Schnittstelle Crypt32

Alle Superschnittstellen:
AltCallingConvention, Library, StdCall, StdCallLibrary

public interface Crypt32 extends StdCallLibrary
Crypt32.dll Interface.
  • Felddetails


      static final Crypt32 INSTANCE
  • Methodendetails

    • CryptProtectData

      boolean CryptProtectData(WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pDataIn, String szDataDescr, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pOptionalEntropy, Pointer pvReserved, WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pDataOut)
      The CryptProtectData function performs encryption on the data in a DATA_BLOB structure. Typically, only a user with the same logon credential as the encrypter can decrypt the data. In addition, the encryption and decryption usually must be done on the same computer.
      pDataIn - Pointer to a DATA_BLOB structure that contains the plaintext to be encrypted.
      szDataDescr - String with a readable description of the data to be encrypted. This description string is included with the encrypted data. This parameter is optional and can be set to NULL, except on Windows 2000.
      pOptionalEntropy - Pointer to a DATA_BLOB structure that contains a password or other additional entropy used to encrypt the data. The DATA_BLOB structure used in the encryption phase must also be used in the decryption phase. This parameter can be set to NULL for no additional entropy.
      pvReserved - Reserved for future use and must be set to NULL.
      pPromptStruct - Pointer to a CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT structure that provides information about where and when prompts are to be displayed and what the content of those prompts should be. This parameter can be set to NULL in both the encryption and decryption phases.
      pDataOut - Pointer to a DATA_BLOB structure that receives the encrypted data. When you have finished using the DATA_BLOB structure, free its pbData member by calling the LocalFree function.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns TRUE. If the function fails, it returns FALSE. For extended error information, call GetLastError.
    • CryptUnprotectData

      boolean CryptUnprotectData(WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pDataIn, PointerByReference szDataDescr, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pOptionalEntropy, Pointer pvReserved, WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pDataOut)
      The CryptUnprotectData function decrypts and does an integrity check of the data in a DATA_BLOB structure. Usually, only a user with the same logon credentials as the encrypter can decrypt the data. In addition, the encryption and decryption must be done on the same computer.
      pDataIn - Pointer to a DATA_BLOB structure that holds the encrypted data. The DATA_BLOB structure's cbData member holds the length of the pbData member's byte string that contains the text to be encrypted.
      szDataDescr - Pointer to a string-readable description of the encrypted data included with the encrypted data. This parameter can be set to NULL. When you have finished using ppszDataDescr, free it by calling the LocalFree function.
      pOptionalEntropy - Pointer to a DATA_BLOB structure that contains a password or other additional entropy used when the data was encrypted. This parameter can be set to NULL; however, if an optional entropy DATA_BLOB structure was used in the encryption phase, that same DATA_BLOB structure must be used for the decryption phase.
      pvReserved - Reserved for future use; must be set to NULL.
      pPromptStruct - Pointer to a CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT structure that provides information about where and when prompts are to be displayed and what the content of those prompts should be. This parameter can be set to NULL.
      dwFlags - DWORD value that specifies options for this function. This parameter can be zero, in which case no option is set, or CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN.
      pDataOut - Pointer to a DATA_BLOB structure where the function stores the decrypted data. When you have finished using the DATA_BLOB structure, free its pbData member by calling the LocalFree function.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is FALSE.
    • CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore

      boolean CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore(String szCertStoreName, Pointer pbCertEncoded, int cbCertEncoded)
      The CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore function opens the specified system store and adds the encoded certificate to it.
      szCertStoreName - A null-terminated string that contains the name of the system store for the encoded certificate.
      pbCertEncoded - A pointer to a buffer that contains the encoded certificate to add.
      cbCertEncoded - The size, in bytes, of the pbCertEncoded buffer.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
      If the function fails, the return value is FALSE.
      CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore depends on the functions listed in the following remarks for error handling.
      Refer to those function topics for their respective error handling behaviors.
      For extended error information, call GetLastError.
      Siehe auch:
    • CertOpenStore

      WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE CertOpenStore(WinCrypt.CertStoreProviderName lpszStoreProvider, int dwEncodingType, WinCrypt.HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY hCryptProv, int dwFlags, Pointer pvPara)
      The CertOpenStore function opens a certificate store by using a specified store provider type
      lpszStoreProvider - A pointer to a null-terminated ANSI string that contains the store provider type.
      dwEncodingType - Specifies the certificate encoding type and message encoding type. Encoding is used only when the dwSaveAs parameter of the CertSaveStore function contains CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_PKCS7. Otherwise, the dwMsgAndCertEncodingType parameter is not used.
      hCryptProv - This parameter is not used and should be set to NULL.
      dwFlags - These values consist of high-word and low-word values combined by using a bitwise-OR operation. See CERT_STORE_*_FLAG and CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_* constants.
      pvPara - Additional information for this function. The contents of this parameter depends on the value of the lpszStoreProvider and other parameters.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns a handle to the certificate store. When you have finished using the store, release the handle by calling the CertCloseStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE, int) function. If the function fails, it returns NULL. For extended error information, call Native.getLastError().
      Siehe auch:
    • CertOpenStore

      WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE CertOpenStore(WinCrypt.CertStoreProviderName lpszStoreProvider, int dwEncodingType, WinCrypt.HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY hCryptProv, int dwFlags, WTypes.LPWSTR pvPara)
      The CertOpenStore function opens a certificate store by using a specified store provider type
      lpszStoreProvider - A pointer to a null-terminated ANSI string that contains the store provider type.
      dwEncodingType - Specifies the certificate encoding type and message encoding type. Encoding is used only when the dwSaveAs parameter of the CertSaveStore function contains CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS_PKCS7. Otherwise, the dwMsgAndCertEncodingType parameter is not used.
      hCryptProv - This parameter is not used and should be set to NULL.
      dwFlags - These values consist of high-word and low-word values combined by using a bitwise-OR operation. See CERT_STORE_*_FLAG and CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_* constants.
      pvPara - Additional information for this function in WTypes.LPWSTR form. The contents of this parameter depends on the value of the lpszStoreProvider and other parameters.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns a handle to the certificate store. When you have finished using the store, release the handle by calling the CertCloseStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE, int) function. If the function fails, it returns NULL. For extended error information, call Native.getLastError().
      Siehe auch:
    • CertOpenSystemStore

      WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE CertOpenSystemStore(Pointer hprov, String szSubsystemProtocol)
      The CertOpenSystemStore function is a simplified function that opens the most common system certificate store. To open certificate stores with more complex requirements, such as file-based or memory-based stores, use CertOpenStore(CertStoreProviderName, int, HCRYPTPROV_LEGACY, int, Pointer).
      hprov - This parameter is not used and should be set to NULL.
      szSubsystemProtocol - A string that names a system store. If the system store name provided in this parameter is not the name of an existing system store, a new system store will be created and used. CertEnumSystemStore can be used to list the names of existing system stores. Some example system stores are listed in the following table.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns a handle to the certificate store. If the function fails, it returns NULL. For extended error information, call Native.getLastError()
      Siehe auch:
    • CryptSignMessage

      boolean CryptSignMessage(WinCrypt.CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA pSignPara, boolean fDetachedSignature, int cToBeSigned, Pointer[] rgpbToBeSigned, int[] rgcbToBeSigned, Pointer pbSignedBlob, IntByReference pcbSignedBlob)
      The CryptSignMessage function creates a hash of the specified content, signs the hash, and then encodes both the original message content and the signed hash.
      pSignPara - A pointer to CRYPT_SIGN_MESSAGE_PARA structure containing the signature parameters.
      fDetachedSignature - TRUE if this is to be a detached signature. Otherwise, FALSE. If this parameter is set to TRUE, only the signed hash is encoded in pbSignedBlob. Otherwise, both rgpbToBeSigned and the signed hash are encoded.
      cToBeSigned - Count of the number of array elements in rgpbToBeSigned and rgpbToBeSigned. This parameter must be set to one unless fDetachedSignature is set to TRUE.
      rgpbToBeSigned - Array of pointers to buffers that contain the contents to be signed.
      rgcbToBeSigned - Array of sizes, in bytes, of the content buffers pointed to in rgpbToBeSigned.
      pbSignedBlob - A pointer to a buffer to receive the encoded signed hash, if fDetachedSignature is TRUE, or to both the encoded content and signed hash if fDetachedSignature is FALSE.
      pcbSignedBlob - A pointer to a DWORD specifying the size, in bytes, of the pbSignedBlob buffer. When the function returns, this variable contains the size, in bytes, of the signed and encoded message.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero (TRUE). If the function fails, the return value is zero (FALSE).
    • CryptVerifyMessageSignature

