Alle Klassen und Schnittstellen

Ported from AccCtrl.h.
Advapi32.dll Interface.
Advapi32 utility API.
An account.
An iterator for Event Log entries.
An event log record.
Event log types.
Convenience class to enable certain Windows process privileges
Tagging interface to indicate the library or callback uses an alternate calling convention.
Based on basetsd.h (various types)
Unsigned DWORD_PTR.
Signed long type for pointer precision.
The maximum number of bytes to which a pointer can point.
Signed SIZE_T.
Unsigned LONG_PTR.
Provides generic "pointer to type" functionality, often used in C code to return values to the caller in addition to a function result.
All callback definitions must derive from this interface.
Provide argument conversion context for a callback invocation.
Placeholder proxy interface to allow an InvocationHandler to convert arguments/return values on callback methods.
Provides a reference to an association between a native callback closure and a Java Callback closure.
Conversion context from a Java Callback result to a native value.
Author: Denis Tulskiy Date: 7/25/11
Windows Cfgmgr32.
Cfgmgr32 utility API.
Implement ReferenceQueue based cleanup of resources associated with GCed objects.
Helper class to provide basic COM support.
Helper class to provide basic COM support.
Use ComMethod as a replacement
Exception class for all COM related classes.
Exception class for error origination from an COM invoke
Helper class to provide basic COM support.
The Class COMUtils.
The Class COMInfo.
This class is considered internal to the package.
Definition coredll.dll.
Core Foundation is a framework that provides fundamental software services useful to application services, application environments, and to applications themselves.
A reference type used in many Core Foundation parameters and function results.
A reference to an immutable CFArray object.
A reference to a CFBoolean object.
A reference to an immutable CFData object.
A reference to an immutable CFDictionary object.
Placeholder for a reference to a CFDictionary object.
A wrapper for the NativeLong type, used for CoreFoundation.CFNumberRef types, CoreFoundation.CFStringRef lengths, and CoreFoundation.CFArrayRef sizes and indices.
A reference to a mutable CFDictionary object.
A reference to a CFNumber object.
A reference to a CFString object, which “encapsulates” a Unicode string along with its length.
Placeholder for a reference to a CFString object.
A type for unique, constant integer values that identify particular Core Foundation opaque types.
The CFTypeRef type is the base type defined in Core Foundation.
Crypt32.dll Interface.
Crypt32 utility API.
Cryptui.dll Interface.
Based on dbt.h (various types)
Ported from Ddeml.h.
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation.
The following structure is for use with Ddeml.XTYP_WILDCONNECT processing.
Contains information about the current Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) transaction.
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation.
Contains information about the current Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) error.
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) string handle.
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) advise loop.
DdemlUtil defines helper classes, that help with manageing DDE communications.
DdeAdapter implements DdeCallback and allow dynamic registration for mulitple handlers, that can be registered and unregistered at runtime.
DdemlException wraps error codes reported by the DDEML functions as an exception.
The IDdeClient defines functions that wrap a ddeml instance. and are not tied to conversation.
The IDdeConnection defines the functions, that work an a concrete connection/conversation.
The IDdeConnectionList wraps a connectionlist.
StandaloneDdeClient is a convenience class, that wraps a DdeClient and a User32Util.MessageLoopThread.
Provide custom mappings to and from native types.
Holds some general information about a window.
Disk Arbitration is a low-level framework based on Core Foundation.
Type of a reference to DADisk instances.
Type of a reference to DASession instances.
Wrapper class for the IDispatch interface IDispatch.GetTypeInfoCount 12 IDispatch.GetTypeInfo 16 IDispatch.GetIDsOfNames 20 IDispatch.Invoke 24
Indicate that the callback needs to appear to be within a DLL.
Provides simplified drag handling for a component.
Provides simplified drop handling for a component.
Provides a callback for DropHandler to customize drop target feedback.
Ported from DsGetDC.h.
The DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO structure is used with the DsGetDcName function to receive data about a domain controller.
The DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS structure is used with the DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function to contain trust data for a domain.
A port of dxva2.dll
Analyse an ELF file for platform specific attributes.
A TypeConverter that maps an integer enum value to an actual Java enum.
Enumerates the components of a moniker or the monikers in a table of monikers.
Several helper methods to convert integer flag (sets) into enum (sets)
System error codes set in errno and retrieved by Native.getLastError()
Factory is intended as a simpler to use version of ObjectFactory.
POSIX Standard: 6.5 File Control Operations from fcntl.h
Provides notification of file system changes.
Miscellaneous file utils not provided for by Java.
An interface for enum that can be combined to a set based on an integer value
Provides context for converting a native value into a Java type.
Define conversion from a native type to the appropriate Java type.
