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JNA API 5.6.0


  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class WinRas.RASENTRY
    extends Structure
    The RASENTRY structure describes a phone-book entry. The RasSetEntryProperties and RasGetEntryProperties functions use this structure to set and retrieve the properties of a phone-book entry.
    • Field Detail

      • dwSize

        public int dwSize
        Specifies the size, in bytes, of the RASENTRY structure. Before calling RasSetEntryProperties or RasGetEntryProperties, set dwSize to sizeof(RASENTRY) to identify the version of the structure.
      • dwfOptions

        public int dwfOptions
        A set of bit flags that specify connection options. Set one or more of the following flags.
      • dwCountryID

        public int dwCountryID
        Specifies the TAPI country/region identifier. Use the RasGetCountryInfo function to enumerate country/region identifiers. This member is ignored unless the dwfOptions member specifies the RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes flag.
      • dwCountryCode

        public int dwCountryCode
        Specifies the country/region code portion of the phone number. The country/region code must correspond to the country/region identifier specified by dwCountryID. If dwCountryCode is zero, the country/region code is based on the country/region identifier specified by dwCountryID. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes flag.
      • szAreaCode

        public char[] szAreaCode
        Specifies the area code as a null-terminated string. If the dialing location does not have an area code, specify an empty string (""). Do not include parentheses or other delimiters in the area code string. For example, "206" is a valid area code; "(206)" is not. This member is ignored unless the dwfOptions member specifies the RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes flag.
      • szLocalPhoneNumber

        public char[] szLocalPhoneNumber
        Specifies a null-terminated device-type specific destination string. The following table describes the contents of the szLocalPhoneNumber member for various device types.
      • dwAlternateOffset

        public int dwAlternateOffset
        Specifies the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the structure to a list of consecutive null-terminated strings. The last string is terminated by two consecutive null characters. The strings are alternate phone numbers that RAS dials in the order listed if the primary number (see szLocalPhoneNumber) fails to connect. The alternate phone number strings are ANSI or Unicode, depending on whether you use the ANSI or Unicode version of the structure.
      • ipaddr

        public WinRas.RASIPADDR ipaddr
        Specifies the IP address to be used while this connection is active. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_SpecificIpAddr flag.
      • ipaddrDns

        public WinRas.RASIPADDR ipaddrDns
        Specifies the IP address of the DNS server to be used while this connection is active. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_SpecificNameServers flag.
      • ipaddrDnsAlt

        public WinRas.RASIPADDR ipaddrDnsAlt
        Specifies the IP address of a secondary or backup DNS server to be used while this connection is active. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_SpecificNameServers flag.
      • ipaddrWins

        public WinRas.RASIPADDR ipaddrWins
        Specifies the IP address of the WINS server to be used while this connection is active. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_SpecificNameServers flag.
      • ipaddrWinsAlt

        public WinRas.RASIPADDR ipaddrWinsAlt
        Specifies the IP address of a secondary WINS server to be used while this connection is active. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_SpecificNameServers flag.
      • dwFrameSize

        public int dwFrameSize
        Specifies the IP address of a secondary WINS server to be used while this connection is active. This member is ignored unless dwfOptions specifies the RASEO_SpecificNameServers flag.
      • dwfNetProtocols

        public int dwfNetProtocols
        Specifies the network protocols to negotiate. This member can be a combination of the following flags.
      • dwFramingProtocol

        public int dwFramingProtocol
        Specifies the framing protocol used by the server. PPP is the emerging standard. SLIP is used mainly in UNIX environments. This member can be one of the following flags.
      • szScript

        public char[] szScript
        Specifies a null-terminated string that contains the name of the script file. The file name should be a full path. This field is only used for analog dial-up connections.
      • szAutodialDll

        public char[] szAutodialDll
        Windows 2000 or later: This member is no longer supported. The szCustomDialDll member of the RASENTRY structure specifies the path to the custom-dial DLL. For more information on custom dialers, see RAS Custom Dialers.
      • szAutodialFunc

        public char[] szAutodialFunc
        Windows 2000 or later: This member is no longer supported. See RAS Custom Dialers for more information on custom dialers.
      • szDeviceType

        public char[] szDeviceType
        Specifies a null-terminated string that indicates the RAS device type referenced by szDeviceName. This member can be one of the following string constants.
      • szDeviceName

        public char[] szDeviceName
        Contains a null-terminated string that contains the name of a TAPI device to use with this phone-book entry, for example, "XYZ Corp 28800 External". To enumerate all available RAS-capable devices, use the RasEnumDevices function.
      • szX25PadType

        public char[] szX25PadType
        Contains a null-terminated string that identifies the X.25 PAD type. Set this member to "" unless the entry should dial using an X.25 PAD. The szX25PadType string maps to a section name in PAD.INF.
      • szX25Address

        public char[] szX25Address
        Contains a null-terminated string that identifies the X.25 address to which to connect . Set this member to "" unless the entry should dial using an X.25 PAD or native X.25 device.
      • szX25Facilities

        public char[] szX25Facilities
        Contains a null-terminated string that specifies the facilities to request from the X.25 host at connection. This member is ignored if szX25Address is an empty string ("").
      • szX25UserData

        public char[] szX25UserData
        Contains a null-terminated string that specifies additional connection information supplied to the X.25 host at connection. This member is ignored if szX25Address is an empty string ("").
      • dwChannels

        public int dwChannels
        Reserved for future use
      • dwReserved1

        public int dwReserved1
        Reserved. Must be zero.
      • dwReserved2

        public int dwReserved2
        Reserved. Must be zero.
      • dwSubEntries

        public int dwSubEntries
        Specifies the number of multilink subentries associated with this entry. When calling RasSetEntryProperties, set this member to zero. To add subentries to a phone-book entry, use the RasSetSubEntryProperties function.
      • dwDialMode

