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JNA API 5.6.0


  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class Winsvc.SERVICE_DESCRIPTION
    extends Winsvc.ChangeServiceConfig2Info
    Contains a service description.

    The description of the service. If this member is NULL, the description remains unchanged. If this value is an empty string (""), the current description is deleted.

    The service description must not exceed the size of a registry value of type REG_SZ.

    This member can specify a localized string using the following format:


    The string with identifier strID is loaded from dllname; the path is optional. For more information, see RegLoadMUIString.

    Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: Localized strings are not supported until Windows Vista.

    • Field Detail

      • lpDescription

        public java.lang.String lpDescription
    • Constructor Detail


        public SERVICE_DESCRIPTION()
JNA API 5.6.0

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