JNA API 4.1.0

Class Kernel32Util

    • Constructor Detail

      • Kernel32Util

        public Kernel32Util()
    • Method Detail

      • getComputerName

        public static java.lang.String getComputerName()
        Get current computer NetBIOS name.
        Netbios name.
      • formatMessage

        public static java.lang.String formatMessage(WinNT.HRESULT code)
        Format a message from an HRESULT.
        code - HRESULT
        Formatted message.
      • formatMessageFromLastErrorCode

        public static java.lang.String formatMessageFromLastErrorCode(int code)
        Format a system message from an error code.
        code - Error code, typically a result of GetLastError.
        Formatted message.
      • getTempPath

        public static java.lang.String getTempPath()
        Return the path designated for temporary files.
      • deleteFile

        public static void deleteFile(java.lang.String filename)
      • getLogicalDriveStrings

        public static java.lang.String[] getLogicalDriveStrings()
        Returns valid drives in the system.
        An array of valid drives.
      • getFileAttributes

        public static int getFileAttributes(java.lang.String fileName)
        Retrieves file system attributes for a specified file or directory.
        fileName - The name of the file or directory.
        The attributes of the specified file or directory.
      • getFileType

        public static int getFileType(java.lang.String fileName)
                               throws java.io.FileNotFoundException
        Retrieves the result of GetFileType, provided the file exists.
      • getDriveType

        public static int getDriveType(java.lang.String rootName)
        One of the WinBase.DRIVE_* constants.
      • getEnvironmentVariable

        public static java.lang.String getEnvironmentVariable(java.lang.String name)
        Get the value of an environment variable.
        name - Name of the environment variable.
        Value of an environment variable.
      • getPrivateProfileInt

        public static final int getPrivateProfileInt(java.lang.String appName,
                               java.lang.String keyName,
                               int defaultValue,
                               java.lang.String fileName)
        Retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file.
        appName - The name of the section in the initialization file.
        keyName - The name of the key whose value is to be retrieved. This value is in the form of a string; the Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileInt(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String) function converts the string into an integer and returns the integer.
        defaultValue - The default value to return if the key name cannot be found in the initialization file.
        fileName - The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the Windows directory.
        The retrieved integer, or the default if not found.
      • getPrivateProfileString

        public static final java.lang.String getPrivateProfileString(java.lang.String lpAppName,
                                               java.lang.String lpKeyName,
                                               java.lang.String lpDefault,
                                               java.lang.String lpFileName)
        Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file.
        lpAppName - The name of the section containing the key name. If this parameter is null, the Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileString(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, char[], com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD, java.lang.String) function copies all section names in the file to the supplied buffer.
        lpKeyName - The name of the key whose associated string is to be retrieved. If this parameter is null, all key names in the section specified by the lpAppName parameter are returned.
        lpDefault - A default string. If the lpKeyName key cannot be found in the initialization file, Kernel32.GetPrivateProfileString(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, char[], com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD, java.lang.String) returns the default. If this parameter is null, the default is an empty string, "".

        Avoid specifying a default string with trailing blank characters. The function inserts a null character in the lpReturnedString buffer to strip any trailing blanks.

        lpFileName - The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the Windows directory.

        If neither lpAppName nor lpKeyName is null and the destination buffer is too small to hold the requested string, the string is truncated.

        If either lpAppName or lpKeyName is null and the destination buffer is too small to hold all the strings, the last string is truncated and followed by two null characters.

        In the event the initialization file specified by lpFileName is not found, or contains invalid values, this function will set errorno with a value of '0x2' (File Not Found). To retrieve extended error information, call Kernel32.GetLastError().

      • writePrivateProfileString

        public static final void writePrivateProfileString(java.lang.String appName,
                                     java.lang.String keyName,
                                     java.lang.String string,
                                     java.lang.String fileName)
      • getLogicalProcessorInformation

        public static final WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION[] getLogicalProcessorInformation()
        Convenience method to get the processor information. Takes care of auto-growing the array.
        the array of processor information.
      • getPrivateProfileSection

        public static final java.lang.String[] getPrivateProfileSection(java.lang.String appName,
                                                  java.lang.String fileName)
        Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file.

        Each string has the following format: key=string.

        This operation is atomic; no updates to the specified initialization file are allowed while this method is executed.

        appName - The name of the section in the initialization file.
        fileName - The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the Windows directory.
        The key name and value pairs associated with the named section.
      • getPrivateProfileSectionNames

        public static final java.lang.String[] getPrivateProfileSectionNames(java.lang.String fileName)
        Retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file.

        This operation is atomic; no updates to the initialization file are allowed while this method is executed.

        fileName - The name of the initialization file. If this parameter is NULL, the function searches the Win.ini file. If this parameter does not contain a full path to the file, the system searches for the file in the Windows directory.
        the section names associated with the named file.
      • writePrivateProfileSection

        public static final void writePrivateProfileSection(java.lang.String appName,
                                      java.lang.String[] strings,
                                      java.lang.String fileName)
        appName - The name of the section in which data is written. This section name is typically the name of the calling application.
        strings - The new key names and associated values that are to be written to the named section. Each entry must be of the form key=value.
        fileName - The name of the initialization file. If this parameter does not contain a full path for the file, the function searches the Windows directory for the file. If the file does not exist and lpFileName does not contain a full path, the function creates the file in the Windows directory.
JNA API 4.1.0

Copyright © 2007-2014 Timothy Wall. All Rights Reserved.