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JNA API 5.12.1

Interface Pdh

    • Method Detail

      • PdhConnectMachine

        int PdhConnectMachine(java.lang.String szMachineName)
        Connects to the specified computer.
        szMachineName - The name of the computer to connect to. If null, PDH connects to the local computer.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhGetDllVersion

        int PdhGetDllVersion(WinDef.DWORDByReference lpdwVersion)
        Returns the version of the currently installed Pdh.dll file.
        lpdwVersion - A variable that receives the version of Pdh.dll.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhOpenQuery

        int PdhOpenQuery(java.lang.String szDataSource,
                         BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR dwUserData,
                         WinNT.HANDLEByReference phQuery)
        Creates a new query that is used to manage the collection of performance data.
        szDataSource - The name of the log file from which to retrieve performance data. If null, performance data is collected from a real-time data source.
        dwUserData - User-defined value to associate with this query.
        phQuery - (Out) Handle to the query. You use this handle in subsequent calls.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhCloseQuery

        int PdhCloseQuery(WinNT.HANDLE hQuery)
        Closes all counters contained in the specified query, closes all handles related to the query, and frees all memory associated with the query.
        hQuery - Handle to the query to close.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhMakeCounterPath

        int PdhMakeCounterPath(Pdh.PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS pCounterPathElements,
                               char[] szFullPathBuffer,
                               WinDef.DWORDByReference pcchBufferSize,
                               int dwFlags)
        Creates a full counter path using the members specified in the Pdh.PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS structure.
        pCounterPathElements - Structure that contains the members used to make up the path
        szFullPathBuffer - Caller-allocated buffer that receives a null-terminated counter path. The maximum length of a counter path is PDH_MAX_COUNTER_PATH. Set to null if pcchBufferSize is zero.
        pcchBufferSize - Size of the szFullPathBuffer buffer. If zero on input, the function returns PDH_MORE_DATA and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used.
        dwFlags - Format of the input and output counter values.
        See Also:
      • PdhAddCounter

        int PdhAddCounter(WinNT.HANDLE hQuery,
                          java.lang.String szFullCounterPath,
                          BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR dwUserData,
                          WinNT.HANDLEByReference phCounter)
        Adds the specified counter to the query.
        hQuery - Handle to the query to which you want to add the counter.
        szFullCounterPath - String that contains the counter path. The maximum length of a counter path is PDH_MAX_COUNTER_PATH.
        dwUserData - User-defined value.
        phCounter - (Out) Handle to the counter that was added to the query.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
        PdhAddCounter, Specifying a Counter Path
      • PdhRemoveCounter

        int PdhRemoveCounter(WinNT.HANDLE hCounter)
        Removes a counter from a query.
        hCounter - Handle of the counter to remove from its query.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhValidatePath

        int PdhValidatePath(java.lang.String szFullCounterPath)
        Validates that the counter is present on the computer specified in the counter path.
        szFullCounterPath - The counter path to validate
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhCollectQueryData

        int PdhCollectQueryData(WinNT.HANDLE hQuery)
        Collects the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query and updates the status code of each counter.
        hQuery - Handle to the query
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhCollectQueryDataEx

        int PdhCollectQueryDataEx(WinNT.HANDLE hQuery,
                                  int dwIntervalTime,
                                  WinNT.HANDLE hNewDataEvent)
        Uses a separate thread to collect the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query. The function then signals the application-defined event and waits the specified time interval before returning.
        hQuery - Handle to the query
        dwIntervalTime - Time interval to wait, in seconds.
        hNewDataEvent - Handle to the event that you want PDH to signal after the time interval expires. To create an event object, call the Kernel32.CreateEvent(com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, boolean, boolean, String) function
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhCollectQueryDataWithTime

        int PdhCollectQueryDataWithTime(WinNT.HANDLE hQuery,
                                        WinDef.LONGLONGByReference pllTimeStamp)
        Collects the current raw data value for all counters in the specified query and updates the status code of each counter.
        hQuery - Handle to the query
        pllTimeStamp - Time stamp when the first counter value in the query was retrieved. The time is specified as WinBase.FILETIME.
        ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
        See Also:
      • PdhEnumObjectItems

