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JNA API 5.6.0

Class Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W
    extends Structure
    Describes an entry from a list of the modules belonging to the specified process.
    See Also:
    • Field Detail

      • dwSize

        public WinDef.DWORD dwSize
        The size of the structure, in bytes. Before calling the Module32First function, set this member to sizeof(MODULEENTRY32). If you do not initialize dwSize, Module32First fails.
      • th32ModuleID

        public WinDef.DWORD th32ModuleID
        This member is no longer used, and is always set to one.
      • th32ProcessID

        public WinDef.DWORD th32ProcessID
        The identifier of the process whose modules are to be examined.
      • GlblcntUsage

        public WinDef.DWORD GlblcntUsage
        The load count of the module, which is not generally meaningful, and usually equal to 0xFFFF.
      • ProccntUsage

        public WinDef.DWORD ProccntUsage
        The load count of the module (same as GlblcntUsage), which is not generally meaningful, and usually equal to 0xFFFF.
      • modBaseAddr

        public Pointer modBaseAddr
        The base address of the module in the context of the owning process.
      • modBaseSize

        public WinDef.DWORD modBaseSize
        The size of the module, in bytes.
      • hModule

        public WinDef.HMODULE hModule
        A handle to the module in the context of the owning process.
      • szModule

        public char[] szModule
        The module name.
      • szExePath

        public char[] szExePath
        The module path.
    • Constructor Detail


        public MODULEENTRY32W()

        public MODULEENTRY32W(Pointer memory)
    • Method Detail

      • szModule

        public java.lang.String szModule()
        The module name.
      • szExePath

        public java.lang.String szExePath()
        The module path.
JNA API 5.6.0

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