An abstraction for a native function pointer.
Any argument which implements this interface will have the method called immediately after function invocation.
Provides mapping of Java method names to native function names.
Provide result conversion context for a function call.
Definition (incomplete) of gdi32.dll.
GDI32 utility API.
Provide a ghosted drag image for use during drags where DragSource.isDragImageSupported() returns false.
Definitions for WinOpenGL
Ported from Guid.h.
The Class CLSID.
The Class ByReference.
The Class GUID.
The Class ByReference.
The Class IID.
REFIID is a pointer to an IID.
A conversion of HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.h
Monitor capabilities - retrieved by GetMonitorCapabilities
Describes a monitor's color temperature.
Defines a Reference to the enum
Identifies monitor display technologies.
Defines a Reference to the enum
Specifies whether to set or get a monitor's red, green, or blue drive.
Specifies whether to get or set a monitor's red, green, or blue gain.
Specifies whether to get or set the vertical or horizontal position of a monitor's display area.
Specifies whether to get or set the width or height of a monitor's display area.
Monitor capabilities - retrieved by GetMonitorCapabilities
Wrapper for an EnumVariant Iteration.
Wrapper class for the IDispatch interface IDispatch.GetTypeInfoCount 12 IDispatch.GetTypeInfo 16 IDispatch.GetIDsOfNames 20 IDispatch.Invoke 24
Java friendly version of IDispatch.
Enumerates the components of a moniker or the monikers in a table of monikers.
Provides a method for enumerating a collection of variants, including heterogeneous collections of objects and intrinsic types.
Enables you to use a moniker object, which contains information that uniquely identifies a COM object.
Represents a native integer value, which may have a platform-specific size (e.g.
Provide a method for overriding how a given function is invoked.
The I/O Kit framework implements non-kernel access to I/O Kit objects (drivers and nubs) through the device-interface mechanism.
For an application to communicate with a device, the first thing it must do is create a connection between itself and the in-kernel object representing the device.
An IOKit iterator handle.
IOKitLib implements non-kernel task access to common IOKit object types - IORegistryEntry, IOService, IOIterator etc.
The base class for all objects in the registry.
The base class for most I/O Kit families, devices, and drivers.
Provides utilities for IOKit.
Exception encapsulating IOReturn I/O Kit Error Return Values, defined as kern_return_t values in IOKit/IOReturn.h
Provides the CLSID of an object that can be stored persistently in the system.
Enables the saving and loading of objects that use a simple serial stream for their storage needs.
Windows IP Helper API
The FIXED_INFO structure contains information that is the same across all the interfaces on a computer.
The IP_ADDR_STRING structure represents a node in a linked-list of IPv4 addresses.
The IP_ADDRESS_STRING structure stores an IPv4 address in dotted decimal notation.
The MIB_IF_ROW2 structure stores information about a particular interface.
The MIB_IFROW structure stores information about a particular interface.
Enumerates different possible TCP states.
Contains information that describes an IPv6 TCP connection.
Contains a table of IPv6 TCP connections on the local computer.
Contains information that describes an IPv4 TCP connection.
The MIB_TCPSTATS structure contains statistics for the TCP protocol running on the local computer.
Contains a table of IPv4 TCP connections on the local computer.
Contains information that describes an IPv6 UDP connection.
Contains a table of IPv6 UDP connections on the local computer.
Contains information that describes an IPv6 UDP connection.
The MIB_UDPSTATS structure contains statistics for the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) running on the local computer.
Contains a table of IPv6 UDP connections on the local computer.
Defines the set of values used to indicate the type of table returned by calls to IPHlpAPI.GetExtendedTcpTable(com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference, boolean, int, int, int)
Defines the set of values used to indicate the type of table returned by calls to IPHlpAPI.GetExtendedUdpTable(com.sun.jna.Pointer, com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference, boolean, int, int, int).
IF you want to access the underlying raw (com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IDispatch) object then have your @ComObject or @ComInterface interface extends this interface.
Wrapper class for the IRecordInfo interface.
Manages access to the running object table (ROT), a globally accessible look-up table on each workstation.
Java friendly version of IRunningObjectTable
The IStream interface lets you read and write data to stream objects.
Wrapper class for the ITypeComp interface.
Wrapper class for the ITypeInfo interface.
Wrapper class for the ITypeLib interface.
Wrapper class for the ITypeInfo interface Method NameV-Table Offset IUnknown.QueryInterface0 IUnknown.AddRef4 IUnknown.Release8
Java friendly version of the IUnknown interface.
Marker type for the JNIEnv pointer.
Interface definitions for kernel32.dll.
Kernel32 utility API.
Provide access to the local keyboard state.
Ported from KnownFolders.h.
Kstat2 library.
