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JNA API 5.6.0

Class WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA
    extends Structure
    Contains information about the file that is found by the FindFirstFile, FindFirstFileEx, or FindNextFile function.
    • Field Detail

      • dwFileAttributes

        public int dwFileAttributes
        The file attributes of a file. For possible values and their descriptions, see File Attribute Constants. The FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE attribute on the file is set if any of the streams of the file have ever been sparse.
      • ftCreationTime

        public WinBase.FILETIME ftCreationTime
        A FILETIME structure that specifies when a file or directory was created. If the underlying file system does not support creation time, this member is zero.
      • ftLastAccessTime

        public WinBase.FILETIME ftLastAccessTime
        A FILETIME structure. For a file, the structure specifies when the file was last read from, written to, or for executable files, run. For a directory, the structure specifies when the directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support last access time, this member is zero. On the FAT file system, the specified date for both files and directories is correct, but the time of day is always set to midnight.
      • ftLastWriteTime

        public WinBase.FILETIME ftLastWriteTime
        A FILETIME structure. For a file, the structure specifies when the file was last written to, truncated, or overwritten, for example, when WriteFile or SetEndOfFile are used. The date and time are not updated when file attributes or security descriptors are changed. For a directory, the structure specifies when the directory is created. If the underlying file system does not support last write time, this member is zero.
      • nFileSizeHigh

        public int nFileSizeHigh
        The high-order DWORD value of the file size, in bytes. This value is zero unless the file size is greater than MAXDWORD. The size of the file is equal to (nFileSizeHigh * (MAXDWORD+1)) + nFileSizeLow.
      • nFileSizeLow

        public int nFileSizeLow
        The low-order DWORD value of the file size, in bytes.
      • dwReserved0

        public int dwReserved0
        If the dwFileAttributes member includes the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT attribute, this member specifies the reparse point tag. Otherwise, this value is undefined and should not be used. For more information see Reparse Point Tags. IO_REPARSE_TAG_CSV (0x80000009) IO_REPARSE_TAG_DEDUP (0x80000013) IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFS (0x8000000A) IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFSR (0x80000012) IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM (0xC0000004) IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM2 (0x80000006) IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT (0xA0000003) IO_REPARSE_TAG_NFS (0x80000014) IO_REPARSE_TAG_SIS (0x80000007) IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK (0xA000000C) IO_REPARSE_TAG_WIM (0x80000008)
      • dwReserved1

        public int dwReserved1
        Reserved for future use.
      • cFileName

        public char[] cFileName
        The name of the file. NOTE: When written from Native memory, this will be a null terminated string. Any characters after the null terminator are random memory. Use function getFileName to get a String with the name.
      • cAlternateFileName

        public char[] cAlternateFileName
        An alternative name for the file. This name is in the classic 8.3 file name format. NOTE: When written from Native memory, this will be a null terminated string. Any characters after the null terminator are random memory. Use function getAlternateFileName to get a String with the alternate name.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WIN32_FIND_DATA

        public WIN32_FIND_DATA()
      • WIN32_FIND_DATA

        public WIN32_FIND_DATA(Pointer memory)
      • WIN32_FIND_DATA

        public WIN32_FIND_DATA(int dwFileAttributes,
                               WinBase.FILETIME ftCreationTime,
                               WinBase.FILETIME ftLastAccessTime,
                               WinBase.FILETIME ftLastWriteTime,
                               int nFileSizeHigh,
                               int nFileSizeLow,
                               int dwReserved0,
                               int dwReserved1,
                               char[] cFileName,
                               char[] cAlternateFileName)
    • Method Detail

      • sizeOf

        public static int sizeOf()
      • getFileName

        public java.lang.String getFileName()
        String containing the file name
      • getAlternateFileName

        public java.lang.String getAlternateFileName()
        String containing the alternate file name
JNA API 5.6.0

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