      boolean CryptVerifyMessageSignature(WinCrypt.CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA pVerifyPara, int signerIndex, Pointer pbSignedBlob, int cbSignedBlob, Pointer pbDecoded, IntByReference pcbDecoded, PointerByReference ppSignerCert)
      The CryptVerifyMessageSignature function verifies a signed message's signature. This function should not be used to verify the signature of a detached message. You should use the CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature function to verify the signature of a detached message.
      pVerifyPara - A pointer to a CRYPT_VERIFY_MESSAGE_PARA structure that contains verification parameters.
      signerIndex - The index of the de sired signature. There can be more than one signature. CryptVerifyMessageSignature can be called repeatedly, incrementing dwSignerIndex each time.

      Set this pa rameter to zero for the first signer, or if there is only one signer. If the function returns FALSE, and GetLastError returns CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER, the previous call processed the last signer of the message.

      pbSignedBlob - A pointer to a buffe r that contains the signed message.
      cbSignedBlob - The size, in bytes, of the signed message buffer.
      pbDecoded - * A pointer to a buffer to receive the decoded message.

      This parameter can be NULL if the decoded message is not needed for additional processing or to set the size of the message for memory allocation purposes. For more information, see Retrieving Data of Unknown Length.

      pcbDecoded - A pointer to a DWO RD value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the pbDecoded buffer. When the function returns, this DWORD contains the size, in bytes, of the decoded message. The decoded message will not be returned if this parameter is NULL.
      ppSignerCert - The address of a CER T_CONTEXT structure pointer that receives the certificate of the signer. When you have finished using this structure, free it by passing this pointer to the CertFreeCertificateContext function. This parameter can be NULL if the signer's certificate is not needed.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. This does not necessarily mean that the signature was verified. In the case of a detached message, the variable pointe d to by pcbDecoded will contain zero. In this case, this funct ion will return nonzero, but the signature is not verified . To verify the signature of a detached message, use the CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature function.

      If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero. This does not necessarily mean that the signature was verified. In the case of a detached message, the variable pointed to by pcbDecoded will contain zero. In this case, this function will return nonzero, but the signature is not verified. To verify the signature of a detached message, use t he CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature function.

    • CertGetCertificateChain

      boolean CertGetCertificateChain(WinCrypt.HCERTCHAINENGINE hChainEngine, WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT pCertContext, WinBase.FILETIME pTime, WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE hAdditionalStore, WinCrypt.CERT_CHAIN_PARA pChainPara, int dwFlags, Pointer pvReserved, PointerByReference ppChainContext)
      The CertGetCertificateChain function builds a certificate chain context starting from an end certificate and going back, if possible, to a trusted root certificate.
      hChainEngine - A handle of the chain engine (namespace and cache) to be used. If hChainEngine is NULL, the default chain engine, HCCE_CURRENT_USER, is used. This parameter can be set to HCCE_LOCAL_MACHINE.
      pCertContext - A pointer to the CERT_CONTEXT of the end certificate, the certificate for which a chain is being built. This certificate context will be the zero-index element in the first simple chain.
      pTime - A pointer to a FILETIME variable that indicates the time for which the chain is to be validated. Note that the time does not affect trust list, revocation, or root store checking. The current system time is used if NULL is passed to this parameter. Trust in a particular certificate being a trusted root is based on the current state of the root store and not the state of the root store at a time passed in by this parameter. For revocation, a certificate revocation list (CRL), itself, must be valid at the current time. The value of this parameter is used to determine whether a certificate listed in a CRL has been revoked.
      hAdditionalStore - A handle to any additional store to search for supporting certificates and certificate trust lists (CTLs). This parameter can be NULL if no additional store is to be searched.
      pChainPara - A pointer to a CERT_CHAIN_PARA structure that includes chain-building parameters.
      dwFlags - Flag values that indicate special processing. This parameter can be a combination of one or more of the following flags.
      pvReserved - This parameter is reserved and must be NULL.
      ppChainContext - The address of a pointer to the chain context created. When you have finished using the chain context, release the chain by calling the CertFreeCertificateChain function.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero (TRUE). If the function fails, it returns zero (FALSE).
    • CertFreeCertificateContext