Opaque kstat handle.
Opaque kstat map handle.
Opaque kstat match list.
Immutable Name/Value pair.
Exception encapsulating Kstat2 Error Return Values, defined as kstat2_status values in kstat2.h
Exception representing a non-zero error code returned in either errno or GetLastError().
LibC structures and functions unique to Linux
libc API
Note: we are using this "intermediate" API in order to allow Linux-like O/S-es to implement the same API, but maybe using a different library name
This is an unsigned integer type used to represent the sizes of objects.
This is a signed integer type used for a count of bytes or an error indication.
Utility class supporting variable-width types in the C Library.
Kstat library.
The kernel maintains a linked list of statistics structures, or kstats.
A kstat control structure.
Interrupt statistics.
IO Statistics.
A list of arbitrary name=value statistics.
Event timer statistics.
Derive from this interface for all native library definitions.
POSIX.1b Realtime Extensions library (librt).
Ported from LMAccess.h.
The GROUP_INFO_0 structure contains the name of a global group in the security database, which is the security accounts manager (SAM) database or, in the case of domain controllers, the Active Directory.
The GROUP_INFO_1 structure contains a global group name and a comment to associate with the group.
The GROUP_INFO_2 structure contains information about a global group, including name, identifier, and resource attributes.
The GROUP_INFO_3 structure contains information about a global group, including name, security identifier (SID), and resource attributes.
The GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structure contains global group member information.
The LOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 structure contains local group member information.
The USER_INFO_0 structure contains a user account name.
The USER_INFO_1 structure contains information about a user account, including account name, password data, privilege level, and the path to the user's home directory.
The USER_INFO_23 structure contains information about a user account, including the account name, the user's full name, a comment associated with the account, and the user's security identifier (SID).
Ported from LMCons.h.
Ported from LMErr.h.
Ported from LMJoin.h.
Status of a workstation.
Ported from LMShare.h.
Contains information about the shared resource, including name of the resource, type and permissions, number of connections, and other pertinent information.
Contains information about the shared resource, including name of the resource, type and permissions, number of connections, and other pertinent information.
Conversion of LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.h
Contains information from a monitor's timing report.
Describes a Virtual Control Panel (VCP) code type.
Defines a Reference to the enum
A Pointer to memory obtained from the native heap via a call to malloc.
Provide result conversion context for a function call that is called via a Library interface.
Definitions for POSIX memory map interface from mman.h
Ported from Winnetwk.h.
Provides access to the w32 MSI installer library.
Provides generation of invocation plumbing for a defined native library interface.
Provides management of native library resources.
Represents the long C data type, which may be 32 or 64 bits on *nix-based systems.
Provide conversion for a Java type to and from a native type.
Provides type conversion for instances of NativeMapped.
Provides a temporary allocation of an immutable C string (const char* or const wchar_t*) for use when converting a Java String into a native memory function argument.
Netapi32.dll Interface.
Contains information about the session, including name of the computer; name of the user; and active and idle times for the session.
Netapi32 Utility API.
A domain controller.
A domain trust relationship.
A group.
A local group.
A user.
ntdll.dll Interface.
NtDll Utility API.
Ported from Ntifs.h Microsoft Windows WDK 10
The REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER structure contains reparse point data for a Microsoft reparse point.
Ported from NTSecApi.h Windows SDK 6.0A.
The LSA_UNICODE_STRING structure is used by various Local Security Authority (LSA) functions to specify a Unicode string.
The LSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION structure contains Local Security Authority forest trust information.
The Interface OaIdl.
The Class DISPID.
The Class ByReference.
Implementation of SAFEARRAY.
Definitions from ObjBase.h
Factory keeps track of COM objects - all objects created with this factory can be disposed by calling ObjectFactory.disposeAll().
Ole32.dll Interface.
Ole32 Utility API.
Oleaut32.dll Interface.
The Class ByReference.
opengl32.dll Interface.
opengl32 utility API.
Windows Performance Data Helper (a.k.a.
Components of a counter path
The data as it was collected from the counter provider.
Information on time intervals as applied to the sampling of performance data.
PDH specific error codes
Pdh utility API.
Holder Object for PdhEnumObjectsItems.
The perfstat API uses the perfstat kernel extension to extract various AIX® performance metrics.
Conversion of PhysicalMonitorEnumerationAPI.h
Contains a handle and text description corresponding to a physical monitor.
Provide simplified platform information.
An abstraction for a native pointer data type.
Represents a reference to a pointer to native data.
Type representing a type-safe native pointer.
Functions used with power management.
Enum which indicates the power information level requested from PowrProf.CallNtPowerInformation(int, com.sun.jna.Pointer, int, com.sun.jna.Pointer, int).
