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JNA API 4.2.1

Class RasterRangesUtils

  • public class RasterRangesUtils
    extends Object
    Methods that are useful to decompose a raster into a set of rectangles. An occupied pixel has two possible meanings, depending on the raster :
    • if the raster has an alpha layer, occupied means with alpha not null
    • if the raster doesn't have any alpha layer, occupied means not completely black
    Olivier Chafik
    • Constructor Detail

      • RasterRangesUtils

        public RasterRangesUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • outputOccupiedRanges

        public static boolean outputOccupiedRanges(Raster raster,
                                                   RasterRangesUtils.RangesOutput out)
        Outputs ranges of occupied pixels. In a raster that has an alpha layer, a pixel is occupied if its alpha value is not null. In a raster without alpha layer, a pixel is occupied if it is not completely black.
        raster - image to be segmented in non black or non-transparent ranges
        out - destination of the non null ranges
        true if the output succeeded, false otherwise
      • outputOccupiedRangesOfBinaryPixels

        public static boolean outputOccupiedRangesOfBinaryPixels(byte[] binaryBits,
                                                                 int w,
                                                                 int h,
                                                                 RasterRangesUtils.RangesOutput out)
        Output the non-null values of a binary image as ranges of contiguous values.
        binaryBits - byte-packed binary bits of an image
        w - width of the image (in pixels)
        h - height of the image
        out -
        true if the output succeeded, false otherwise
      • outputOccupiedRanges

        public static boolean outputOccupiedRanges(int[] pixels,
                                                   int w,
                                                   int h,
                                                   int occupationMask,
                                                   RasterRangesUtils.RangesOutput out)
        Output the occupied values of an integer-pixels image as ranges of contiguous values. A pixel is considered occupied if the bitwise AND of its integer value with the provided occupationMask is not null.
        pixels - integer values of the pixels of an image
        w - width of the image (in pixels)
        h - height of the image
        occupationMask - mask used to select which bits are used in a pixel to check its occupied status. 0xff000000 would only take the alpha layer into account, for instance.
        out - where to output all the contiguous ranges of non occupied pixels
        true if the output succeeded, false otherwise
JNA API 4.2.1

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