      boolean CertFreeCertificateContext(WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT pCertContext)
      The CertFreeCertificateContext function frees a certificate context by decrementing its reference count. When the reference count goes to zero, CertFreeCertificateContext frees the memory used by a certificate context.
      pCertContext - A pointer to the CERT_CONTEXT to be freed.
      Gibt zurück:
      The function always returns nonzero.
    • CertFreeCertificateChain

      void CertFreeCertificateChain(WinCrypt.CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext)
      The CertFreeCertificateChain function frees a certificate chain by reducing its reference count. If the reference count becomes zero, memory allocated for the chain is released.

      To free a context obtained by a get, duplicate, or create function, call the appropriate free function. To free a context obtained by a find or enumerate function, either pass it in as the previous context parameter to a subsequent invocation of the function, or call the appropriate free function. For more information, see the reference topic for the function that obtains the context.

      pChainContext - A pointer to a CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT certificate chain context to be freed. If the reference count on the context reaches zero, the storage allocated for the context is freed.
    • CertCloseStore

      boolean CertCloseStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE hCertStore, int dwFlags)
      The CertCloseStore function closes a certificate store handle and reduces the reference count on the store. There needs to be a corresponding call to CertCloseStore for each successful call to the CertOpenStore or CertDuplicateStore functions.
      hCertStore - Handle of the certificate store to be closed.
      dwFlags - Typically, this parameter uses the default value zero. The default is to close the store with memory remaining allocated for contexts that have not been freed. In this case, no check is made to determine whether memory for contexts remains allocated.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE. If the function fails, the return value is FALSE.
    • CertNameToStr

      int CertNameToStr(int dwCertEncodingType, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pName, int dwStrType, Pointer psz, int csz)
      The CertNameToStr function converts an encoded name in a CERT_NAME_BLOB structure to a character string.
      dwCertEncodingType - The certificate encoding type that was used to encode the name. The message encoding type identifier, contained in the high WORD of this value, is ignored by this function.
      pName - A pointer to the CERT_NAME_BLOB structure to be converted.
      dwStrType - This parameter specifies the format of the output string. This parameter also specifies other options for the contents of the string.
      psz - A pointer to a character buffer that receives the returned string. The size of this buffer is specified in the csz parameter.
      csz - The size, in characters, of the psz buffer. The size must include the terminating null character.
      Gibt zurück:
      Returns the number of characters converted, including the terminating null character. If psz is NULL or csz is zero, returns the required size of the destination string.
    • CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy

      boolean CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy(WTypes.LPSTR pszPolicyOID, WinCrypt.CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext, WinCrypt.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA pPolicyPara, WinCrypt.CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS pPolicyStatus)
      The CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy function checks a certificate chain to verify its validity, including its compliance with any specified validity policy criteria.
      pszPolicyOID - Current predefined verify chain policy structures are listed in the following table.
      pChainContext - A pointer to a CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT structure that contains a chain to be verified.
      pPolicyPara - A pointer to a CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_PARA structure that provides the policy verification criteria for the chain. The dwFlags member of that structure can be set to change the default policy checking behavior.
      pPolicyStatus - A pointer to a CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_STATUS structure where status information on the chain is returned. OID-specific extra status can be returned in the pvExtraPolicyStatus member of this structure.
      Gibt zurück:
      The return value indicates whether the function was able to check for the policy, it does not indicate whether the policy check failed or passed. If the chain can be verified for the specified policy, TRUE is returned and the dwError member of the pPolicyStatus is updated. A dwError of 0 (ERROR_SUCCESS or S_OK) indicates the chain satisfies the specified policy. If the chain cannot be validated, the return value is TRUE and you need to verify the pPolicyStatus parameter for the actual error. A value of FALSE indicates that the function wasn't able to check for the policy.
    • CertFindCertificateInStore

      WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT.ByReference CertFindCertificateInStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE hCertStore, int dwCertEncodingType, int dwFindFlags, int dwFindType, Pointer pvFindPara, WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT pPrevCertContext)
      The CertFindCertificateInStore function finds the first or next certificate context in a certificate store that matches a search criteria established by the dwFindType and its associated pvFindPara. This function can be used in a loop to find all of the certificates in a certificate store that match the specified find criteria.
      hCertStore - A handle of the certificate store to be searched.
      dwCertEncodingType - Specifies the type of encoding used. Both the certificate and message encoding types must be specified by combining them with a bitwise-OR.
      dwFindFlags - Used with some dwFindType values to modify the search criteria. For most dwFindType values, dwFindFlags is not used and should be set to zero.
      dwFindType - Specifies the type of search being made. The search type determines the data type, contents, and the use of pvFindPara.
      pvFindPara - Points to a data item or structure used with dwFindType.
      pPrevCertContext - A pointer to the last CERT_CONTEXT structure returned by this function. This parameter must be NULL on the first call of the function. To find successive certificates meeting the search criteria, set pPrevCertContext to the pointer returned by the previous call to the function. This function frees the CERT_CONTEXT referenced by non-NULL values of this parameter.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns a pointer to a read-only CERT_CONTEXT structure. If the function fails and a certificate that matches the search criteria is not found, the return value is NULL. A non-NULL CERT_CONTEXT that CertFindCertificateInStore returns must be freed by CertFreeCertificateContext or by being passed as the pPrevCertContext parameter on a subsequent call to CertFindCertificateInStore.
    • PFXImportCertStore

      WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE PFXImportCertStore(WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB pPFX, WTypes.LPWSTR szPassword, int dwFlags)
      The PFXImportCertStore function imports a PFX BLOB and returns the handle of a store that contains certificates and any associated private keys.
      pPFX - A pointer to a CRYPT_DATA_BLOB structure that contains a PFX packet with the exported and encrypted certificates and keys.
      szPassword - A string password used to decrypt and verify the PFX packet. Whether set to a string of length greater than zero or set to an empty string or to NULL, this value must be exactly the same as the value that was used to encrypt the packet.

      Beginning with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, if the PFX packet was created in the PFXExportCertStoreEx function by using the PKCS12_PROTECT_TO_DOMAIN_SIDS flag, the PFXImportCertStore function attempts to decrypt the password by using the Active Directory (AD) principal that was used to encrypt it. The AD principal is specified in the pvPara parameter. If the szPassword parameter in the PFXExportCertStoreEx function was an empty string or NULL and the dwFlags parameter was set to PKCS12_PROTECT_TO_DOMAIN_SIDS, that function randomly generated a password and encrypted it to the AD principal specified in the pvPara parameter. In that case you should set the password to the value, empty string or NULL, that was used when the PFX packet was created. The PFXImportCertStore function will use the AD principal to decrypt the random password, and the randomly generated password will be used to decrypt the PFX certificate.

      When you have finished using the password, clear it from memory by calling the SecureZeroMemory function. For more information about protecting passwords, see Handling Passwords.

      dwFlags - This parameter can be one of the following values.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns a handle to a certificate store that contains the imported certificates, including available private keys.

      If the function fails, that is, if the password parameter does not contain an exact match with the password used to encrypt the exported packet or if there were any other problems decoding the PFX BLOB, the function returns NULL, and an error code can be found by calling the GetLastError function.

      Siehe auch:
    • CertEnumCertificatesInStore

      WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT.ByReference CertEnumCertificatesInStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE hCertStore, Pointer pPrevCertContext)
      The CertEnumCertificatesInStore function retrieves the first or next certificate in a certificate store. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all certificates in a certificate store.
      hCertStore - A handle of a certificate store.
      pPrevCertContext - A pointer to the WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT of the previous certificate context found.

      This parameter must be NULL to begin the enumeration and get the first certificate in the store. Successive certificates are enumerated by setting pPrevCertContext to the pointer returned by a previous call to the function. This function frees the WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT referenced by non-NULL values of this parameter.

      For logical stores, including collection stores, a duplicate of the pCertContext returned by this function cannot be used to begin a new subsequence of enumerations because the duplicated certificate loses the initial enumeration state. The enumeration skips any certificate previously deleted by CertDeleteCertificateFromStore.

