition to OLE 1 compatibility formats, these include all formats offered on a global handle medium (all except for TYMED_FILE) and formatted with a null target device. For example, if a data-source application offers a particular clipboard format (say cfFOO) on an IStorage object, and calls the OleFlushClipboard function, the storage object is copied into memory and the hglobal memory handle is put on the clipboard. To retrieve the information on the clipboard, you can call the OleGetClipboard function from another application, which creates a default data object, and the hglobal from the clipboard again becomes a storage object. Furthermore, the FORMATETC enumerator and the IDataObject::QueryGetData method would all correctly indicate that the original clipboard format (cfFOO) is again available on a TYMED_ISTORAGE. To empty the clipboard, call the OleSetClipboard function specifying a null value for its parameter. The application should call this when it closes if there is no need to leave data on the clipboard after shutdown, or if data will be placed on the clipboard using the standard Windows clipboard functions.

      • OleRun

        WinNT.HRESULT OleRun(Pointer pUnknown)
        Puts an OLE compound document object into the running state.
        pUnknown - [in] Pointer to the IUnknown interface on the object, with which it will query for a pointer to the IRunnableObject interface, and then call its Run method.
        This function returns on success. Other possible values include the following.

        OLE_E_CLASSDIFF The source of an OLE link has been converted to a different class.


        The OleRun function puts an object in the running state. The implementation of OleRun was changed in OLE 2.01 to coincide with the publication of the IRunnableObject interface. You can use OleRun and IRunnableObject::Run interchangeably. OleRun queries the object for a pointer to IRunnableObject. If successful, the function returns the results of calling the IRunnableObject::Run method.

        For more information on using this function, see IRunnableObject::Run.

JNA API 5.12.1

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