This object acts as the invocation handler for interfaces annotated with ComInterface.
The process status application programming interface (PSAPI) is a helper library that makes it easier for you to obtain information about processes and device drivers.
Psapi utility API.
Rasapi32.dll Interface.
Rasapi32 utility API.
Methods that are useful to decompose a raster into a set of rectangles.
Abstraction of a sink for ranges.
Contains definitions related to the reboot API
Wrapper class for the IRecordInfo interface.
Helper class to invoke default method reflectively.
Definitions related to getrlimit/setrlimit
Secur32.dll Interface.
Specifies a format for a directory service object name.
Secur32 Utility API.
An SSPI package.
The interface for the w32 setup API.
An SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure defines a device interface in a device information set.
An SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure defines a device instance that is a member of a device information set.
Special treatment of shared objects inside AIX archive libraries and 32/64-bit variants preclude loading within the library interfaces.
Shell32.dll Interface.
Shell32 Utility API.
Ported from ShellAPI.h.
Contains information about a system appbar message.
Contains information used by ShellExecuteEx.
Contains information that the SHFileOperation function uses to perform file operations.
Ported from ShlObj.h.
KnownFolder flags as used by SHGetKnownFolderPath, SHGetKnownFolderIDList and others.
Ported from ShTypes.h.
structure for returning strings from IShellFolder member functions
Ported from Sspi.h.
Credentials handle.
Security context handle.
A pointer to a SecHandle
A pointer to an array of SecPkgInfo structures.
The SecBuffer structure describes a buffer allocated by a transport application to pass to a security package.
A ByReference SecBuffer.
The SecBufferDesc structure describes an array of SecBuffer structures to pass from a transport application to a security package.
Security handle.
The SecPkgContext_PackageInfo structure.
A reference pointer to a SecPkgContext_PackageInfo structure.
The SecPkgContext_Sizes structure indicates the sizes of important structures used in the message support functions.
The SecPkgCredentials_Names structure holds the name of the user associated with a context.
The SecPkgInfo structure provides general information about a security package, such as its name and capabilities.
A reference pointer to a SecPkgInfo structure.
A security integer.
A timestamp.
Utility classes and methods for Sspi
The SecBufferDesc structure describes an array of SecBuffer structures to pass from a transport application to a security package.
Tagging interface for __stdcall calling convention.
Provides mapping from simple method names to w32 stdcall-decorated names where the name suffix is "@" followed by the number of bytes popped by the called function.
Interface for w32 stdcall calling convention.
Interface defining a callback using the w32 stdcall calling convention.
Handle native array of char* or wchar_t* type by managing allocation/disposal of native strings within an array of pointers.
Represents a native structure with a Java peer class.
Tagging interface to indicate the address of an instance of the Structure type is to be used within a Structure definition rather than nesting the full Structure contents.
Tagging interface to indicate the value of an instance of the Structure type is to be used in function invocations rather than its address.
This class auto-generates an ffi_type structure appropriate for a given structure for use by libffi.
Used to declare fields order as metadata instead of method.
Avoid using a hash-based implementation since the hash code for a Structure is not immutable.
Provide native to Java type conversion context for a Structure field read.
Provide Java to native type conversion context for a Structure field write.
Interface to define a custom symbol provider.
Return type for getgrgid
Data type as part of IFmsgHdr
Data type as part of IFmsgHdr
Return type for sysctl CTL_NET,PF_ROUTE
Return type for sysctl CTL_NET,PF_ROUTE
Return type for getpwuid
The statfs() routine returns information about a mounted file system.
Time value
Time Zone
Return type for sysctl vm.swapusage
The Class TlbFunction.
The Class TlbBase.
The Class TlbClass.
The Class TlbDispatch.
The Class TlbEnum.
The Class TlbFunction.
The Class TlbFunction.
The Class TlbFunction.
The Class TlbImp.
The Class TlbInterface.
The Class TlbPropertyGet.
The Class TlbPropertyGet.
The Class TlbPropertyPut.
The Class TlbPropertyPut.
Interface for the Tlhelp32.h header file.
Describes an entry from a list of the modules belonging to the specified process.
A representation of a MODULEENTRY32 structure as a reference
Describes an entry from a list of the processes residing in the system address space when a snapshot was taken.
Describes an entry from a list of the threads executing in the system when a snapshot was taken.
Context for converting a Java value to a native one.
Define conversion from a Java type to its corresponding native type.
Wrapper class for the ITypeComp interface.
Convenience interface for bidirectional conversion.
Wrapper class for the ITypeInfo interface.
The Class ITypeInfoUtil.
The Class ContainingTypeLib.
The Class DllEntry.
The Class Invoke.
The Class TypeInfoDoc.
