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JNA API 5.12.1

Class Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE

    • Field Detail

      • dwScope

        public int dwScope
        The scope of the enumeration. This member can be one of the values defined in class NetResourceSope.
      • dwType

        public int dwType
        The type of resource. This member can be one of first 3 values defined in the NetResourceType.
      • dwDisplayType

        public int dwDisplayType
        The display options for the network object in a network browsing user interface. This member can be one of the values defined in the NetResourceDisplayType.
      • dwUsage

        public int dwUsage
        A set of bit flags describing how the resource can be used.
      • lpLocalName

        public java.lang.String lpLocalName
        If the dwScope member is equal to RESOURCE_CONNECTED or RESOURCE_REMEMBERED, this member is a pointer to a null-terminated character string that specifies the name of a local device. This member is NULL if the connection does not use a device.
      • lpRemoteName

        public java.lang.String lpRemoteName
        If the entry is a network resource, this member is a pointer to a null-terminated character string that specifies the remote network name. If the entry is a current or persistent connection, lpRemoteName member points to the network name associated with the name pointed to by the lpLocalName member. The string can be MAX_PATH characters in length, and it must follow the network provider's naming conventions
      • lpComment

        public java.lang.String lpComment
        A pointer to a NULL-terminated string that contains a comment supplied by the network provider.
      • lpProvider

        public java.lang.String lpProvider
        A pointer to a NULL-terminated string that contains the name of the provider that owns the resource. This member can be NULL if the provider name is unknown. To retrieve the provider name, you can call the WNetGetProviderName function.
    • Constructor Detail


        public NETRESOURCE()

        public NETRESOURCE(Pointer address)
JNA API 5.12.1

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