        public int dwDialMode
        Specifies whether RAS should dial all of this entry's multilink subentries when the entry is first connected. This member can be one of the following values.
      • dwDialExtraPercent

        public int dwDialExtraPercent
        Specifies a percent of the total bandwidth available from the currently connected subentries. RAS dials an additional subentry when the total bandwidth used exceeds dwDialExtraPercent percent of the available bandwidth for at least dwDialExtraSampleSeconds seconds.
      • dwDialExtraSampleSeconds

        public int dwDialExtraSampleSeconds
        Specifies the number of seconds that current bandwidth usage must exceed the threshold specified by dwDialExtraPercent before RAS dials an additional subentry.
      • dwHangUpExtraPercent

        public int dwHangUpExtraPercent
        Specifies a percent of the total bandwidth available from the currently connected subentries. RAS terminates (hangs up) an existing subentry connection when total bandwidth used is less than dwHangUpExtraPercent percent of the available bandwidth for at least dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds seconds.
      • dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds

        public int dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds
        Specifies the number of seconds that current bandwidth usage must be less than the threshold specified by dwHangUpExtraPercent before RAS terminates an existing subentry connection.
      • dwIdleDisconnectSeconds

        public int dwIdleDisconnectSeconds
        Specifies the number of seconds after which the connection is terminated due to inactivity. Note that unless the idle time out is disabled, the entire connection is terminated if the connection is idle for the specified interval. This member can specify a number of seconds, or one of the following values.
      • dwType

        public int dwType
        The type of phone-book entry. This member can be one of the following types.
      • dwEncryptionType

        public int dwEncryptionType
        The type of encryption to use with the connection. The encryption is either provided by IPSec (for L2TP/IPSec connections) or by Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE). This member can be one of the following values.
      • dwCustomAuthKey

        public int dwCustomAuthKey
        This member is used for Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP). This member contains the authentication key provided to the EAP vendor.
      • guidId

        public Guid.GUID guidId
        The GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) that represents this phone-book entry. This member is read-only.
      • szCustomDialDll

        public char[] szCustomDialDll
        A null-terminated string that contains the full path and file name for the dynamic link library (DLL) that implements the custom-dialing functions. This DLL should export Unicode versions of functions named RasCustomDial, RasCustomHangup, RasCustomEntryDlg, and RasCustomDialDlg. These functions should have prototypes RasCustomDialFn and RasCustomHangUpFn as defined in Ras.h, and RasCustomDialDlgFn and RasCustomEntryDlgFn as defined in Rasdlg.h.
      • dwVpnStrategy

        public int dwVpnStrategy
        The VPN strategy to use when dialing a VPN connection. This member can have one of the following values.
      • dwfOptions2

        public int dwfOptions2
        A set of bits that specify connection options. This member is a continuation of the bits specified in the dwfOptions member. Set one or more of the following bit flags.
      • dwfOptions3

        public int dwfOptions3
        This parameter is reserved for future use.
      • szDnsSuffix

        public char[] szDnsSuffix
        Pointer to a string that specifies the Domain Name Service (DNS) suffix for the connection. This string can be Unicode depending on the version of the structure you are using.
      • dwTcpWindowSize

        public int dwTcpWindowSize
        Specifies the TCP window size for all TCP sessions that run over this connection. Setting this value can increase the throughput of high-latency devices such as cellular phones.
      • szPrerequisitePbk

        public char[] szPrerequisitePbk
        Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the full path and file name of a phone-book (PBK) file. This phone-book file contains the entry specified by the szPrerequisiteEntry member. This member is used only for VPN connections.
      • szPrerequisiteEntry

        public char[] szPrerequisiteEntry
        Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies a phone-book entry. This entry should exist in the phone-book file specified by the szPrerequisitePbk member. The szPrerequisteEntry member specifies an entry that RAS dials prior to establishing the connection specified by this RASENTRY structure. This member is used only for VPN connections.
      • dwRedialCount

        public int dwRedialCount
        Specifies the number of times RAS attempts to redial a connection.
      • dwRedialPause

        public int dwRedialPause
        Specifies the number of seconds to wait between redial attempts.
      • ipv6addrDns

        public WinRas.RASIPV6ADDR ipv6addrDns
        Contains the IPv6 address of the preferred DNS. A RASIPV6ADDR type is identical to a in6_addr structure.
      • ipv6addrDnsAlt

        public WinRas.RASIPV6ADDR ipv6addrDnsAlt
        Contains the IPv6 address of the alternate DNS. A RASIPV6ADDR type is identical to a in6_addr structure.
      • dwIPv4InterfaceMetric

        public int dwIPv4InterfaceMetric
        Sets the metric of the IPv4 stack for this interface.
      • dwIPv6InterfaceMetric

        public int dwIPv6InterfaceMetric
        Sets the metric of the IPv6 stack for this interface.
      • ipv6addr

        public WinRas.RASIPV6ADDR ipv6addr
        Specifies the client's IPv6 address negotiated by the server and the client.
      • dwIPv6PrefixLength

        public int dwIPv6PrefixLength
        The length of the IPv6 address prefix in ipv6addr.
      • dwNetworkOutageTime

        public int dwNetworkOutageTime
        Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that IKEv2 packets will be retransmitted without a response before the connection is considered lost. Increase this value to support connection persistence during network outages.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RASENTRY

        public RASENTRY()
      • RASENTRY

        public RASENTRY(Pointer memory)
JNA API 5.6.0

Copyright © 2007-2018 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.