Wrapper class for the ITypeLib interface.
Wrapper class for the class ITypeLibUtil.
The Class FindName.
The Class IsName.
The Class TypeLibDoc.
Provides converters for conversion to and from native types.
libudev.h provides APIs to introspect and enumerate devices on the local system.
All functions require a libudev context to operate.
To introspect a local device on a system, a udev device object can be created via Udev.UdevContext.deviceNewFromSyspath(String) and friends.
To enumerate local devices on the system, an enumeration object can be created via Udev.UdevContext.enumerateNew().
Whenever libudev returns a list of objects, the udev_list_entry API should be used to iterate, access and modify those lists.
Represents a native union.
Wrapper class for the ITypeInfo interface Method Name V-Table Offset IUnknown.QueryInterface 0 IUnknown.AddRef 4 IUnknown.Release 8
Provides access to the w32 user32 library.
Provides convenient usage of functions defined by User32.dll.
Helper class, that runs a windows message loop as a seperate thread.
Class for checking if a method has vararg parameters.
Interface for the VerRsrc.h header file.
Contains version information for a file.
Provides access to the w32 version library.
The following functions can be used to determine the current operating system version or identify whether it is a Windows or Windows Server release.
Reads Windows Version info from files (the version details you can see by right-clicking and choosing properties)
Encapsulates lookup of W32 API UNICODE/ASCII functions.
Provide standard conversion for W32 API types.
Utility class for some common error functions.
Win32 Service wrapper
Win32 Service Manager wrapper
This header is used by Remote Desktop Services.
Used to enumerate Common Information Model (CIM) objects.
Contains and manipulates both WMI class definitions and class object instances.
Optionally used to communicate additional context information to providers when submitting IWbemServices calls to WMI
Used to obtain the initial namespace pointer to the IWbemServices interface for WMI on a specific host computer.
Used by clients and providers to access WMI services.
Utility class providing access to Windows Management Interface (WMI) via COM.
Helper class wrapping information required for a WMI query.
Ported from Wdm.h.
The KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION structure defines a subset of the full information that is available for a registry key.
The KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type represents the type of information to supply about a registry key.
Helper to hold a memory object based on the lifetime of another object.
wevtapi.dll Interface
Wevtapi Utilities Class
Win32 exception.
Windows API Virtual Key codes.
Ported from Winbase.h (kernel32.dll/kernel services).
Contains the time-out parameters for a communications device.
Specifies a type of computer name to be retrieved by the GetComputerNameEx function
Defines the control setting for a serial communications device.
Type is used to handle the bitfield of the DBC structure.
An application-defined callback function used with the EnumResourceNames and EnumResourceNamesEx functions.
An application-defined callback function used with the EnumResourceTypes and EnumResourceTypesEx functions.
An application-defined callback function used with ReadEncryptedFileRaw.
An application-defined callback function used with WriteEncryptedFileRaw.
Receives the requested file attribute information.
Contains the basic information for a file.
Receives extended information for the file.
Indicates whether a file should be deleted.
Contains identification information for a file.
Receives extended information for the file.
The FILETIME structure is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
Represents a thread entry point in another process.
Contains information about the current state of both physical and virtual memory, including extended memory.
The OVERLAPPED structure contains information used in asynchronous (or overlapped) input and output (I/O).
Contains information about a newly created process and its primary thread.
The SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure contains the security descriptor for an object and specifies whether the handle retrieved by specifying this structure is inheritable.
Specifies the window station, desktop, standard handles, and appearance of the main window for a process at creation time.
Contains information about the current computer system.
Unnamed inner structure.
Unnamed inner union.
Specifies a date and time, using individual members for the month, day, year, weekday, hour, minute, second, and millisecond.
Represents a thread entry point local to this process, as a Callback.
Specifies settings for a time zone.
Contains information about the file that is found by the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile function.
Ported from Wincon.h.
COORD structure
INPUT_RECORD structure
SMALL_RECT structure
Ported from WinCrypt.h.
The CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT structure contains an array of simple certificate chains and a trust status structure that indicates summary validity data on all of the connected simple chains.
The CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT structure is a single element in a simple certificate chain.
The CERT_CHAIN_PARA structure establishes the searching and matching criteria to be used in building a certificate chain.
The CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA structure contains information used in CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy to establish policy criteria for the verification of certificate chains.
The CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS structure holds certificate chain status information returned by the CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy function when the certificate chains are validated.
The CERT_CONTEXT structure contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a certificate.
The CERT_EXTENSION structure contains the extension information for a certificate, Certificate Revocation List (CRL) or Certificate Trust List (CTL).
The CERT_EXTENSIONS structure contains an array of extensions.
The CERT_INFO structure contains the information of a certificate.
The CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO structure contains a public key and its algorithm.
Contains information updated by a certificate revocation list (CRL) revocation type handler.
The CERT_REVOCATION_INFO structure indicates the revocation status of a certificate in a CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT.
The CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN structure contains an array of chain elements and a summary trust status for the chain that the array represents.
Contains parameters used to check for strong signatures on certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), online certificate status protocol (OCSP) responses, and PKCS #7 messages.
Contains the signature algorithm/hash algorithm and public key algorithm/bit length pairs that can be used for strong signing.
The CERT_TRUST_LIST_INFO structure that indicates valid usage of a CTL.
The CERT_TRUST_STATUS structure contains trust information about a certificate in a certificate chain, summary trust information about a simple chain of certificates, or summary information about an array of simple chains.
The CERT_USAGE_MATCH structure provides criteria for identifying issuer certificates to be used to build a certificate chain.
The CRL_CONTEXT structure contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a certificate revocation list (CRL).
The CRL_ENTRY structure contains information about a single revoked certificate.
The CRL_INFO structure contains the information of a certificate revocation list (CRL).
The CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER structure specifies an algorithm used to encrypt a private key.
The CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE structure specifies an attribute that has one or more values.
The CRYPT_BIT_BLOB structure contains a set of bits represented by an array of bytes.
The CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO structure contains information about a key container within a cryptographic service provider (CSP).
The CRYPT_KEY_PROV_PARAM structure contains information about a key container parameter.
The CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA structure contains information for signing messages using a specified signing certificate context.
The CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA structure contains information needed to verify signed messages.
The CryptGetSignerCertificateCallback user supplied callback function is used with the CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA structure to get and verify a message signer's certificate.
The CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT structure provides the text of a prompt and information about when and where that prompt is to be displayed when using the CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData functions.
The CTL_CONTEXT structure contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a CTL.
The CTL_ENTRY structure is an element of a certificate trust list (CTL).
The CTL_INFO structure contains the information stored in a Certificate Trust List (CTL).
The CTL_USAGE structure contains an array of object identifiers (OIDs) for Certificate Trust List (CTL) extensions.
The CryptoAPI CRYPTOAPI_BLOB structure is used for an arbitrary array of bytes.
Handle to a certificate chain engine.
Handle to a certificate store.
Handle to a cryptographic message.
Ported from Windef.h (various macros and types).
16-bit unsigned integer.
The Class BOOL.
The Class BOOLByReference.
The Class BYTE.
The Class CHAR.
The Class CHARByReference.
32-bit unsigned integer.
The Class DWORDByReference.
64-bit unsigned integer.
Handle to a bitmap.
Handle to a bitmap.
Handle to a cursor.
Handle to a device context (DC).
Handle to a font.
handle to an OpenGL rendering context
handle to an OpenGL rendering context
Handle to an icon.
Handle to an instance.
Handle to a input locale identifier (formerly called keyboard layout handle).
Handle to a cursor.
Handle to a module.
Handle to a palette.
Handle to a pen.
Handle to a region.
Handle to a resource.
Handle to a window.
Integer type big enough for a pointer.
The Class LCID.
The Class LONG.
The Class LONGByReference.
The Class LONGLONGByReference.
Message parameter.
LPVOID is simply a Windows API typedef for void* - to pointer to any type so to speak.
Signed result of message processing.
The Class POINT.
The Class ByReference.
The Class ByValue.
The Class PVOID.
The Class RECT.
The Class SCODE.
The Class SCODEByReference.
16-bit short.
The Class UCHAR.
32-bit unsigned int.
Unsigned INT_PTR.
The Class UINTByReference.
32-bit unsigned integer.
The Class ULONGByReference.
The Class ULONGLONGByReference.
16-bit unsigned short.
The Class USHORTByReference.
16-bit unsigned integer.
The Class WORDByReference.
Message parameter.
Provides additional features on a Java Window.
Window utilities with differing native implementations.
This can be installed over a JLayeredPane in order to listen for repaint requests.
Error code definitions for the Win32 API functions.
Ported from winevt.h.
Defines the values that specify the type of time stamp to use when logging events channel.
Defines the identifiers that identify the configuration properties of a channel.
Defines the default access permissions to apply to the channel.
Defines the values that specify how a channel is referenced.
Defines the values that determine whether the event includes the security identifier (SID) of the principal that logged the event.
Defines the type of a channel.
Defines the identifiers that identify the metadata properties of an event definition.
Defines the values that determine the query information to retrieve.
Defines values that indicate whether the events come from a channel or log file.
Defines the values that specify the message string from the event to format.
Defines the identifiers that identify the log file metadata properties of a channel or log file.
Defines the types of connection methods you can use to connect to the remote computer.
Defines the values that specify whether to open a channel or exported log file.
Defines the identifiers that identify the metadata properties of a provider.
Defines the values that specify how to return the query results and whether you are query against a channel or log file.
Defines the identifiers that identify the query information that you can retrieve.
Defines the values that specify the type of information to access from the event.
Defines the values that specify what to render.
Contains the information used to connect to a remote computer.
Defines the types of authentication that you can use to authenticate the user when connecting to a remote computer.
Defines the relative position in the result set from which to seek.
Defines the possible values that specify when to start subscribing to events.
Defines the possible types of data that the subscription service can deliver to your callback.
Defines the identifiers that identify the system-specific properties of an event.
Contains event data or property values.
Defines the possible data types of a variant data item.
Ported from WinGDI.h.
The PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR structure describes the pixel format of a drawing surface.
Functions in WinInet.dll
Contains information about an entry in the Internet cache.
A union of the last two distinct fields in INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Reusable functions that use WinInet
Interface for the Winioctl.h header file.
Contains information about a device.
Winioctl Utility API.
Ported from AccCtrl.h.
The NETRESOURCE structure contains information about a network resource.
The REMOTE_NAME_INFO structure contains path and name information for a network resource.
The UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO structure contains a pointer to a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name string for a network resource.
This module defines the 32-Bit Windows types and constants that are defined by NT, but exposed through the Win32 API.
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE and ACCESS_DENIED_ACE have the same structure layout
Contains the granularity of the battery capacity.
Describes the cache attributes.
Describes cache attributes.
The EVENTLOGRECORD structure contains information about an event record returned by the ReadEventLog function.
The FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION structure describes the changes found by the ReadDirectoryChangesW function.
Defines the mapping of generic access rights to specific and standard access rights for an object
Represents a processor group-specific affinity, such as the affinity of a thread.
Represents information about processor groups.
Handle to an object.
Return code used by interfaces.
The IO_COUNTERS structure contains I/O accounting information for a process or a job object.
A 64-bit integer;
A language ID is a 16 bit value which is the combination of a primary language ID and a secondary language ID.
Represents the relationship between the processor set identified in the corresponding WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION or SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION_EX structure.
A 64-bit value that is guaranteed to be unique on the operating system that generated it until the system is restarted.
The LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structure represents a locally unique identifier (LUID) and its attributes.
Represents information about a NUMA node in a processor group.
The OSVERSIONINFO data structure contains operating system version information.
Contains operating system version information.
Defines values that are used to specify system power action types.
Contains information used to set the system power state.
Specifies a set of privileges.
Represents the type of processor cache identifier in the corresponding WinNT.CACHE_DESCRIPTOR structure.
Represents the number and affinity of processors in a processor group.
Contains information about a processor.
Describes the logical processors associated with either a processor core or a processor package.
The SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL enumeration type contains values that specify security impersonation levels.
The SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES structure represents a security identifier (SID) and its attributes.
The SID_NAME_USE enumeration type contains values that specify the type of a security identifier (SID).
Contains information about the current state of the system battery.
Describes the relationship between the specified processor set.
Contains information about the relationships of logical processors and related hardware.
Contains information about the power capabilities of the system.
Contains information about the idleness of the system.
Contains information about system battery drain policy settings.
Contains information about the current system power policy.
Defines values that are used to specify system power states.
The TOKEN_ELEVATION structure indicates whether a token has elevated privileges.
The TOKEN_GROUPS structure contains information about the group security identifiers (SIDs) in an access token.
The TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration type contains values that specify the type of information being assigned to or retrieved from an access token.
The TOKEN_OWNER structure contains the default owner security identifier (SID) that will be applied to newly created objects.
The TOKEN_PRIMARY_GROUP structure specifies a group security identifier (SID) for an access token.
The TOKEN_PRIVILEGES structure contains information about a set of privileges for an access token.
The TOKEN_TYPE enumeration type contains values that differentiate between a primary token and an impersonation token.
The TOKEN_USER structure identifies the user associated with an access token.
Represents information associated with a WinNT.LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP enum value which has not yet been mapped.
The WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE enumeration type is a list of commonly used security identifiers (SIDs).
Various performance counters structures and definitions
Describes the block of memory that contains the raw performance counter data for an object's counters.
Describes a performance counter.
Describes the performance data block that you queried
Describes an instance of a performance object
Describes object-specific performance information, for example, the number of instances of the object and the number of counters that the object defines.
Definitions for RASAPI32
The RAS_STATS structure stores the statistics for a single-link RAS connection, or for one of the links in a multilink RAS connection.
The RASCONN structure provides information about a remote access connection.
The RASCONNSTATUS structure describes the current status of a remote access connection.
