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JNA API 4.4.0

Interface DdemlUtil.WildconnectHandler

  • Enclosing class:

    public static interface DdemlUtil.WildconnectHandler
    • Method Detail

      • onWildconnect

        List<Ddeml.HSZPAIR> onWildconnect(int transactionType,
                                          Ddeml.HSZ topic,
                                          Ddeml.HSZ service,
                                          Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT convcontext,
                                          boolean sameInstance)
        Enables a client to establish a conversation on each of the server's service name and topic name pairs that match the specified service name and topic name. A Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server callback function, DdeCallback, receives this transaction when a client specifies a NULL service name, a NULL topic name, or both in a call to the DdeConnect or DdeConnectList function.
        transactionType - uType - The transaction type.
        topic - A handle to the topic name. If this parameter is NULL, the client is requesting a conversation on all topic names that the server supports.
        service - A handle to the service name. If this parameter is NULL, the client is requesting a conversation on all service names that the server supports.
        convcontext - dwData1 - CONVCONTEXT structure that contains context information for the conversation. If the client is not a DDEML application, this parameter is NULL.
        sameInstance - dwData2 - Specifies whether the client is the same application instance as the server.
        the supported HSZPAIRs (do not include the terminating pair needed be the DdeCallback!)
JNA API 4.4.0

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