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JNA API 5.5.0

Interface IPHlpAPI

    • Method Detail

      • GetIfEntry

        int GetIfEntry(IPHlpAPI.MIB_IFROW pIfRow)
        The GetIfEntry function retrieves information for the specified interface on the local computer. The dwIndex member in the MIB_IFROW structure pointed to by the pIfRow parameter must be initialized to a valid network interface index retrieved by a previous call to the GetIfTable, GetIfTable2, or GetIfTable2Ex function. The GetIfEntry function will fail if the dwIndex member of the MIB_IFROW pointed to by the pIfRow parameter does not match an existing interface index on the local computer.
        pIfRow - A pointer to a MIB_IFROW structure that, on successful return, receives information for an interface on the local computer. On input, set the dwIndex member of MIB_IFROW to the index of the interface for which to retrieve information.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.
      • GetIfEntry2

        int GetIfEntry2(IPHlpAPI.MIB_IF_ROW2 pIfRow2)
        The GetIfEntry2 function retrieves information for the specified interface on the local computer. On input, at least one of the following members in the MIB_IF_ROW2 structure passed in the Row parameter must be initialized: InterfaceLuid or InterfaceIndex. The fields are used in the order listed above. So if the InterfaceLuid is specified, then this member is used to determine the interface. If no value was set for the InterfaceLuid member (the value of this member was set to zero), then the InterfaceIndex member is next used to determine the interface. On output, the remaining fields of the MIB_IF_ROW2 structure pointed to by the Row parameter are filled in.
        pIfRow2 - A pointer to a MIB_IF_ROW2 structure that, on successful return, receives information for an interface on the local computer. On input, the InterfaceLuid or the InterfaceIndex member of the MIB_IF_ROW2 must be set to the interface for which to retrieve information.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is NO_ERROR.
      • GetNetworkParams

        int GetNetworkParams(Pointer pFixedInfo,
                             IntByReference pOutBufLen)
        The GetNetworkParams function retrieves network parameters for the local computer.
        pFixedInfo - A pointer to a buffer that contains a FIXED_INFO structure that receives the network parameters for the local computer, if the function was successful. This buffer must be allocated by the caller prior to calling the GetNetworkParams function.
        pOutBufLen - A pointer to a ULONG variable that specifies the size of the FIXED_INFO structure. If this size is insufficient to hold the information, GetNetworkParams fills in this variable with the required size, and returns an error code of ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
        If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
JNA API 5.5.0

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