The RASCREDENTIALS structure is used with the RasGetCredentials and RasSetCredentials functions to specify the user credentials associated with a RAS phone-book entry.
The RASDEVSPECIFICINFO structure is used to send a cookie for server validation and bypass point-to-point (PPP) authentication.
The RASDIALEXTENSIONS structure contains information about extended features of the RasDial function.
The asynchronous dial calback interface
The RASDIALPARAMS structure contains parameters that are used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection.
The RASEAPINFO structure contains user-specific Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) information.
The RASENTRY structure describes a phone-book entry.
The RASIPADDR structure contains an IP address of the form "a.b.c.d".
This RASTUNNELENDPOINT structure is used to define the end-point of a virtual private network (VPN) tunnel.
This RASTUNNELENDPOINT structure is used to define the end-point of a virtual private network (VPN) tunnel.
The RASPPPIP structure contains the result of a PPP IP projection operation.
This RASTUNNELENDPOINT structure is used to define the end-point of a virtual private network (VPN) tunnel.
This module contains the function prototypes and constant, type and structure definitions for the Windows 32-Bit Registry API.
Ported from Winspool.h.
The JOB_INFO_1 structure specifies print-job information such as the job-identifier value, the name of the printer for which the job is spooled, the name of the machine that created the print job, the name of the user that owns the print job, and so on.
The PRINTER_DEFAULTS structure specifies the default data type, environment, initialization data, and access rights for a printer.
A union of data information based on the Type and Field members of Winspool.PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA
A struct containing non-numeric notification data - conditional content of a Winspool.NOTIFY_DATA union.
The PRINTER_INFO_1 structure specifies general printer information.
The PRINTER_INFO_2 structure specifies detailed printer information.
The PRINTER_INFO_4 structure specifies general printer information.
The PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO structure contains printer information returned by the FindNextPrinterChangeNotification function.
The PRINTER_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA structure identifies a job or printer information field and provides the current data for that field.
The PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS structure specifies options for a change notification object that monitors a printer or print server.
The PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS_TYPE structure specifies the set of printer or job information fields to be monitored by a printer change notification object.
Winspool Utility API.
This module defines the 32-Bit Windows types and constants that are defined by NT, but exposed through the Win32 API.
Contains the name of a service in a service control manager database and information about that service.
Contains the name of a service in a service control manager database and information about the service.
An application-defined callback function used with the RegisterServiceCtrlHandler function.
An application-defined callback function used with the RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx function.
Represents an action that the service control manager can perform.
The SC_STATUS_TYPE enumeration type contains values
Contains a service description.
Represents the action the service controller should take on each failure of a service.
Contains the failure actions flag setting of a service.
The entry point for a service.
Contains status information for a service.
Contains process status information for a service.
Specifies the ServiceMain function for a service that can run in the calling process.
Ported from WinUser.h Microsoft Windows SDK 6.0A.
Contains data to be passed to another application by the WM_COPYDATA message.
Defines the message parameters passed to a WH_CALLWNDPROC hook procedure, CallWndProc.
Contains information about a simulated message generated by an input device other than a keyboard or mouse.
Each physical display is represented by a monitor handle of type HMONITOR.
Used by SendInput to store information for synthesizing input events such as keystrokes, mouse movement, and mouse clicks.
Contains information about a simulated keyboard event.
Contains the time of the last input.
The MONITORINFO structure contains information about a display monitor.
The MONITORINFOEX structure contains information about a display monitor.
Contains information about a simulated mouse event.
Contains information about a raw input device.
Specifies the width and height of a rectangle.
Contains information about the placement of a window on the screen.
An application-defined function that processes messages sent to a window.
An application-defined callback (or hook) function that the system calls in response to events generated by an accessible object.
The hook function processes the event notifications as required.
Clients install the hook function and request specific types of event notifications by calling SetWinEventHook.
The WINEVENTPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function.
Contains window class information.
The Class ByReference.
Simple wrapper class to identify a wide string argument or return type.
Contains the client network address of a Remote Desktop Services session.
Specifies the connection state of a Remote Desktop Services session.
Contains extended information about a process running on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
Contains information about a client session on a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
Contains information about a Remote Desktop Services session.
Constant defined in WTypes.h
BSTR wrapper.
Definition (incomplete) of the X library.
Definition of the Xevie library.
Definition (incomplete) of the Xext library.
This event is the standard event for all newer extensions.
The modifiermap member of the XModifierKeymap structure contains 8 sets of max_keypermod KeyCodes, one for each modifier in the order Shift, Lock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, and Mod5.
Definition (incomplete) of the Xrender library.
Definition of the XTest library.
JNA wrapper for <sys/xattr.h>
Utility functions class for handling file extended attributes on Linux.