        int PdhEnumObjectItems(java.lang.String szDataSource,
                               java.lang.String szMachineName,
                               java.lang.String szObjectName,
                               Pointer mszCounterList,
                               WinDef.DWORDByReference pcchCounterListLength,
                               Pointer mszInstanceList,
                               WinDef.DWORDByReference pcchInstanceListLength,
                               int dwDetailLevel,
                               int dwFlags)
        Returns the specified object's counter and instance names that exist on the specified computer or in the specified log file.
        szDataSource - String that specifies the name of the log file used to enumerate the counter and instance names. If NULL, the function uses the computer specified in the szMachineName parameter to enumerate the names.
        szMachineName - String that specifies the name of the computer that contains the counter and instance names that you want to enumerate. Include the leading slashes in the computer name, for example, \\computername. If the szDataSource parameter is NULL, you can set szMachineName to NULL to specify the local computer.
        szObjectName - String that specifies the name of the object whose counter and instance names you want to enumerate.
        mszCounterList - Caller-allocated buffer that receives a list of null-terminated counter names provided by the specified object. The list contains unique counter names. The list is terminated by two NULL characters. Set to NULL if the pcchCounterListLengthparameter is zero.
        pcchCounterListLength - Size of the mszCounterList buffer, in TCHARs. If zero on input and the object exists, the function returns PDH_MORE_DATA and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used. If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer.
        mszInstanceList - Caller-allocated buffer that receives a list of null-terminated instance names provided by the specified object. The list contains unique instance names. The list is terminated by two NULL characters. Set to NULL if pcchInstanceListLength is zero.
        pcchInstanceListLength - Size of the mszInstanceList buffer, in TCHARs. If zero on input and the object exists, the function returns PDH_MORE_DATA and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used. If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer. If the specified object does not support variable instances, then the returned value will be zero. If the specified object does support variable instances, but does not currently have any instances, then the value returned is 2, which is the size of an empty MULTI_SZ list string.
        dwDetailLevel - Detail level of the performance items to return. All items that are of the specified detail level or less will be returned.
        dwFlags - This parameter must be zero.
        If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a system error code or a PDH error code.
        See Also:
      • PdhLookupPerfIndexByName

        int PdhLookupPerfIndexByName(java.lang.String szMachineName,
                                     java.lang.String szNameBuffer,
                                     WinDef.DWORDByReference pdwIndex)
        Returns the counter index corresponding to the specified counter name.
        szMachineName - Null-terminated string that specifies the name of the computer where the specified counter is located. The computer name can be specified by the DNS name or the IP address. If NULL, the function uses the local computer.
        szNameBuffer - Null-terminated string that contains the counter name.
        pdwIndex - Index of the counter.
        If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a system error code or a PDH error code.
        See Also:
      • PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex

        int PdhLookupPerfNameByIndex(java.lang.String szMachineName,
                                     int dwNameIndex,
                                     Pointer szNameBuffer,
                                     WinDef.DWORDByReference pcchNameBufferSize)
        Returns the performance object name or counter name corresponding to the specified index.
        szMachineName - Null-terminated string that specifies the name of the computer where the specified performance object or counter is located. The computer name can be specified by the DNS name or the IP address. If NULL, the function uses the local computer.
        dwNameIndex - Index of the performance object or counter.
        szNameBuffer - Caller-allocated buffer that receives the null-terminated name of the performance object or counter. Set to NULL if pcchNameBufferSize is zero.
        pcchNameBufferSize - Size of the szNameBuffer buffer, in TCHARs. If zero on input, the function returns PDH_MORE_DATA and sets this parameter to the required buffer size. If the buffer is larger than the required size, the function sets this parameter to the actual size of the buffer that was used. If the specified size on input is greater than zero but less than the required size, you should not rely on the returned size to reallocate the buffer.
        If the function succeeds, it returns ERROR_SUCCESS. If the function fails, the return value is a system error code or a PDH error code.
        See Also:
JNA API 5.12.1

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