      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns a pointer to the next WinCrypt.CERT_CONTEXT in the store. If no more certificates exist in the store, the function returns NULL.

      For extended error information, call GetLastError. Some possible error codes follow.

      E_INVALIDARGThe handle in the hCertStore parameter is not the same as that in the certificate context pointed to by pPrevCertContext.
      CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUNDNo certificates were found. This happens if the store is empty or if the function reached the end of the store's list.
      ERROR_NO_MORE_FILESApplies to external stores. No certificates were found. This happens if the store is empty or if the function reached the end of the store's list.
      Siehe auch:
    • CertEnumCTLsInStore

      WinCrypt.CTL_CONTEXT.ByReference CertEnumCTLsInStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE hCertStore, Pointer pPrevCtlContext)
      The CertEnumCTLsInStore function retrieves the first or next certificate trust list (CTL) context in a certificate store. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all CTL contexts in a certificate store.
      hCertStore - A handle of a certificate store.
      pPrevCtlContext - A pointer to the previous WinCrypt.CTL_CONTEXT structure found. It must be NULL to get the first CTL in the store. Successive CTLs are enumerated by setting pPrevCtlContext to the pointer returned by a previous call. This function frees the WinCrypt.CTL_CONTEXT referenced by non-NULL values of this parameter. The enumeration skips any CTLs previously deleted by CertDeleteCTLFromStore.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to a read-only CTL_CONTEXT.

      If the function fails and a CTL is not found, the return value is NULL. For extended error information, call GetLastError.

      E_INVALIDARGThe handle in the hCertStore parameter is not the same as that in the CTL context pointed to by the pPrevCtlContext parameter.
      CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUNDEither no CTLs exist in the store, or the function reached the end of the store's list.
      Siehe auch:
    • CertEnumCRLsInStore

      WinCrypt.CRL_CONTEXT.ByReference CertEnumCRLsInStore(WinCrypt.HCERTSTORE hCertStore, Pointer pPrevCrlContext)
      The CertEnumCRLsInStore function retrieves the first or next certificate revocation list (CRL) context in a certificate store. Used in a loop, this function can retrieve in sequence all CRL contexts in a certificate store. store.
      hCertStore - A handle of a certificate store.
      pPrevCrlContext - A pointer to the previous WinCrypt.CRL_CONTEXT structure found. The code pPrevCrlContext parameter must be NULL to get the first CRL in the store. Successive CRLs are enumerated by setting pPrevCrlContext to the pointer returned by a previous call to the function. This function frees the CRL_CONTEXT referenced by non-NULL values of this parameter. The enumeration skips any CRLs previously deleted by CertDeleteCRLFromStore.
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the next WinCrypt.CRL_CONTEXT in the store.

      NULL is returned if the function fails. For extended error information, call GetLastError. Some possible error codes follow.

      E_INVALIDARGThe handle in the {code hCertStore} parameter is not the same as that in the certificate context pointed to by pPrevCrlContext.
      CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUNDNo CRL was found. This happens if the store is empty or the end of the store's list is reached.
      Siehe auch:
    • CryptQueryObject

      boolean CryptQueryObject(int dwObjectType, Pointer pvObject, int dwExpectedContentTypeFlags, int dwExpectedFormatTypeFlags, int dwFlags, IntByReference pdwMsgAndCertEncodingType, IntByReference pdwContentType, IntByReference pdwFormatType, PointerByReference phCertStore, PointerByReference phMsg, PointerByReference ppvContext)
      The CryptQueryObject function retrieves information about the contents of a cryptography API object, such as a certificate, a certificate revocation list, or a certificate trust list. The object can either reside in a structure in memory or be contained in a file.
      dwObjectType -
      pvObject -
      dwExpectedContentTypeFlags -
      dwExpectedFormatTypeFlags -
      dwFlags -
      pdwMsgAndCertEncodingType -
      pdwContentType -
      pdwFormatType -
      phCertStore -
      phMsg -
      ppvContext -
      Gibt zurück:
      If the function succeeds, the function returns nonzero.

      If the function fails, it returns zero. For extended error information, call GetLastError.

      Siehe auch: