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JNA API 4.4.0
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abandonTransaction(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
abandonTransaction(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Abandons the specified asynchronous transaction and releases all resources associated with the transaction.
abandonTransactions() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
abandonTransactions() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
abandonTransactions() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Abandons all asynchronous transaction and releases all resources associated with the transaction.
abandonTransactions() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Abandons all transactions of this conversation and releases all resources associated with the transaction.
abandonTransactions() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
ABE_BOTTOM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Bottom edge.
ABE_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Left edge.
ABE_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Right edge.
ABE_TOP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Top edge.
ABM_ACTIVATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the Windows taskbar.
ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Notifies the system to activate or deactivate an appbar.
ABM_GETSTATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Sets the size and screen position of an appbar.
ABM_GETTASKBARPOS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Retrieves the autohide and always-on-top states of the Windows taskbar.
ABM_NEW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Appbar message value to send.
ABM_QUERYPOS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Unregisters an appbar, removing the bar from the system's internal list.
ABM_REMOVE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Registers a new appbar and specifies the message identifier that the system should use to send notification messages to the appbar.
ABM_SETAUTOHIDEBAR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Retrieves the handle to the autohide appbar associated with a particular edge of the screen.
ABM_SETPOS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Requests a size and screen position for an appbar.
ABM_SETSTATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Notifies the system when an appbar's position has changed.
ABM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI
Registers or unregisters an autohide appbar for an edge of the screen.
Above - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
above - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureEvent
above - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureRequestEvent
AbstractComEventCallbackListener - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util
AbstractComEventCallbackListener() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.AbstractComEventCallbackListener
AC_SRC_ALPHA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
AC_SRC_NO_ALPHA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
AC_SRC_NO_PREMULT_ALPHA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
AC_SRC_OVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
AccCtrl - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ported from AccCtrl.h.
AccCtrl() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.AccCtrl
AccCtrl.SE_OBJECT_TYPE - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The SE_OBJECT_TYPE enumeration contains values that correspond to the types of Windows objects that support security.
acceptOrReject(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Accept or reject the drag represented by the given event.
AcceptSecurityContext(Sspi.CredHandle, Sspi.CtxtHandle, Sspi.SecBufferDesc, int, int, Sspi.CtxtHandle, Sspi.SecBufferDesc, IntByReference, Sspi.TimeStamp) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Secur32
The AcceptSecurityContext function enables the server component of a transport application to establish a security context between the server and a remote client.
ACCESS_ACEStructure() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_ACEStructure
ACCESS_ACEStructure(int, byte, byte, WinNT.PSID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_ACEStructure
ACCESS_ACEStructure(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_ACEStructure
ACCESS_ALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE(int, byte, WinNT.PSID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE
ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_ALLOWED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_ALLOWED_COMPOUND_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_ALLOWED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_ATRIB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_CREATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_DELETE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_DENIED_ACE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_DENIED_ACE
ACCESS_DENIED_ACE(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_DENIED_ACE
ACCESS_DENIED_ACE(int, byte, WinNT.PSID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACCESS_DENIED_ACE
ACCESS_DENIED_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_DENIED_CALLBACK_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_EXEC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_GROUP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_NONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_PERM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_READ - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACCESS_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LMAccess
AccessCheck(Pointer, WinNT.HANDLE, WinDef.DWORD, WinNT.GENERIC_MAPPING, WinNT.PRIVILEGE_SET, WinDef.DWORDByReference, WinDef.DWORDByReference, WinDef.BOOLByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Check if the if the security descriptor grants access to the given client token.
accessCheck(File, Advapi32Util.AccessCheckPermission) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Checks if the current process has the given permission for the file.
accessData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
accessData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
An application must call the DdeUnaccessData function when it has finished accessing the data in the object.
accessData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
accessData() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
Lock array and retrieve pointer to data
Account() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.Account
accountType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.Account
Account type, one of SID_NAME_USE.
ACE_HEADER() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACE_HEADER
ACE_HEADER(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACE_HEADER
AceCount - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL
AceFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACEStructure
AceSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACEStructure
ACEStructure() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACEStructure
ACEStructure(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACEStructure
ACEStructure(byte, byte, short, WinNT.PSID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACEStructure
AceType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACEStructure
ACL() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL
ACL(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL
ACL(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL
ACL_REVISION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACL_REVISION1 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACL_REVISION2 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACL_REVISION3 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACL_REVISION4 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ACL_REVISION_DS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
AclRevision - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL
AclSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.ACL
AcquireCredentialsHandle(String, String, int, WinNT.LUID, Pointer, Pointer, Pointer, Sspi.CredHandle, Sspi.TimeStamp) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Secur32
The AcquireCredentialsHandle function acquires a handle to preexisting credentials of a security principal.
Action - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION
actionString(int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
active_count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics
active_count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics64
add(Structure) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructureSet
AddAccessAllowedAce(WinNT.ACL, int, int, WinNT.PSID) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The AddAce function adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
AddAccessAllowedAceEx(WinNT.ACL, int, int, int, WinNT.PSID) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The AddAce function adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
AddAce(WinNT.ACL, int, int, Pointer, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The AddAce function adds one or more access control entries (ACEs) to a specified access control list (ACL).
addData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, Pointer, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
addData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, Pointer, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Adds data to the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object.
addData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, Pointer, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
addFileListener(FileMonitor.FileListener) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.FileMonitor
addFromNativeConverter(Class<?>, FromNativeConverter) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
Add a FromNativeConverter to convert a native result type into the given Java type.
additional - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Additional data (the path and URLs mentioned previously, and more)
addNotify() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.NativeWindowUtils.TransparentContentPane
addNotify() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.RepaintTrigger
addr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASIPADDR
addr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASIPV4ADDR
A value that determines endpoint type
addr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASIPV6ADDR
A value that determines endpoint type
AddRef() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMEarlyBindingObject
AddRef() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IEnumIDList
Increments the reference count for an interface on an object.
AddRef() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IShellFolder
Increments the reference count for an interface on an object.
AddRef() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IUnknown
AddRef() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Unknown
AddRef() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
AddRefCallback - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.DispatchVTable
AddRefCallback - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.UnknownVTable
address - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
Specifies the address of the discovered domain controller.
AddressOfMember(OaIdl.MEMBERID, OaIdl.INVOKEKIND, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ITypeInfo
AddressOfMember(OaIdl.MEMBERID, OaIdl.INVOKEKIND, PointerByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfo
Address of member.
AddressOfMember(OaIdl.MEMBERID, OaIdl.INVOKEKIND) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfoUtil
Address of member.
addressType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
Indicates the type of string that is contained in the DomainControllerAddress member.
addSearchPath(String, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Add a path to search for the specified library, ahead of any system paths.
addToNativeConverter(Class<?>, ToNativeConverter) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
Add a ToNativeConverter to define the conversion into a native type from arguments of the given Java type.
addTypeConverter(Class<?>, TypeConverter) - Method in class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
Add a TypeConverter to provide bidirectional mapping between a native and Java type.
addWatch(File) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.FileMonitor
addWatch(File, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.FileMonitor
addWatch(File, int, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.FileMonitor
adjustDropAction(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Pick a different drop action if the target doesn't support the current one and there are no modifiers.
AdjustTokenPrivileges(WinNT.HANDLE, boolean, WinNT.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, int, WinNT.TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, IntByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The AdjustTokenPrivileges function enables or disables privileges in the specified access token.
AdjustWindowRect(WinDef.RECT, WinDef.DWORD, WinDef.BOOL) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired client-rectangle size.
AdjustWindowRectEx(WinDef.RECT, WinDef.DWORD, WinDef.BOOL, WinDef.DWORD) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Calculates the required size of the window rectangle, based on the desired client-rectangle size.
Advapi32 - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Advapi32.dll Interface.
Advapi32Util - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Advapi32 utility API.
Advapi32Util() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Advapi32Util.AccessCheckPermission - Enum in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Advapi32Util.Account - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
An account.
Advapi32Util.EnumKey - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Advapi32Util.EventLogIterator - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
An iterator for Event Log entries.
Advapi32Util.EventLogRecord - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
An event log record.
Advapi32Util.EventLogType - Enum in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Event log types.
Advapi32Util.InfoKey - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Advapi32Util.Privilege - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Convenience class to enable certain Windows process privileges
Advise(IUnknownCallback, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ConnectionPoint
Advise(IUnknownCallback, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IConnectionPoint
When Advise is called, the called COM object will callback 'QueryInterface' asking for a number of different interfaces, for example: - {00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - IMarshal - {00000003-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - {0000001B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - IdentityUnmarshal - {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - IUnknown - {00000018-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - IStdMarshalInfo - {00000019-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - IExternalConnection - {4C1E39E1-E3E3-4296-AA86-EC938D896E92} - (some unknown private interface) - interface of this ConnectionPoint HRESULT Advise( [in] IUnknown *pUnkSink, [out] DWORD *pdwCookie );
advise(Class<?>, IComEventCallbackListener) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.IConnectionPoint
Set up the comEventCallbackListener to receive callback events from the target COM object
advise(Class<?>, IComEventCallbackListener) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ProxyObject
advstart(Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
advstart(String, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
advstart(Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Begins a data transaction between a client and a server.
advstart(String, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Begins a data transaction between a client and a server.
advstop(Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
advstop(String, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
advstop(Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
A client uses the XTYP_ADVSTOP transaction to end an advise loop with a server.
advstop(String, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
A client uses the XTYP_ADVSTOP transaction to end an advise loop with a server.
AIX - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
align(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Provide a view onto this structure with the given alignment.
ALIGN_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Use the platform default alignment.
ALIGN_GNUC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
validated for 32-bit x86 linux/gcc; align field size, max 4 bytes
ALIGN_MSVC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
validated for w32/msvc; align on field size
ALIGN_NONE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
No alignment, place all fields on nearest 1-byte boundary
alignment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
alignOnDWORD(int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Align cbAcl on a DWORD
all_event_masks - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
AllocAll - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
allocateMemory() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Attempt to allocate memory if sufficient information is available.
allocateMemory(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Provided for derived classes to indicate a different size than the default.
allocationBase - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION
A pointer to the base address of a range of pages allocated by the VirtualAlloc function.
allocationProtect - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION
The memory protection option when the region was initially allocated.
allocations - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
AllocationSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_STANDARD_INFO
The amount of space that is allocated for the file.
AllocConsole() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
Allocates a new console for the calling process.
AllocNone - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AllowExposures - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AllTemporary - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
alpha - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderDirectFormat
AlphaFormat - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.BLENDFUNCTION
alphaMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderDirectFormat
AlreadyGrabbed - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ALT_CONVENTION - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
First alternate convention (currently used only for w32 stdcall).
AltCallingConvention - Interface in com.sun.jna
Tagging interface to indicate the library or callback uses an alternate calling convention.
ALTERNATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
Always - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
analyse(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.ELFAnalyser
ANDROID - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
AnonymousStructNumaNode() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION.AnonymousStructNumaNode
AnonymousStructProcessorCore() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION.AnonymousStructProcessorCore
AnonymousUnionPayload() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION.AnonymousUnionPayload
AnyButton - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AnyKey - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AnyModifier - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AnyPropertyType - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
APPBARDATA() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.APPBARDATA
APPBARDATA(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.APPBARDATA
APPCLASS_MASK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
APPCLASS_MONITOR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Makes it possible for the application to monitor DDE activity in the system.
APPCLASS_STANDARD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Registers the application as a standard (nonmonitoring) DDEML application.
APPCMD_CLIENTONLY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the application from becoming a server in a DDE conversation.
APPCMD_FILTERINITS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the DDEML from sending XTYP_CONNECT and XTYP_WILDCONNECT transactions to the application until the application has created its string handles and registered its service names or has turned off filtering by a subsequent call to the DdeNameService or DdeInitialize function.
APPCMD_MASK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
apply(X11.Display, X11.XErrorEvent) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XErrorHandler
apply(WinDef.LPVOID) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.THREAD_START_ROUTINE
apply(WinUser.HMONITOR, WinDef.HDC, WinDef.RECT, WinDef.LPARAM) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MONITORENUMPROC
arc_mode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
ArcChord - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ARCH - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
Current platform architecture.
ArcPieSlice - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ARRAYDESC() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ARRAYDESC
ARRAYDESC(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ARRAYDESC
ARRAYDESC(OaIdl.TYPEDESC, short, OaIdl.SAFEARRAYBOUND[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ARRAYDESC
ASCII - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIFunctionMapper
ASCII - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APITypeMapper
Standard TypeMapper to use the ASCII/MBCS version of a w32 API.
ASCII_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions
Standard options to use the ASCII/MBCS version of a w32 API.
Aspect() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSizeHints.Aspect
associativity - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.CACHE_DESCRIPTOR
The cache associativity.
AsyncBoth - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AsyncKeyboard - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AsyncPointer - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Atom() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Atom
Atom(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Atom
atom - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XPropertyEvent
ATOM() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.ATOM
Instantiates a new atom.
ATOM(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.ATOM
Instantiates a new atom.
AtomByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.AtomByReference
atomWindowType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO
ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
AttachConsole(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
Attaches the calling process to the console of the specified process
AttachOptions() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference.AttachOptions
AttachThreadInput(WinDef.DWORD, WinDef.DWORD, boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Attaches or detaches the input processing mechanism of one thread to that of another thread.
Attributes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
Specifies attributes of the LUID.
Attributes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES
Specifies attributes of the SID.
Attributes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2
The printer attributes.
Attributes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_4
Specifies information about the returned data.
auto_repeat_mode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardControlRef
AutoRepeatModeOff, AutoRepeatModeOn, AutoRepeatModeDefault.
auto_repeats - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardStateRef
Bit vector.
autoAllocate(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Obtain auto-allocated memory for use with struct represenations.
autoRead(Structure[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
autoRead() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
AutoRepeatModeDefault - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AutoRepeatModeOff - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
AutoRepeatModeOn - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
autoWrite(Structure[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
autoWrite() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
avenrun - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.HostLoadInfo
AveragePPM - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2
The average number of pages per minute that have been printed on the printer.


b - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XClientMessageEvent.Data
background - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
background_pixel - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
background_pixmap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
backing_pixel - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
backing_pixel - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
backing_planes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
backing_planes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
backing_store - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
backing_store - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
backingMap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.WeakMemoryHolder
backupEncryptedFile(File, File) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Backup an encrypted file or folder without decrypting it.
BackupEventLog(WinNT.HANDLE, String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Saves the specified event log to a backup file.
BadAccess - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadAlloc - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadAtom - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadColor - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadCursor - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadDrawable - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadFont - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadGC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadIDChoice - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadImplementation - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadLength - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadMatch - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadName - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadPixmap - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadRequest - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadValue - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BadWindow - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
base_height - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSizeHints
base_width - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSizeHints
baseAddress - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION
A pointer to the base address of the region of pages.
BaseTSD - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Based on basetsd.h (various types)
BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Unsigned DWORD_PTR.
BaseTSD.LONG_PTR - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Signed long type for pointer precision.
BaseTSD.SIZE_T - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The maximum number of bytes to which a pointer can point.
BaseTSD.SSIZE_T - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Signed SIZE_T.
BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Unsigned LONG_PTR.
BaseTSD.ULONG_PTRByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
BaudRate - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.DCB
The baud rate at which the communications device operates.
bell_duration - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardControlRef
Duration of the bell specified in milliseconds, if possible.
bell_duration - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardStateRef
Duration of the bell specified in milliseconds, if possible.
bell_percent - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardControlRef
Base volume for the bell between 0 (off) and 100 (loud) inclusive, if possible.
bell_percent - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardStateRef
Base volume for the bell between 0 (off) and 100 (loud) inclusive, if possible.
bell_pitch - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardControlRef
Pitch (specified in Hz) of the bell, if possible.
bell_pitch - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyboardStateRef
Pitch (specified in Hz) of the bell, if possible.
Below - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
BI_BITFIELDS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
BI_JPEG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
BI_PNG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
BI_RGB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
BI_RLE4 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
BI_RLE8 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
Bias - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
biBitCount - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biClrImportant - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biClrUsed - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biCompression - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biHeight - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
Bind(WString, WinDef.ULONG, WinDef.WORD, PointerByReference, OaIdl.DESCKIND.ByReference, OaIdl.BINDPTR.ByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ITypeComp
Bind(WString, WinDef.ULONG, WinDef.WORD, PointerByReference, OaIdl.DESCKIND.ByReference, OaIdl.BINDPTR.ByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeComp
BINDING_MODE_DISPID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
BINDING_MODE_VTABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
bindingMode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
BINDPTR() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.BINDPTR
BINDPTR(OaIdl.VARDESC) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.BINDPTR
BINDPTR(TypeComp) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.BINDPTR
BINDPTR(OaIdl.FUNCDESC) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.BINDPTR
BindToObject() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IMoniker
Binds to the specified object.
BindToObject(Pointer, Pointer, Guid.REFIID, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IShellFolder
Retrieves a handler, typically the Shell folder object that implements IShellFolder for a particular item.
BindToObject() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Moniker
BindToStorage() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IMoniker
BindToStorage(Pointer, Pointer, Guid.REFIID, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IShellFolder
Requests a pointer to an object's storage interface.
BindToStorage() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Moniker
BindType(WString, WinDef.ULONG, PointerByReference, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ITypeComp
BindType(WString, WinDef.ULONG, PointerByReference, PointerByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeComp
Bind type.
bInheritHandle - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
A Boolean value that specifies whether the returned handle is inherited when a new process is created
biPlanes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biSizeImage - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
bit_gravity - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
bit_gravity - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
BitBlt(WinDef.HDC, int, int, int, int, WinDef.HDC, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The BitBlt function performs a bit-block transfer of the color data corresponding to a rectangle of pixels from the specified source device context into a destination device context.
BITMAP() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
BITMAPINFO() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFO
BITMAPINFO(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFO
BITMAPINFOHEADER() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
bits_per_rgb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XVisualInfo
biWidth - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biXPelsPerMeter - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
biYPelsPerMeter - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER
BlendFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.BLENDFUNCTION
BLENDFUNCTION() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.BLENDFUNCTION
BlendOp - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.BLENDFUNCTION
BlockException() - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeAdapter.BlockException
blue - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderDirectFormat
blue_mask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XVisualInfo
blueMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderDirectFormat
bmBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
bmBitsPixel - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
bmHeight - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
bmiColors - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFO
bmiHeader - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAPINFO
bmPlanes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
bmType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
bmWidth - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
bmWidthBytes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.BITMAP
BOOL() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
Instantiates a new bool.
BOOL(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
Instantiates a new bool.
BOOL(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
Instantiates a new bool.
BOOL_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Size of a native bool type (C99 and later), in bytes.
BOOLByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOLByReference
Instantiates a new BOOL by reference.
BOOLByReference(WinDef.BOOL) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOLByReference
Instantiates a new BOOL by reference.
BOOLEAN_FALSE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
BOOLEAN_TRUE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
booleanValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.VARIANT_BOOL
booleanValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT
booleanValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
boolVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
border_pixel - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
border_pixmap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
border_width - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureEvent
border_width - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureRequestEvent
border_width - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XCreateWindowEvent
border_width - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
bottom - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.RECT
The bottom.
BottomIf - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
boundsCheck(long, long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Check that indirection won't cause us to write outside the malloc'ed space.
BRECORD() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT.BRECORD
BRECORD(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT.BRECORD
bReserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of overlay and underlay planes.
BS_3STATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a button that is the same as a check box, except that the box can be grayed as well as checked or cleared.
BS_AUTO3STATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a button that is the same as a three-state check box, except that the box changes its state when the user selects it.
BS_AUTOCHECKBOX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a button that is the same as a check box, except that the check state automatically toggles between checked and cleared each time the user selects the check box.
BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a button that is the same as a radio button, except that when the user selects it,
the system automatically sets the button's check state to checked and automatically sets the check state for all other buttons in the same group to cleared.
BS_CHECKBOX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a small, empty check box with text.
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a push button that behaves like a BS_PUSHBUTTON style button, but has a distinct appearance.
BS_GROUPBOX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a rectangle in which other controls can be grouped.
BS_LEFTTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Places text on the left side of the radio button or check box when combined with a radio button or check box style.
BS_OWNERDRAW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates an owner-drawn button.
BS_PUSHBOX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
A button that only shows the text
BS_PUSHBUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a push button that posts a WM_COMMAND message to the owner window when the user selects the button.
BS_RADIOBUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Creates a small circle with text.
BS_TYPEMASK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Do not use this style.
BS_USERBUTTON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Obsolete, but provided for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows.
BSTR() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.BSTR
BSTR(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.BSTR
BSTR(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.BSTR
BSTRByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.BSTRByReference
BSTRByReference(WTypes.BSTR) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.BSTRByReference
bstrDescription - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO
The bstr description.
bstrHelpFile - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO
The bstr help file.
bstrSource - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO
The bstr source.
bstrVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
bTimingStatusByte - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_TIMING_REPORT
Timing status byte.
Buffer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_BINARY_DATA
Buffer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_UNICODE_STRING
Pointer to a wide character string.
Buffer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.RGNDATA
BufferType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBuffer
Bit flags that indicate the type of buffer.
busy() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
button - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XButtonEvent
Button1 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button1Mask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button1MotionMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button2 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button2Mask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button2MotionMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button3 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button3Mask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button3MotionMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button4 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button4Mask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button4MotionMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button5 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button5Mask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Button5MotionMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ButtonMotionMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ButtonPress - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ButtonPressMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ButtonRelease - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ButtonReleaseMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
bVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
byref - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Dispatch.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.DispatchVTable.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Moniker.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.RecordInfo.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.RunningObjectTable.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeComp.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfo.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeLib.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Unknown.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.UnknownVTable.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.CLSID.ByReference
Instantiates a new by reference.
ByReference(Guid.GUID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.CLSID.ByReference
Instantiates a new by reference.
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.CLSID.ByReference
Instantiates a new by reference.
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID.ByReference
Instantiates a new by reference.
ByReference(Guid.GUID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID.ByReference
Instantiates a new by reference.
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID.ByReference
Instantiates a new by reference.
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE.ByReference
Create an uninitialized reference
ByReference(HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE.ByReference
Instantiates a new reference.
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE.ByReference
Create an uninitialized reference
ByReference(HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.HighLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE.ByReference
Instantiates a new reference.
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE.ByReference
Create an uninitialized reference
ByReference(LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE.ByReference
Instantiates a new reference.
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.GenericReparseBuffer.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.GenericReparseBuffer.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.MountPointReparseBuffer.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.MountPointReparseBuffer.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.REPARSE_DATA_BUFFER.REPARSE_UNION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.SymbolicLinkReparseBuffer.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD.UNION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_UNICODE_STRING.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.PLSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.PLSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.PLSA_UNICODE_STRING.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ARRAYDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.BINDPTR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CURRENCY.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DATE.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ELEMDESC._ELEMDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ELEMDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ElemDescArg.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCKIND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.IDLDESC.ByReference
ByReference(OaIdl.IDLDESC) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.IDLDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.INVOKEKIND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.LIBFLAGS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.PARAMDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.PARAMDESCEX.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAYBOUND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ScodeArg.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SYSKIND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TLIBATTR.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TLIBATTR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEKIND.ByReference
ByReference(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEKIND.ByReference
ByReference(OaIdl.TYPEKIND) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEKIND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.VARDESC._VARDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.VARDESC.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.VARKIND.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVINFO_DATA.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVINFO_DATA.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.APPBARDATA.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.PSecHandle.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.PSecPkgInfo.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBuffer.ByReference
Create a SECBUFFER_EMPTY SecBuffer.
ByReference(int, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBuffer.ByReference
Create a SecBuffer of a given type and size.
ByReference(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBuffer.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecHandle.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecPkgContext_PackageInfo.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecPkgInfo.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT.BRECORD.ByReference
ByReference(Variant.VARIANT) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VariantArg.ByReference
ByReference(Variant.VARIANT[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VariantArg.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TAG_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_BASIC_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_BASIC_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_ID_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_ID_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_STANDARD_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_STANDARD_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILETIME.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILETIME.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO.PI.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO.UNION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.POINT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_RPC_LOGIN.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winioctl.STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winioctl.STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.REMOTE_NAME_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.REMOTE_NAME_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.UNIVERSAL_NAME_INFO.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.GENERIC_MAPPING.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PSID.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCONN.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCREDENTIALS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASDIALEXTENSIONS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASDIALPARAMS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASPPPIP.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASTUNNELENDPOINT.UNION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SC_ACTION.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.HARDWAREINPUT.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.HARDWAREINPUT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.INPUT.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.INPUT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.KEYBDINPUT.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.KEYBDINPUT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MOUSEINPUT.ByReference
ByReference(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MOUSEINPUT.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WNDCLASSEX.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.BSTR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.LPOLESTR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.LPSTR.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes.LPWSTR.ByReference
ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
Provides generic "pointer to type" functionality, often used in C code to return values to the caller in addition to a function result.
ByReference(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByReference
BYTE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BYTE
Instantiates a new byte.
BYTE(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BYTE
Instantiates a new byte.
ByteByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
ByteByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference
ByteByReference(byte) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.ByteByReference
ByteLength - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinPerf.PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION
ByteSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.DCB
The number of bits in the bytes transmitted and received.
byteValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT
byteValue - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT.field1_union
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.Carbon.EventHotKeyID.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID.ByValue
ByValue(Guid.GUID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID.ByValue
ByValue(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID.ByValue
ByValue(Variant.VARIANT) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT.ByValue
ByValue(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_RPC_LOGIN.ByValue
ByValue(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT.ByValue


c_class - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XVisualInfo
c_class - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
C_CONVENTION - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
Standard C calling convention.
C_LIBRARY_NAME - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Platform
Canonical name of this platform's C runtime library.
c_new - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XColormapEvent
cAccumAlphaBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of alpha bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.
cAccumBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the total number of bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.
cAccumBlueBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of blue bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.
cAccumGreenBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of green bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.
cAccumRedBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of red bitplanes in the accumulation buffer.
cache - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION.AnonymousUnionPayload
Identifies the characteristics of a particular cache.
CACHE_DESCRIPTOR() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.CACHE_DESCRIPTOR
CACHE_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_E_NOCACHE_UPDATED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_FULLY_ASSOCIATIVE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
CACHE_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_S_FORMATETC_NOTSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_S_SAMECACHE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CACHE_S_SOMECACHES_NOTUPDATED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CacheData - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE
The cache is for data.
CacheEntryType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
A bitmask indicating the type of cache entry and its properties.
CacheInstruction - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE
The cache is for processor instructions.
cacheNext() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.EnumMoniker
CacheTrace - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE
The cache is for traces.
cacheTypeInfo(Pointer) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Cache native type information for use in native code.
CacheUnified - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE
The cache is unified.
cActions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS
The number of elements in the lpsaActions array.
CADV_LATEACK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
CALCULATE_SIZE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Align to an 8-byte boundary.
calculateSize(boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Calculate the amount of native memory required for this structure.
calculateSize(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Callback - Interface in com.sun.jna
All callback definitions must derive from this interface.
callback(Object[]) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.CallbackProxy
This is the callback method invoked from native code.
callback(Pointer, Pointer, Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.Carbon.EventHandlerProcPtr
callback(Pointer, Pointer, WinDef.ULONG) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FE_EXPORT_FUNC
callback(Pointer, Pointer, WinDef.ULONGByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FE_IMPORT_FUNC
callback(int, int, WinBase.OVERLAPPED) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE
callback(int, WinDef.WPARAM, WinUser.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.LowLevelKeyboardProc
callback(WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.WPARAM, WinDef.LPARAM) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WindowProc
callback(WinNT.HANDLE, WinDef.DWORD, WinDef.HWND, WinDef.LONG, WinDef.LONG, WinDef.DWORD, WinDef.DWORD) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WinEventProc
callback(WinDef.HWND, Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WNDENUMPROC
Return whether to continue enumeration.
Callback.UncaughtExceptionHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna
callbackMap - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
CallbackParameterContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide argument conversion context for a callback invocation.
CallbackParameterContext(Class<?>, Method, Object[], int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackParameterContext
CallbackProxy - Interface in com.sun.jna
Placeholder proxy interface to allow an InvocationHandler to convert arguments/return values on callback methods.
CallbackProxy - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util
CallbackProxy(ObjectFactory, Class<?>, IComEventCallbackListener) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
CallbackReference - Class in com.sun.jna
Provides a reference to an association between a native callback closure and a Java Callback closure.
CallbackReference.AttachOptions - Class in com.sun.jna
CallbackResultContext - Class in com.sun.jna
Conversion context from a Java Callback result to a native value.
CallbackResultContext(Method) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackResultContext
CallbackThreadInitializer - Class in com.sun.jna
CallbackThreadInitializer() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackThreadInitializer
The default initializer causes the callback thread to remain attached as a daemon thread, using the default thread name and group.
CallbackThreadInitializer(boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackThreadInitializer
Keep the callback thread attached, with the given daemon state, using the default thread name and group.
CallbackThreadInitializer(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackThreadInitializer
Uses the default thread name and group.
CallbackThreadInitializer(boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackThreadInitializer
Uses the default thread group.
CallbackThreadInitializer(boolean, boolean, String, ThreadGroup) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.CallbackThreadInitializer
Specify all aspects of how the callback thread should be initialized.
CALLCONV() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CALLCONV(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
callconv - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCDESC
callFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
callFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
callingConvention - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
CallNamedPipe(String, byte[], int, byte[], int, IntByReference, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Connects to a message-type pipe (and waits if an instance of the pipe is not available), writes to and reads from the pipe, and then closes the pipe.
CallNextHookEx(WinUser.HHOOK, int, WinDef.WPARAM, WinDef.LPARAM) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
The CallNextHookEx function passes the hook information to the next hook procedure in the current hook chain.
cAlphaBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of alpha bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
cAlphaShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the shift count for alpha bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
cAlternateFileName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA
An alternative name for the file.
canDrag(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Override to control whether a drag is started.
canDrop(DropTargetEvent, int, Point) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Indicate whether the given drop action is acceptable at the given location.
cap_style - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
CapabilitiesRequestAndCapabilitiesReply(WinNT.HANDLE, WTypes.LPSTR, WinDef.DWORD) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Dxva2
Retrieves a string describing a monitor's capabilities.
CapButt - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CapNotLast - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CapProjecting - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CapRound - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Carbon - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.mac
Author: Denis Tulskiy Date: 7/25/11
Carbon.EventHandlerProcPtr - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.mac
Carbon.EventHotKeyID - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.mac
Carbon.EventHotKeyID.ByValue - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.mac
Carbon.EventTypeSpec - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.mac
cArgs - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS
The c args. - use setArgs to update arguments
CAT_E_CATIDNOEXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CAT_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CAT_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CAT_E_NODESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
cAuxBuffers - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of auxiliary buffers.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT
set to sizeof(CONVCONTEXT)
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVINFO
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
The structure's size, in bytes.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCONVSTRUCT
The structure's size, in bytes.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONERRSTRUCT
The structure's size, in bytes.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONHSZSTRUCT
The structure's size, in bytes.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONLINKSTRUCT
The structure's size, in bytes.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONMSGSTRUCT
The structure's size, in bytes.
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Psapi.PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
cb - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
The size of the structure, in bytes.
CB_HAS_INITIALIZER - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Indicates whether the callback has an initializer.
CB_OPTION_DIRECT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Use direct mapping for callback.
CB_OPTION_IN_DLL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
Return a DLL-resident fucntion pointer.
cbAlignment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
cbBuffer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBuffer
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the pvBuffer member.
cbClsExtra - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WNDCLASSEX
The cb cls extra.
cbData - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.DDEML_MSG_HOOK_DATA
The amount of data being passed with the message, in bytes.
cbData - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
The amount, in bytes, of data being passed with the transaction.
cbData - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB
The count of bytes in the buffer pointed to by pbData.
cbElements - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
CBF_FAIL_ADVISES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_ADVSTART and XTYP_ADVSTOP transactions.
CBF_FAIL_ALLSVRXACTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving server transactions.
CBF_FAIL_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_CONNECT and XTYP_WILDCONNECT transactions.
CBF_FAIL_EXECUTES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_EXECUTE transactions.
CBF_FAIL_POKES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_POKE transactions.
CBF_FAIL_REQUESTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_REQUEST transactions.
CBF_FAIL_SELFCONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_CONNECT transactions from the application's own instance.
CBF_SKIP_ALLNOTIFICATIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving any notifications.
CBF_SKIP_CONNECT_CONFIRMS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM notifications.
CBF_SKIP_DISCONNECTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_DISCONNECT notifications.
CBF_SKIP_REGISTRATIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_REGISTER notifications.
CBF_SKIP_UNREGISTRATIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Prevents the callback function from receiving XTYP_UNREGISTER notifications.
cBlueBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of blue bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
cBlueShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the shift count for blue bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
cbMaxToken - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecPkgInfo
Specifies the maximum size, in bytes, of the token.
CBR_110 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
110 bps.
CBR_1200 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
1200 bps.
CBR_128000 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
128000 bps.
CBR_14400 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
14400 bps.
CBR_19200 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
19200 bps.
CBR_2400 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
2400 bps.
CBR_256000 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
256000 bps.
CBR_300 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
300 bps.
CBR_38400 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
38400 bps.
CBR_4800 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
4800 bps.
CBR_56000 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
56000 bps.
CBR_600 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
600 bps.
CBR_9600 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
9600 bps.
cbReserved2 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
Reserved for use by the C Run-time; must be zero.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA
The size, in bytes, of the SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA structure.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVINFO_DATA
The size, in bytes, of the SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.APPBARDATA
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.SHELLEXECUTEINFO
Type: DWORD Required.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT
Size of this structure in bytes.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.FLASHWINFO
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.GUITHREADINFO
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.LASTINPUTINFO
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MONITORINFO
The size, in bytes, of the structure.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MONITORINFOEX
The size, in bytes, of the structure.
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO
cbSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WNDCLASSEX
The cb size.
cbSizeInstance - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
cbSizeVft - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
cbstruct - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
cBuffers - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecBufferDesc
Number of buffers.
cbWndExtra - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WNDCLASSEX
The cb wnd extra.
cBytes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.PARAMDESCEX
cc - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
The language information used to share data in different languages.
CC_CDECL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_FASTCALL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_FPFASTCALL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_MACPASCAL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_MAX - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_MPWCDECL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_MPWPASCAL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_MSCPASCAL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_PASCAL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_STDCALL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CC_SYSCALL - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CALLCONV
CCHDEVICENAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool
CCHDEVICENAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Length of the device name in MONITORINFOEX
cColorBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of color bitplanes in each color buffer.
cDepthBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the depth of the depth (z-axis) buffer.
cDims - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ARRAYDESC
cDims - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
cElements - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAYBOUND
CenterGravity - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CERT_E_CHAINING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_CN_NO_MATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_CRITICAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_EXPIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_INVALID_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_INVALID_POLICY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_ISSUERCHAINING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_MALFORMED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_PATHLENCONST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_PURPOSE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_REVOCATION_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_REVOKED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_ROLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDCA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDROOT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_UNTRUSTEDTESTROOT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_VALIDITYPERIODNESTING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERT_E_WRONG_USAGE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore(String, Pointer, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32
The CertAddEncodedCertificateToSystemStore function opens the specified system store and adds the encoded certificate to it.
CERTSRV_E_ALIGNMENT_FAULT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_ARCHIVED_KEY_UNEXPECTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_CERT_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_BAD_RENEWAL_SUBJECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUEST_KEY_ARCHIVAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSTATUS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_BAD_REQUESTSUBJECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_BAD_TEMPLATE_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_CERT_TYPE_OVERLAP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_DOWNLEVEL_DC_SSL_OR_UPGRADE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_ENCODING_LENGTH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_ENROLL_DENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_INVALID_CA_CERTIFICATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_ISSUANCE_POLICY_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_KEY_ARCHIVAL_NOT_CONFIGURED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_KEY_LENGTH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_NO_CAADMIN_DEFINED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_NO_CERT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_NO_DB_SESSIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_NO_REQUEST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_NO_VALID_KRA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_PROPERTY_EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_RESTRICTEDOFFICER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_ROLECONFLICT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SERVER_SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_COUNT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_POLICY_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SIGNATURE_REJECTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SMIME_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_ALT_NAME_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DIRECTORY_GUID_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_DNS_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_EMAIL_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_SUBJECT_UPN_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_CONFLICT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_DENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_TEMPLATE_POLICY_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_TOO_MANY_SIGNATURES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_UNKNOWN_CERT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CERTSRV_E_UNSUPPORTED_CERT_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CF_BITMAT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
A handle to a bitmap (HBITMAP).
CF_DIB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
A memory object containing a BITMAPINFO structure followed by the bitmap bits.
CF_DIBV5 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
A memory object containing a BITMAPV5HEADER structure followed by the bitmap color space information and the bitmap bits.
CF_DIF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Software Arts' Data Interchange Format.
CF_DSPBITMAP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Bitmap display format associated with a private format.
CF_DSPENHMETAFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Enhanced metafile display format associated with a private format.
CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Metafile-picture display format associated with a private format.
CF_DSPTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Text display format associated with a private format.
CF_ENHMETAFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
A handle to an enhanced metafile (HENHMETAFILE).
CF_GDIOBJFIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Start of a range of integer values for application-defined GDI object clipboard formats.
CF_GDIOBJLAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
CF_HDROP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
A handle to type HDROP that identifies a list of files.
CF_LOCALE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
The data is a handle to the locale identifier associated with text in the clipboard.
CF_METAFILEPICT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Handle to a metafile picture format as defined by the METAFILEPICT structure.
CF_OEMTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Text format containing characters in the OEM character set.
CF_OWNERDISPLAY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Owner-display format.
CF_PALETTE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Handle to a color palette.
CF_PENDATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Data for the pen extensions to the Microsoft Windows for Pen Computing.
CF_PRIVATEFIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Start of a range of integer values for private clipboard formats.
CF_PRIVATELAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
CF_RIFF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Represents audio data more complex than can be represented in a CF_WAVE standard wave format.
CF_SYLK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Microsoft Symbolic Link (SYLK) format.
CF_TEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Text format.
CF_TIFF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Tagged-image file format.
CF_UNICODETEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Unicode text format.
CF_WAVE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
Represents audio data in one of the standard wave formats, such as 11 kHz or 22 kHz PCM.
cFileName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA
The name of the file.
cFuncs - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
cGreenBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of green bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
cGreenShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the shift count for green bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
ChangeServiceConfig2(Winsvc.SC_HANDLE, int, Winsvc.ChangeServiceConfig2Info) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Changes the optional configuration parameters of a service.
ChangeServiceConfig2Info() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.ChangeServiceConfig2Info
ChangeServiceConfig2Info(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.ChangeServiceConfig2Info
ChangeTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_BASIC_INFO
The time the file was changed in FILETIME format.
CHAR() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.CHAR
Instantiates a new char.
CHAR(byte) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.CHAR
Instantiates a new char.
CHAR(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.CHAR
Instantiates a new char.
charAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
charAt(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
CHARByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.CHARByReference
Instantiates a new CHAR by reference.
CHARByReference(WinDef.CHAR) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.CHARByReference
Instantiates a new CHAR by reference.
checkFailed(WinNT.HRESULT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMBindingBaseObject
Check failed.
checkRC(WinNT.HRESULT) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils
Throw new exception.
checkRC(WinNT.HRESULT, OaIdl.EXCEPINFO, IntByReference) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils
Throw new exception.
ChoosePixelFormat(WinDef.HDC, WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR.ByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The ChoosePixelFormat function attempts to match an appropriate pixel format supported by a device context to a given pixel format specification.
ChunkShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO
The number of chunks that are shifted by compression.
cImplTypes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
CirculateNotify - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CirculateRequest - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
cJobs - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2
The number of print jobs that have been queued for the printer.
CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLASS_E_NOTLICENSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
classBuffer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
The class buffer.
classes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XDeviceByReference
CLASSFACTORY_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLASSFACTORY_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLASSFACTORY_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLASSFACTORY_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
clean() - Method in class com.sun.jna.WeakMemoryHolder
clear() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Zero the full extent of this memory region.
clear(long) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Zero memory for the given number of bytes.
clear() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Clears the native memory associated with this Structure.
ClearEventLog(WinNT.HANDLE, String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Clears the specified event log, and optionally saves the current copy of the log to a backup file.
ClientMessage - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CLIENTSITE_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIENTSITE_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIENTSITE_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIENTSITE_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ClientSiteName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the site that the computer belongs to.
clientSiteName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
The name of the site that the computer belongs to.
clientTransaction(Pointer, int, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
clientTransaction(Pointer, int, String, int, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
clientTransaction(Pointer, int, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Begins a data transaction between a client and a server.
clientTransaction(Pointer, int, String, int, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Begins a data transaction between a client and a server.
clip_mask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
clip_x_origin - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
clip_y_origin - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
CLIPBRD_E_BAD_DATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_E_CANT_CLOSE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_E_CANT_EMPTY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_E_CANT_SET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CLIPBRD_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ClipByChildren - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
cLocks - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
Clone(PointerByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.EnumMoniker
Clone(PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IEnumIDList
Creates a new item enumeration object with the same contents and state as the current one.
Clone(PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IEnumMoniker
Creates a new enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current one.
close(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Close the given native library.
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.EventLogIterator
Call close() in the case when the caller needs to abandon the iterator before the iteration completes.
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.Privilege
Calls disable() to remove the privileges
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnectionList
close() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Terminates a conversation started by either the DdeConnect or DdeConnectList function and invalidates the specified conversation handle.
close() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList
Destroys the specified conversation list and terminates all conversations associated with the list.
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
Implemented to satisfy Closeable interface, delegates to destroy.
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.W32Service
Close service.
close() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.W32ServiceManager
Closes the previously opened Service Manager.
CloseEncryptedFileRaw(Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Closes an encrypted file after a backup or restore operation, and frees associated system resources.
CloseEventLog(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Closes the specified event log.
CloseHandle(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Closes an open object handle.
closeHandle(WinNT.HANDLE) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util
Invokes Kernel32.CloseHandle(WinNT.HANDLE) and checks the success code.
closeHandleRef(WinNT.HANDLEByReference) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util
Closes the handle in the reference
closeHandleRefs(WinNT.HANDLEByReference...) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util
Closes all referenced handles.
closeHandles(WinNT.HANDLE...) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util
ClosePrinter(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool
The ClosePrinter function closes the specified printer object.
CloseServiceHandle(Winsvc.SC_HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Closes a handle to a service control manager or service object.
CloseWindow(WinDef.HWND) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Minimizes (but does not destroy) the specified window.
ClosingRecordNumber - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.EVENTLOGRECORD
CLSCTX_ACTIVATE_32_BIT_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_ACTIVATE_64_BIT_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_ACTIVATE_AAA_AS_IU - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_ALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ObjBase
The clsctx all.
CLSCTX_ALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_APPCONTAINER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_DISABLE_AAA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_ENABLE_AAA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_ENABLE_CLOAKING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_ENABLE_CODE_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_FROM_DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_INPROC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ObjBase
The clsctx inproc.
CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER16 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER16 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_NO_CODE_DOWNLOAD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_NO_CUSTOM_MARSHAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_NO_FAILURE_LOG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_PS_DLL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_RESERVED1 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_RESERVED2 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_RESERVED3 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_RESERVED4 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_RESERVED5 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
CLSCTX_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ObjBase
The clsctx server.
CLSCTX_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WTypes
clsid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils.COMInfo
The clsid.
CLSID() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.CLSID
Instantiates a new clsid.
CLSID(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.CLSID
Instantiates a new clsid.
CLSID(Guid.GUID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.CLSID
Instantiates a new clsid.
CLSIDFromProgID(String, Guid.CLSID.ByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Looks up a CLSID in the registry, given a ProgID.
CLSIDFromString(String, Guid.CLSID.ByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Converts a string generated by the StringFromCLSID function back into the original CLSID.
CLSIDFromString(WString, Guid.CLSID.ByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
use the String version
ClusterShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO
The number of clusters that are shifted by compression.
CM_DEVCAP_REMOVABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
CMD_ARG_BINDING_MODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
CMD_ARG_OUTPUT_DIR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
CMD_ARG_TYPELIB_FILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
CMD_ARG_TYPELIB_ID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
CMD_ARG_TYPELIB_MAJOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
CMD_ARG_TYPELIB_MINOR_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
cmdKey - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.Carbon
cNamedArgs - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS
The c named args. - use setRgdispidNamedArgs to update named arguments map
cntThreads - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32
The number of execution threads started by the process.
cntUsage - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32
This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
CO_E_ACCESSCHECKFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ACESINWRONGORDER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ACNOTINITIALIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_CATALOGERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_EVENTLOGGED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ACTIVATIONFAILED_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_APPDIDNTREG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_APPNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_APPSINGLEUSE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ASYNC_WORK_REJECTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_OUTSIDE_CLIENT_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_BAD_PATH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_BAD_SERVER_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CALL_OUT_OF_TX_SCOPE_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CANCEL_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CANT_REMOTE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CANTDETERMINECLASS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CLASS_CREATE_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CLASS_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CLASSSTRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CLRNOTAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CLSREG_INCONSISTENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CONVERSIONFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_DBERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_DECODEFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_DLLNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ELEVATION_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ERRORINAPP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ERRORINDLL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_EXCEEDSYSACLLIMIT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_EXIT_TRANSACTION_SCOPE_NOT_CALLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOCLOSEHANDLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOCREATEFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOGENUUID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOGETSECCTX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOGETTOKENINFO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOGETWINDIR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOIMPERSONATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENPROCESSTOKEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOOPENTHREADTOKEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOQUERYCLIENTBLANKET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FAILEDTOSETDACL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_IIDREG_INCONSISTENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_IIDSTRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INCOMPATIBLESTREAMVERSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_CLASS_CACHE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_MEMORY_ALLOCATOR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_ONLY_SINGLE_THREADED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_RPC_CHANNEL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_SCM_EXEC_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_SCM_FILE_MAPPING_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_SCM_MAP_VIEW_OF_FILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_SCM_MUTEX_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_SHARED_ALLOCATOR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_TLS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_TLS_CHANNEL_CONTROL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_TLS_SET_CHANNEL_CONTROL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INIT_UNACCEPTED_USER_ALLOCATOR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INITIALIZATIONFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_INVALIDSID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_ISOLEVELMISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_LAUNCH_PERMSSION_DENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_LOOKUPACCNAMEFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_LOOKUPACCSIDFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_MALFORMED_SPN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_MISSING_DISPLAYNAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_MSI_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NETACCESSAPIFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NO_SECCTX_IN_ACTIVATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOCOOKIES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOIISINTRINSICS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOMATCHINGNAMEFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOMATCHINGSIDFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOSYNCHRONIZATION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOTCONSTRUCTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_NOTPOOLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_OBJISREG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_OBJNOTCONNECTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_OBJNOTREG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_OBJSRV_RPC_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_OLE1DDE_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_PATHTOOLONG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_RELEASED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_RELOAD_DLL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_REMOTE_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_RUNAS_CREATEPROCESS_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_RUNAS_LOGON_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_RUNAS_SYNTAX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_RUNAS_VALUE_MUST_BE_AAA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SCM_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SCM_RPC_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SERVER_EXEC_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SERVER_INIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SERVER_NOT_PAUSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SERVER_PAUSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SERVER_START_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SERVER_STOPPING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SETSERLHNDLFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_START_SERVICE_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_SXS_CONFIG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_THREADINGMODEL_CHANGED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_THREADPOOL_CONFIG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_TRACKER_CONFIG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_TRUSTEEDOESNTMATCHCLIENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_WRONGOSFORAPP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_E_WRONGTRUSTEENAMESYNTAX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_S_MACHINENAMENOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CO_S_NOTALLINTERFACES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CoCreateGuid(Guid.GUID) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Creates a GUID, a unique 128-bit integer used for CLSIDs and interface identifiers.
CoCreateGuid(Guid.GUID.ByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
CoCreateInstance(Guid.GUID, Pointer, int, Guid.GUID, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Creates a single uninitialized object of the class associated with a specified CLSID.
code - Variable in enum com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.AccessCheckPermission
CoGetMalloc(WinDef.DWORD, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Retrieves a pointer to the default OLE task memory allocator.
COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
COINIT_MULTITHREADED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
COINIT_SPEED_OVER_MEMORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
CoInitialize(WinDef.LPVOID) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Initializes the COM library on the current thread and identifies the concurrency model as single-thread apartment (STA).
CoInitializeEx(Pointer, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Initializes the COM library for use by the calling thread, sets the thread's concurrency model, and creates a new apartment for the thread if one is required.
CoIsHandlerConnected(Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Determines whether a remote object is connected to the corresponding in-process object.
Colormap() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Colormap
Colormap(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Colormap
colormap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XColormapEvent
colormap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderPictFormat
colormap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
colormap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
colormap_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XVisualInfo
ColormapChangeMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ColormapInstalled - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ColormapNotify - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ColormapUninstalled - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
com.sun.jna - package com.sun.jna
Provides simplified native library access.
com.sun.jna.platform - package com.sun.jna.platform
Provides cross-platform utilities based on platform-specific libraries.
com.sun.jna.platform.dnd - package com.sun.jna.platform.dnd
Provides integrated, extended drag and drop functionality, allowing ghosted drag images to be used on all platforms.
com.sun.jna.platform.mac - package com.sun.jna.platform.mac
Provides common library mappings for the OS X platform.
com.sun.jna.platform.unix - package com.sun.jna.platform.unix
Provides common library mappings for Unix and X11-based platforms.
com.sun.jna.platform.win32 - package com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Provides common library mappings for the Windows platform.
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM - package com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb - package com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp - package com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util - package com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util
com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation - package com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation
com.sun.jna.platform.wince - package com.sun.jna.platform.wince
com.sun.jna.ptr - package com.sun.jna.ptr
Provides various native pointer-to-type (<type> *) representations.
com.sun.jna.win32 - package com.sun.jna.win32
Provides type and function mappers required for standard APIs on the Windows platform.
COM_DAYS_ADJUSTMENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant
COMADMIN_E_ALREADYINSTALLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_APPLICATION_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_AMBIGUOUS_PARTITION_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_READFAIL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APP_FILE_WRITEFAIL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APP_NOT_RUNNING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APPDIRNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APPLICATIONEXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_APPLID_MATCHES_CLSID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_AUTHENTICATIONLEVEL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_BADPATH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYLIBID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_BADREGISTRYPROGID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_BASE_PARTITION_ONLY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_BASEPARTITION_REQUIRED_IN_SET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_APP_PROXY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_EXPORT_SYS_APP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAN_NOT_START_APP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CANNOT_ALIAS_EVENTCLASS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CANT_SUBSCRIBE_TO_COMPONENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CANTCOPYFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CANTMAKEINPROCSERVICE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLELIBRARYAPPS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CANTRECYCLESERVICEAPPS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_BITNESSMISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_DUPLICATE_PARTITION_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_IMPORTED_COMPONENTS_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_INVALID_PARTITION_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_PARTITION_IN_USE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_PAUSE_RESUME_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_SERVERFAULT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_UNACCEPTABLEBITNESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CAT_WRONGAPPBITNESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_CLSIDORIIDMISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_BAD_DEST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_DEST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_LOCKED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_PRIVATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMP_MOVE_SOURCE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_BADTLB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_CLASSNOTAVAIL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_DOESNOTEXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_GETCLASSOBJ - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_LOADDLLFAIL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOREGISTRAR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPFILE_NOTINSTALLABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COMPONENTEXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_COREQCOMPINSTALLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_DEFAULT_PARTITION_NOT_IN_SET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_DLLLOADFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_DLLREGISTERSERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_EVENTCLASS_CANT_BE_SUBSCRIBER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_FILE_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_INVALID_PARTITION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_INVALIDUSERIDS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_KEYMISSING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_1_0_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_LEGACYCOMPS_NOT_ALLOWED_IN_NONBASE_PARTITIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_LIB_APP_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_MIG_SCHEMANOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_MIG_VERSIONNOTSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_NOREGISTRYCLSID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_NOSERVERSHARE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_NOTCHANGEABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_NOTDELETEABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_NOTINREGISTRY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_NOUSER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_OBJECT_PARENT_MISSING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_OBJECTERRORS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_OBJECTEXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_OBJECTINVALID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_OBJECTNOTPOOLABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_ACCESSDENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PARTITION_MSI_ONLY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PARTITIONS_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PAUSEDPROCESSMAYNOTBERECYCLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PRIVATE_ACCESSDENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PROCESSALREADYRECYCLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PROGIDINUSEBYCLSID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PROPERTY_OVERFLOW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_PROPERTYSAVEFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_RECYCLEDPROCESSMAYNOTBEPAUSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGDB_ALREADYRUNNING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTINITIALIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGDB_NOTOPEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGDB_SYSTEMERR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGFILE_CORRUPT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGISTERTLB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGISTRARFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REGISTRY_ACCESSDENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REMOTEINTERFACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_REQUIRES_DIFFERENT_PLATFORM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_ROLEEXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_SAFERINVALID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_SERVICENOTINSTALLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_SESSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_START_APP_DISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_START_APP_NEEDS_COMPONENTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_SVCAPP_NOT_POOLABLE_OR_RECYCLABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_SYSTEMAPP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_USER_IN_SET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMADMIN_E_USERPASSWDNOTVALID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMBindingBaseObject - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
Helper class to provide basic COM support.
COMBindingBaseObject(IDispatch) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMBindingBaseObject
COMBindingBaseObject(Guid.CLSID, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMBindingBaseObject
COMBindingBaseObject(Guid.CLSID, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMBindingBaseObject
COMBindingBaseObject(String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMBindingBaseObject
COMBindingBaseObject(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMBindingBaseObject
CombineRgn(WinDef.HRGN, WinDef.HRGN, WinDef.HRGN, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CombineRgn function combines two regions and stores the result in a third region.
COMEarlyBindingObject - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
Helper class to provide basic COM support.
COMEarlyBindingObject(Guid.CLSID, boolean, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMEarlyBindingObject
ComEventCallback - Annotation Type in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation
ComEventCallbackCookie - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util
ComEventCallbackCookie(WinDef.DWORD) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ComEventCallbackCookie
comEventCallbackInterface - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
comEventCallbackListener - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
COMException - Exception in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
Exception class for all COM related classes.
COMException() - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException
Instantiates a new automation exception.
COMException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException
Instantiates a new automation exception.
COMException(String) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException
Instantiates a new automation exception.
COMException(String, OaIdl.EXCEPINFO, IntByReference) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException
Instantiates a new automation exception.
COMException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMException
Instantiates a new automation exception.
COMInfo() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils.COMInfo
Instantiates a new cOM info.
COMInfo(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils.COMInfo
Instantiates a new cOM info.
ComInterface - Annotation Type in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation
COMInvoker - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
COMInvoker() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMInvoker
comIsInitialized() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils
Check if COM was initialized correctly.
COMLateBindingObject - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
Helper class to provide basic COM support.
COMLateBindingObject(IDispatch) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMLateBindingObject
Instantiates a new cOM object.
COMLateBindingObject(Guid.CLSID, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMLateBindingObject
Instantiates a new cOM object.
COMLateBindingObject(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMLateBindingObject
Instantiates a new cOM object.
comment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.LocalGroup
Group comment.
comment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.User
Contains a comment associated with the user account.
comment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Secur32Util.SecurityPackage
Package comment.
Comment - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecPkgInfo
Pointer to a null-terminated string.
ComMethod - Annotation Type in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation
CommitLimit - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Psapi.PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
CommitPeak - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Psapi.PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
CommitTotal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Psapi.PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION
CommonPrefixWith() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IMoniker
CommonPrefixWith() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Moniker
COMMTIMEOUTS() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMMTIMEOUTS
ComObject - Annotation Type in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation
compare(T, T) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
Compares 2 derived IntegerType values - Note: a null value is considered greater than any non-null one (i.e., null values are "pushed" to the end of a sorted array / list of values)
compare(IntegerType, long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
Compares a IntegerType value with a long one.
compare(long, long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
compare(WinDef.BOOL, WinDef.BOOL) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
Compares 2 BOOL values - - Note: a null value is considered greater than any non-null one (i.e., null values are "pushed" to the end of a sorted array / list of values)
compare(WinDef.BOOL, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
Compares a BOOL value with a long one.
compare(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
compare(WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER, WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER
Compares 2 LARGE_INTEGER values - - Note: a null value is considered greater than any non-null one (i.e., null values are "pushed" to the end of a sorted array / list of values)
compare(WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER, long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER
Compares a LARGE_INTEGER value with a long one.
CompareIDs(WinDef.LPARAM, Pointer, Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IShellFolder
Determines the relative order of two file objects or folders, given their item identifier lists.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeString
compareTo(WinDef.BOOL) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.BOOL
compareTo(WinDef.CHAR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.CHAR
compareTo(WinDef.DWORD) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD
compareTo(WinDef.DWORDLONG) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORDLONG
compareTo(WinDef.LONG) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LONG
compareTo(WinDef.LONGLONG) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.LONGLONG
compareTo(WinDef.SHORT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.SHORT
compareTo(WinDef.UCHAR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.UCHAR
compareTo(WinDef.UINT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.UINT
compareTo(WinDef.ULONG) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.ULONG
compareTo(WinDef.ULONGLONG) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.ULONGLONG
compareTo(WinDef.USHORT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.USHORT
compareTo(WinDef.WORD) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.WORD
compareTo(WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER
compareTo(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.WString
Complex - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
COMPLEXREGION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.RepaintTrigger.Listener
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.RepaintTrigger.Listener
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.RepaintTrigger.Listener
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.RepaintTrigger.Listener
ComposeWith() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IMoniker
ComposeWith() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Moniker
CompressedFileSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO
The file size of the compressed file.
COMPRESSION_ENGINE_HIBER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_ENGINE_STANDARD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_FORMAT_XPRESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
COMPRESSION_FORMAT_XPRESS_HUFF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
CompressionFormat - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO
The compression format that is used to compress the file.
compressions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics64
CompressionUnitShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_COMPRESSION_INFO
The factor that the compression uses.
compressor_page_count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics64
ComProperty - Annotation Type in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.annotation
ComputerNameDnsDomain - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The name of the DNS domain assigned to the local computer or the cluster associated with the local computer.
ComputerNameDnsFullyQualified - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The fully qualified DNS name that uniquely identifies the local computer or the cluster associated with the local computer.
ComputerNameDnsHostname - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The DNS name of the local computer or the cluster associated with the local computer.
ComputerNameMax - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
Note used - serves as an upper limit in case one wants to go through all the values
ComputerNameNetBIOS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The NetBIOS name of the local computer or the cluster associated with the local computer.
ComputerNamePhysicalDnsDomain - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The name of the DNS domain assigned to the local computer.
ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The fully qualified DNS name that uniquely identifies the computer.
ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The DNS host name of the local computer.
ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT
The NetBIOS name of the local computer.
COMQC_E_APPLICATION_NOT_QUEUED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMQC_E_BAD_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMQC_E_NO_IPERSISTSTREAM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMQC_E_NO_QUEUEABLE_INTERFACES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMQC_E_QUEUING_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMQC_E_UNAUTHENTICATED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
COMQC_E_UNTRUSTED_ENQUEUER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ComThread - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util
ComThread(String, long, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ComThread
ComThread(String, long, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ComThread
COMUtils - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
The Class COMUtils.
COMUtils() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils
COMUtils.COMInfo - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
The Class COMInfo.
concatenateVarArgs(Object[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Function
Concatenate varargs with normal args to obtain a simple argument array.
conditionalAutoRead() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Performs auto-read only if uninitialized.
ConfigureNotify - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ConfigureRequest - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
connect(Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
connect(String, String, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
connect(Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Establishes a conversation with a server application that supports the specified service name and topic name pair.
connect(String, String, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Establishes a conversation with a server application that supports the specified service name and topic name pair.
connect(Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
connect(String, String, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
CONNECT_CMD_SAVECRED - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
If this flag is set, and the operating system prompts for a credential, the credential should be saved by the credential manager.
CONNECT_COMMANDLINE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
If this flag is set, the operating system prompts the user for authentication using the command line instead of a graphical user interface (GUI).
CONNECT_INTERACTIVE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
If this flag is set, the operating system may interact with the user for authentication purposes.
CONNECT_LOCALDRIVE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
If this flag is set, the connection was made using a local device redirection.
CONNECT_PROMPT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
This flag instructs the system not to use any default settings for user names or passwords without offering the user the opportunity to supply an alternative.
CONNECT_REDIRECT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
This flag forces the redirection of a local device when making the connection.
CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
This flag instructs the operating system to store the network resource connection.
ConnectFlag() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.ConnectFlag
CONNECTION_STATE_TEXT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Rasapi32Util
ConnectionPoint - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
ConnectionPoint(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ConnectionPoint
ConnectionPointContainer - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
ConnectionPointContainer(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ConnectionPointContainer
connectList(Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
connectList(String, String, DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
connectList(Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Establishes a conversation with all server applications that support the specified service name and topic name pair.
connectList(String, String, DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Establishes a conversation with all server applications that support the specified service name and topic name pair.
connectList(Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
connectList(String, String, DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
ConnectNamedPipe(WinNT.HANDLE, WinBase.OVERLAPPED) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Enables a named pipe server process to wait for a client process to connect to an instance of a named pipe
CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
CONSOLE_FULLSCREEN_HARDWARE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
constructVTable() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.DispatchListener
constructVTable() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.UnknownListener
CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
ContainingTypeLib(ITypeLib, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfoUtil.ContainingTypeLib
Instantiates a new containing type lib.
contains(Object) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructureSet
content - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
The content.
context - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
CONTEXT_E_ABORTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_ABORTING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_NOCONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_NOJIT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_NOTRANSACTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_OLDREF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_ROLENOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_SYNCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_TMNOTAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_E_WOULD_DEADLOCK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONTEXT_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ContextTrackingMode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE
Specifies whether the server is to be given a snapshot of the client's security context (called static tracking), or is to be continually updated to track changes to the client's security context (called dynamic tracking).
continueService() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.W32Service
Continue service.
Control - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.PRIVILEGE_SET
Control - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE
controlKey - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.Carbon
controllBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.DCB
Contains all the bit wise setting entries.
ControlMapIndex - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ControlMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
ControlService(Winsvc.SC_HANDLE, int, Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Sends a control code to a service.
CONVCONTEXT() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT
CONVCONTEXT(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT
ConvCtxt - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVINFO
Convert - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util
This class is considered internal to the package.
Convert() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.Convert
CONVERT10_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_BITMAP_TO_DIB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_FMT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_GET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_OLESTREAM_PUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_STG_DIB_TO_BITMAP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_STG_FMT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_E_STG_NO_STD_STREAM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CONVERT10_S_NO_PRESENTATION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
Converter() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IEnumIDList.Converter
Converter() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IShellFolder.Converter
ConvertSidToStringSid(WinNT.PSID, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Convert a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission.
convertSidToStringSid(WinNT.PSID) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Convert a security identifier (SID) to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission.
ConvertStringSidToSid(String, WinNT.PSIDByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Convert a string-format security identifier (SID) into a valid, functional SID.
convertStringSidToSid(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Convert a string representation of a security identifier (SID) to a binary format.
Convex - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CONVINFO() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVINFO
COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet
Cookie cache entry.
CoordModeOrigin - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CoordModePrevious - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
COPY - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Convenience to reference DnDConstants.ACTION_COPY.
COPY_MASK - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Modifier mask for a user-requested copy.
CopyFile(String, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Copies an existing file to a new file.
CopyFromParent - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CopyIcon(WinDef.HICON) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Copies the specified icon from another module to the current module.
CoreDLL - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.wince
Definition coredll.dll.
CoTaskMemAlloc(long) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Allocates a block of task memory in the same way that IMalloc::Alloc does.
CoTaskMemFree(Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Frees a block of task memory previously allocated through a call to the Ole32.CoTaskMemAlloc(long) or Ole32.CoTaskMemRealloc(com.sun.jna.Pointer, long) function.
CoTaskMemRealloc(Pointer, long) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Changes the size of a previously allocated block of task memory.
CoUninitialize() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Closes the COM library on the current thread, unloads all DLLs loaded by the thread, frees any other resources that the thread maintains, and forces all RPC connections on the thread to close.
count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XExposeEvent
count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGraphicsExposeEvent
count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XMappingEvent
Count - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT
The number of elements in the array of values.
countGpusNV() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OpenGL32Util
Count GPUs
cow_faults - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics
cow_faults - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics64
CP_WINANSI - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
default codepage for windows & old DDE convs.
CP_WINNEUTRAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
CP_WINUNICODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
default codepage for usage from java
cParams - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCDESC
cParamsOpt - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCDESC
CPU_STATE_IDLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB
CPU_STATE_MAX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB
CPU_STATE_NICE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB
CPU_STATE_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB
CPU_STATE_USER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB
cpu_ticks - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.HostCpuLoadInfo
CR - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
The Constant CR.
CR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
CRCR - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
The Constant CRCR.
CRCR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbConst
create(int) - Static method in exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdemlException
create() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.VarArgsChecker
Creates a new instance of a concrete subclass of VarArgsChecker, depending if Method.isVarArgs() exists.
CREATE_ALWAYS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_FOR_DIR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_FOR_IMPORT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_FORCEDOS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_NEW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_NO_WINDOW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_PRESERVE_CODE_AUTHZ_LEVEL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_PROTECTED_PROCESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_SUSPENDED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
CreateBindCtx(WinDef.DWORD, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32
Returns a pointer to an implementation of IBindCtx (a bind context object).
createClassName(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
Creates the class name.
createCLSID(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbCoClass
createCLSIDName(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbCoClass
CreateCompatibleBitmap(WinDef.HDC, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreateCompatibleBitmap function creates a bitmap compatible with the device that is associated with the specified device context.
CreateCompatibleDC(WinDef.HDC) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreateCompatibleDC function creates a memory device context (DC) compatible with the specified device.
createConstant(long) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Convenience constant, equivalent to (void*)CONSTANT.
createConstant(int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Convenience constant, equivalent to (void*)CONSTANT.
createContent(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
Creates the content.
createDataHandle(Pointer, int, int, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
createDataHandle(Pointer, int, int, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Creates a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object and fills the object with data from the specified buffer.
createDataHandle(Pointer, int, int, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
CreateDIBitmap(WinDef.HDC, WinGDI.BITMAPINFOHEADER, int, Pointer, WinGDI.BITMAPINFO, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreateDIBitmap function creates a compatible bitmap (DDB) from a DIB and, optionally, sets the bitmap bits.
CreateDIBSection(WinDef.HDC, WinGDI.BITMAPINFO, int, PointerByReference, Pointer, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreateDIBSection function creates a DIB that applications can write to directly.
CreateDirectory(String, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
The CreateDirectory function creates a new directory.
createDispatchCallback(Class<?>, IComEventCallbackListener) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.Factory
createDispatchCallback(Class<?>, IComEventCallbackListener) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ObjectFactory
createDispIdMap(Class<?>) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
createDragImage(GraphicsConfiguration, Icon) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Create an image from the given icon.
CreateEvent(WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, boolean, boolean, String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates or opens a named or unnamed event object.
createFieldsOrder(List<String>, String...) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
createFieldsOrder(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
createFieldsOrder(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
createFieldsOrder(String...) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
CreateFile(String, int, int, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, int, int, WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
The CreateFile function creates or opens a file, file stream, directory, physical disk, volume, console buffer, tape drive, communications resource, mailslot, or named pipe.
CreateFileMapping(WinNT.HANDLE, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, int, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for a specified file.
createFunctions(TypeInfoUtil, String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbCoClass
CreateInstance(IUnknown, Guid.REFIID, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ITypeInfo
CreateInstance(IUnknown, Guid.REFIID, PointerByReference) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfo
Creates the instance.
CreateInstance(IUnknown, Guid.REFIID) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfoUtil
Creates the instance.
createInterfaces(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbCoClass
CreateIoCompletionPort(WinNT.HANDLE, WinNT.HANDLE, Pointer, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates an input/output (I/O) completion port and associates it with a specified file handle, or creates an I/O completion port that is not yet associated with a file handle, allowing association at a later time.
createJavaDocHeader(String, String, String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbCoClass
createJavaDocHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbDispInterface
Creates the java doc header.
createJavaDocHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbEnum
Creates the java doc header.
createJavaDocHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbInterface
Creates the java doc header.
createListener() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils.RepaintTrigger
CreateNamedPipe(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
createNativeCallback(Callback, Method, Class<?>[], Class<?>, int, int, String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Create a native trampoline to delegate execution to the Java callback.
CreateNotify - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
createObject(Class<T>) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.Factory
createObject(Class<T>) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ObjectFactory
Creates a new COM object (CoCreateInstance) for the given progId and returns a ProxyObject for the given interface.
createPackageName(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbBase
CreatePipe(WinNT.HANDLEByReference, WinNT.HANDLEByReference, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates an anonymous pipe, and returns handles to the read and write ends of the pipe.
CreatePolyPolygonRgn(WinDef.POINT[], int[], int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreatePolyPolygonRgn function creates a region consisting of a series of polygons.
CreateProcess(String, String, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, boolean, WinDef.DWORD, Pointer, String, WinBase.STARTUPINFO, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates a new process and its primary thread.
CreateProcessAsUser(WinNT.HANDLE, String, String, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, boolean, int, String, String, WinBase.STARTUPINFO, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Creates a new process and its primary thread.
CreateProcessW(String, char[], WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, boolean, WinDef.DWORD, Pointer, String, WinBase.STARTUPINFO, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates a new process and its primary thread.
CreateProcessWithLogonW(String, String, String, int, String, String, int, Pointer, String, WinBase.STARTUPINFO, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWithLogonW( _In_ LPCWSTR lpUsername, _In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpDomain, _In_ LPCWSTR lpPassword, _In_ DWORD dwLogonFlags, _In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, _Inout_opt_ LPWSTR lpCommandLine, _In_ DWORD dwCreationFlags, _In_opt_ LPVOID lpEnvironment, _In_opt_ LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, _In_ LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, _Out_ LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInfo );
createProxy(Class<T>, IDispatch) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.Factory
createProxy(Class<T>, IDispatch) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ObjectFactory
Creates a ProxyObject for the given interface and IDispatch pointer.
CreateRectRgn(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreateRectRgn function creates a rectangular region.
CreateRemoteThread(WinNT.HANDLE, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, int, WinBase.FOREIGN_THREAD_START_ROUTINE, Pointer, WinDef.DWORD, Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Creates a thread that runs in the virtual address space of another process.
createRIID(Class<?>) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
CreateRoundRectRgn(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The CreateRoundRectRgn function creates a rectangular region with rounded corners.
createSafeArray(int...) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
Create a SAFEARRAY with supplied VARIANT as element type.
createSafeArray(WTypes.VARTYPE, int...) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
Create a SAFEARRAY with supplied element type.
createStringHandle(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
createStringHandle(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Creates a handle that identifies the specified string.
createStringHandle(String) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(WinDef.DWORD, WinDef.DWORD) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Takes a snapshot of the specified processes, as well as the heaps, modules, and threads used by these processes.
CreateViewObject(WinDef.HWND, Guid.REFIID, PointerByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IShellFolder
Requests an object that can be used to obtain information from or interact with a folder object.
CreateWellKnownSid(int, WinNT.PSID, WinNT.PSID, IntByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The CreateWellKnownSid function creates a SID for predefined aliases.
createWindow(String, String, int, int, int, int, int, WinDef.HWND, WinDef.HMENU, WinDef.HINSTANCE, WinDef.LPVOID) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32Util
CreateWindowEx(int, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, WinDef.HWND, WinDef.HMENU, WinDef.HINSTANCE, WinDef.LPVOID) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Creates an overlapped, pop-up, or child window with an extended window style; otherwise, this function is identical to the CreateWindow function.
createWindowEx(int, String, String, int, int, int, int, int, WinDef.HWND, WinDef.HMENU, WinDef.HINSTANCE, WinDef.LPVOID) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32Util
CreationTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_BASIC_INFO
The time the file was created in FILETIME format, which is a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
cRedBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the number of red bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
CredHandle() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.CredHandle
cRedShift - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the shift count for red bitplanes in each RGBA color buffer.
Crypt32 - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Crypt32.dll Interface.
Crypt32Util - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Crypt32 utility API.
Crypt32Util() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
CRYPT_E_ALREADY_DECRYPTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADARGS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad arguments to function call
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADARGS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADPDU - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 function not supported for this PDU
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADPDU - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADREAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad real value
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADREAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADTAG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad tag value met
CRYPT_E_ASN1_BADTAG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_CHOICE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad choice value
CRYPT_E_ASN1_CHOICE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 constraint violated
CRYPT_E_ASN1_CONSTRAINT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_CORRUPT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 corrupted data
CRYPT_E_ASN1_CORRUPT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 unexpected end of data
CRYPT_E_ASN1_EOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 Certificate encode/decode return value base
CRYPT_E_ASN1_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_EXTENDED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 skipped unknown extensions
CRYPT_E_ASN1_EXTENDED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_INTERNAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 internal encode or decode error
CRYPT_E_ASN1_INTERNAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_LARGE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 value too large
CRYPT_E_ASN1_LARGE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_MEMORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 out of memory
CRYPT_E_ASN1_MEMORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_NOEOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 end of data expected
CRYPT_E_ASN1_NOEOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_NYI - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 not yet implemented
CRYPT_E_ASN1_NYI - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_OVERFLOW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 buffer overflow
CRYPT_E_ASN1_OVERFLOW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_PDU_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad PDU type
CRYPT_E_ASN1_PDU_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_RULE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad encoding rule
CRYPT_E_ASN1_RULE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ASN1_UTF8 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
ASN.1 bad Unicode (UTF8)
CRYPT_E_ASN1_UTF8 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ATTRIBUTES_MISSING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_AUTH_ATTR_MISSING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_BAD_ENCODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_BAD_LEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_BAD_MSG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_CONTROL_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_DELETED_PREV - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_FILE_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_FILERESIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_HASH_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_INVALID_IA5_STRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_INVALID_INDEX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_INVALID_MSG_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_INVALID_NUMERIC_STRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_INVALID_PRINTABLE_STRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_INVALID_X500_STRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_ISSUER_SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_MISSING_PUBKEY_PARA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_MSG_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_DECRYPT_CERT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_KEY_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_MATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_PROVIDER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_CHECK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_REVOCATION_DLL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_SIGNER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_TRUSTED_SIGNER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_CHECK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NO_VERIFY_USAGE_DLL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NOT_CHAR_STRING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NOT_DECRYPTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_CTL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_NOT_IN_REVOCATION_DATABASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_OID_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_OSS_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_PENDING_CLOSE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_RECIPIENT_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_REVOCATION_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_REVOKED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_SECURITY_SETTINGS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_SELF_SIGNED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_SIGNER_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_STREAM_INSUFFICIENT_DATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_ENCODING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_UNEXPECTED_MSG_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_UNKNOWN_ALGO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_E_VERIFY_USAGE_OFFLINE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPT_I_NEW_PROTECTION_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CRYPTPROTECT_AUDIT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Generate an Audit on protect and unprotect operations.
CRYPTPROTECT_CRED_REGENERATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Regenerate the local machine protection.
CRYPTPROTECT_CRED_SYNC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Force credential synchronize during CryptProtectData() Synchronize is only operation that occurs during this operation.
CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Per machine protected data -- any user on machine where CryptProtectData took place may CryptUnprotectData.
CRYPTPROTECT_NO_RECOVERY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Protect data with a non-recoverable key.
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_PROTECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Prompt on protect.
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_ON_UNPROTECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Prompt on unprotect.
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_REQUIRE_STRONG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Require strong variant UI protection (user supplied password currently).
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_RESERVED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Reserved, don't use.
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPT_STRONG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Default to strong variant UI protection (user supplied password currently).
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT
CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT
CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
For remote-access situations where ui is not an option, if UI was specified on protect or unprotect operation, the call will fail and GetLastError() will indicate ERROR_PASSWORD_RESTRICTION.
CRYPTPROTECT_VERIFY_PROTECTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt
Verify the protection of a protected blob.
CryptProtectData(WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB, String, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB, Pointer, WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT, int, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32
The CryptProtectData function performs encryption on the data in a DATA_BLOB structure.
cryptProtectData(byte[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
Protect a blob of data.
cryptProtectData(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
Protect a blob of data with optional flags.
cryptProtectData(byte[], byte[], int, String, WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
Protect a blob of data.
CryptUnprotectData(WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB, PointerByReference, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB, Pointer, WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT, int, WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32
The CryptUnprotectData function decrypts and does an integrity check of the data in a DATA_BLOB structure.
cryptUnprotectData(byte[]) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
Unprotect a blob of data.
cryptUnprotectData(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
Unprotect a blob of data.
cryptUnprotectData(byte[], byte[], int, WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Crypt32Util
Unprotect a blob of data.
CS_E_ADMIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_CLASS_NOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_INVALID_PATH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_INVALID_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_NETWORK_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_NO_CLASSSTORE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_NOT_DELETABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_OBJECT_NOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_PACKAGE_NOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_E_SCHEMA_MISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
CS_GLOBALCLASS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
The cs globalclass.
cScodes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCDESC
CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_APPDATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_BITBUCKET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_OEM_LINKS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COMPUTERSNEARME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_CONTROLS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_COOKIES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_DESKTOP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_DRIVES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_FAVORITES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_FONTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_HISTORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_INTERNET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_MYMUSIC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_MYPICTURES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_MYVIDEO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_NETHOOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_NETWORK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PERSONAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PRINTERS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PRINTHOOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PROFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_PROGRAMS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_RECENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_RESOURCES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_RESOURCES_LOCALIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_SENDTO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_STARTMENU - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_STARTUP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_TEMPLATES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CSIDL_WINDOWS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShlObj
CStatus - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Pdh.PDH_RAW_COUNTER
Counter status that indicates if the counter value is valid.
cStencilBits - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the depth of the stencil buffer.
CTL_CODE(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinioctlUtil
Simulates the macro CTL_CODE from Winioctl.h
CTRL_BREAK_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
CTRL_C_EVENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
CtxtHandle() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.CtxtHandle
CURRENCY() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CURRENCY
CURRENCY(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CURRENCY
currency - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.CURRENCY
CurrentTime - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Cursor() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Cursor
Cursor(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Cursor
cursor - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
CursorShape - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
cVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
cVars - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
CWBackingPixel - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBackingPlanes - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBackingStore - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBackPixel - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBackPixmap - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBitGravity - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBorderPixel - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBorderPixmap - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWBorderWidth - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWColormap - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWCursor - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWDontPropagate - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWEventMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWHeight - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWOverrideRedirect - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWSaveUnder - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWSibling - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWStackMode - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWWidth - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWWinGravity - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
CWY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
cx - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.SIZE
cxWindowBorders - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO
cy - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.SIZE
cyVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
cyWindowBorders - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO


Dacl - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE
DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
daemon - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference.AttachOptions
dash_offset - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
dashes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGCValues
data - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XClientMessageEvent
Data() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XClientMessageEvent.Data
Data - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.DDEML_MSG_HOOK_DATA
The first 32 bytes of data being passed with the message (8 * sizeof(DWORD)).
Data - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
Contains the first 32 bytes of data being passed with the transaction (8 * sizeof(DWORD)).
Data - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD.UNION
data - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
Data1 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID
The Data1.
Data2 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID
The Data2.
Data3 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID
The Data3.
Data4 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Guid.GUID
The Data4.
DATA_BLOB() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB
DATA_BLOB(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB
DATA_BLOB(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB
DATA_BLOB(String) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.DATA_BLOB
DATA_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DATA_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DATA_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DATA_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DATA_S_SAMEFORMATETC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DataBuffer - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ntifs.GenericReparseBuffer
Microsoft-defined data for the reparse point.
dataEquals(Structure) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Return whether the given Structure's native backing data is identical to this one.
dataEquals(Structure, boolean) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Return whether the given Structure's backing data is identical to this one, optionally clearing and re-writing native memory before checking.
DataLength - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.EVENTLOGRECORD
Size of the event-specific data (at the position indicated by DataOffset), in bytes.
DataOffset - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.EVENTLOGRECORD
Offset of the event-specific information within this event log record, in bytes.
DATE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DATE
DATE(double) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DATE
DATE(Date) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DATE
date - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DATE
date - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
DATE_OFFSET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
dateToFileTime(Date) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILETIME
Converts a Date into a filetime.
dateValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT
DaylightBias - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
DaylightDate - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
DaylightName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION
dbcc_classguid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
The dbcc_classguid.
dbcc_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
The dbcc_devicetype.
dbcc_name - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
The dbcc_name.
dbcc_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
The dbcc_reserved.
dbcc_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
The dbcc_size.
dbcd_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE
The dbcd_devicetype.
dbcd_devnode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE
The dbcd_devnode.
dbcd_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE
The dbcd_reserved.
dbcd_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE
The dbcd_size.
dbch_data - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_data.
dbch_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_devicetype.
dbch_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
The dbch_devicetype.
dbch_eventguid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_eventguid.
dbch_handle - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_handle.
dbch_hdevnotify - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_hdevnotify.
dbch_nameoffset - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_nameoffset.
dbch_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_reserved.
dbch_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
The dbch_reserved.
dbch_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
The dbch_size.
dbch_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
The dbch_size.
dbcn_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
The dbcn_devicetype.
dbcn_flags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
The dbcn_flags.
dbcn_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
The dbcn_reserved.
dbcn_resource - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
The dbcn_resource.
dbcn_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
The dbcn_size.
dbco_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
The dbco_devicetype.
dbco_identifier - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
The dbco_identifier.
dbco_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
The dbco_reserved.
dbco_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
The dbco_size.
dbco_suppfunc - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
The dbco_suppfunc.
dbcp_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT
The dbcp_devicetype.
dbcp_name - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT
The dbcp_name.
dbcp_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT
The dbcp_reserved.
dbcp_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT
The dbcp_size.
dbcv_devicetype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
The dbcv_devicetype.
dbcv_flags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
The dbcv_flags.
dbcv_reserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
The dbcv_reserved.
dbcv_size - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
The dbcv_size.
dbcv_unitmask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
The dbcv_unitmask.
dblVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT._VARIANT.__VARIANT
DBT - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Based on dbt.h (various types)
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DBT_CONFIGMGPRIVATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt configmgprivate.
DBT_CUSTOMEVENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt customevent.
DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devicearrival.
DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devicequeryremove.
DBT_DEVICEQUERYREMOVEFAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devicequeryremovefailed.
DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt deviceremovecomplete.
DBT_DEVICEREMOVEPENDING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt deviceremovepending.
DBT_DEVICETYPESPECIFIC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devicetypespecific.
DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
A device has been added to or removed from the system.
DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp deviceinterface.
DBT_DEVTYP_DEVNODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp devnode.
DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp handle.
DBT_DEVTYP_NET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp net.
DBT_DEVTYP_OEM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp oem.
DBT_DEVTYP_PORT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp port.
DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt devtyp volume.
DBT_LOW_DISK_SPACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt low disk space.
DBT_NO_DISK_SPACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt no disk space.
DBTF_MEDIA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt change affects media in drive, not physical device or drive.
DBTF_NET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT
The dbt indicated logical volume is a network volume.
DCB() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.DCB
DCBControllBits() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.DCB.DCBControllBits
DCBlength - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.DCB
The length of the structure, in bytes.
dci - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
DcSiteName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the site where the domain controller is located.
DDD_EXACT_MATCH_ON_REMOVE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
DDE_FACK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FACKREQ - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FACKRESERVED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FADVRESERVED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FAPPSTATUS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FBUSY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FDATRESERVED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FDEFERUPD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FNOTPROCESSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FPOKRESERVED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FRELEASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DDE_FREQUESTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DdeAbandonTransaction(int, Ddeml.HCONV, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Abandons the specified asynchronous transaction and releases all resources associated with the transaction.
DdeAccessData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Provides access to the data in the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object.
DdeAdapter() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeAdapter
DdeAddData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, Pointer, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Adds data to the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object.
ddeCallback(int, int, Ddeml.HCONV, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HDDEDATA, BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR, BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.DdeCallback
ddeCallback(int, int, Ddeml.HCONV, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HDDEDATA, BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR, BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeAdapter
DdeClient() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
DdeClientTransaction(Pointer, int, Ddeml.HCONV, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int, int, WinDef.DWORDByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Begins a data transaction between a client and a server.
DdeConnect(int, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Establishes a conversation with a server application that supports the specified service name and topic name pair.
DdeConnection(DdemlUtil.IDdeClient, Ddeml.HCONV) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
DdeConnectionList(DdemlUtil.IDdeClient, Ddeml.HCONVLIST) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnectionList
DdeConnectList(int, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HCONVLIST, Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Establishes a conversation with all server applications that support the specified service name and topic name pair.
DdeCreateDataHandle(int, Pointer, int, int, Ddeml.HSZ, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Creates a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object and fills the object with data from the specified buffer.
DdeCreateStringHandle(int, String, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Creates a handle that identifies the specified string.
DdeDisconnect(Ddeml.HCONV) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Terminates a conversation started by either the DdeConnect or DdeConnectList function and invalidates the specified conversation handle.
DdeDisconnectList(Ddeml.HCONVLIST) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Destroys the specified conversation list and terminates all conversations associated with the list.
DdeEnableCallback(int, Ddeml.HCONV, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Enables or disables transactions for a specific conversation or for all conversations currently established by the calling application.
DdeFreeDataHandle(Ddeml.HDDEDATA) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Frees a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object and deletes the data handle associated with the object.
DdeFreeStringHandle(int, Ddeml.HSZ) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Frees a string handle in the calling application.
DdeGetData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA, Pointer, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Copies data from the specified Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object to the specified local buffer.
DdeGetLastError(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DdeImpersonateClient(Ddeml.HCONV) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Impersonates a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) client application in a DDE client conversation.
DdeInitialize(WinDef.DWORDByReference, Ddeml.DdeCallback, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Registers an application with the Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML).
DdeKeepStringHandle(int, Ddeml.HSZ) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Increments the usage count associated with the specified handle.
Ddeml - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ported from Ddeml.h.
Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The following structure is used by DdeConnect() and DdeConnectList() and by XTYP_CONNECT and XTYP_WILDCONNECT callbacks.
Ddeml.CONVINFO - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.DdeCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.DDEML_MSG_HOOK_DATA - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.HCONV - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.HCONVLIST - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.HDDEDATA - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.HSZ - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ddeml.HSZPAIR - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
the following structure is for use with XTYP_WILDCONNECT processing.
Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Contains information about the current Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) transaction.
Ddeml.MONCONVSTRUCT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation.
Ddeml.MONERRSTRUCT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Contains information about the current Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) error.
Ddeml.MONHSZSTRUCT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) string handle.
Ddeml.MONLINKSTRUCT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Contains information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) advise loop.
Ddeml.MONMSGSTRUCT - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DDEML_MSG_HOOK_DATA() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.DDEML_MSG_HOOK_DATA
DdemlException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdemlException
DdemlUtil - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil defines helper classes, that help with manageing DDE communications.
DdemlUtil() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil
DdemlUtil.AdvdataHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.AdvreqHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.AdvstartHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.AdvstopHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.ConnectConfirmHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.ConnectHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.DdeAdapter - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdeAdapter implements DdeCallback and allow dynamic registration for mulitple handlers, that can be registered and unregistered at runtime.
DdemlUtil.DdeAdapter.BlockException - Exception in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.DdeClient - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.DdeConnection - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.DdeConnectionList - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.DdemlException - Exception in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlException wraps error codes reported by the DDEML functions as an exception.
DdemlUtil.DisconnectHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.ErrorHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.ExecuteHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.IDdeClient - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The IDdeClient defines functions that wrap a ddeml instance. and are not tied to conversation.
DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The IDdeConnection defines the functions, that work an a concrete connection/conversation.
DdemlUtil.IDdeConnectionList - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The IDdeConnectionList wraps a connectionlist.
DdemlUtil.MonitorHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.PokeHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.RegisterHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.RequestHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
StandaloneDdeClient is a convenience class, that wraps a DdeClient and a User32Util.MessageLoopThread.
DdemlUtil.UnregisterHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.WildconnectHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdemlUtil.XactCompleteHandler - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DdeNameService(int, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Registers or unregisters the service names a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server supports.
DdePostAdvise(int, Ddeml.HSZ, Ddeml.HSZ) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Causes the system to send an XTYP_ADVREQ transaction to the calling (server) application's Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) callback function for each client with an active advise loop on the specified topic and item.
DdeQueryConvInfo(Ddeml.HCONV, int, Ddeml.CONVINFO) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Retrieves information about a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) transaction and about the conversation in which the transaction takes place.
DdeQueryNextServer(Ddeml.HCONVLIST, Ddeml.HCONV) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Retrieves the next conversation handle in the specified conversation list.
DdeQueryString(int, Ddeml.HSZ, Pointer, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Copies text associated with a string handle into a buffer.
DdeReconnect(Ddeml.HCONV) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Enables a client Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) application to attempt to reestablish a conversation with a service that has terminated a conversation with the client.
DdeSetUserHandle(Ddeml.HCONV, int, BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Associates an application-defined value with a conversation handle or a transaction identifier.
DdeUnaccessData(Ddeml.HDDEDATA) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Unaccesses a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) object.
DdeUninitialize(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
Frees all Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML) resources associated with the calling application.
DEBUG_JNA_LOAD - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
DEBUG_LOAD - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
DEBUG_PROCESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
DECIMAL() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL
DECIMAL(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL
decimal1 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL
decimal1_DECIMAL - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL._DECIMAL1
decimal2 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL
decimal2_DECIMAL - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DECIMAL._DECIMAL2
decodeString(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.XAttrUtil
decodeStringSequence(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.XAttrUtil
decompressions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.SystemB.VMStatistics64
DecryptFile(String, WinDef.DWORD) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Decrypts an encrypted file or directory.
decryptFile(File) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Decrypts an encrypted file or directory.
decVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.win32.W32APITypeMapper
Default TypeMapper to use - depends on the value of w32.ascii system property
DEFAULT_ENCODING - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.Native
DEFAULT_GHOST_ALPHA - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Default transparency for ghosting.
DEFAULT_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.W32APIOptions
Default options to use - depends on the value of w32.ascii system property
DefaultBlanking - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DefaultExposures - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DefaultObject - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinPerf.PERF_DATA_BLOCK
DefaultPriority - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool.PRINTER_INFO_2
The default priority value assigned to each print job.
DefaultScreenOfDisplay(X11.Display) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DefaultTypeMapper - Class in com.sun.jna
Provide custom mappings to and from native types.
DefaultTypeMapper() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.DefaultTypeMapper
defaultValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeMappedConverter
DefineDosDevice(int, String, String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Defines, redefines, or deletes MS-DOS device names.
DefWindowProc(WinDef.HWND, int, WinDef.WPARAM, WinDef.LPARAM) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Calls the default window procedure to provide default processing for any window messages that an application does not process.
DegaussMonitor(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Dxva2
Degausses a monitor.
delay - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SC_ACTION
The time to wait before performing the specified action, in milliseconds.
DELETE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT
DeleteDC(WinDef.HDC) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The DeleteDC function deletes the specified device context (DC).
DeleteFile(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Deletes an existing file.
deleteFile(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32Util
DeleteFile - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO
Indicates whether the file should be deleted.
deleteLibrary(File) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Remove any automatically unpacked native library.
DeleteObject(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32
The DeleteObject function deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object.
DeletePending - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_STANDARD_INFO
TRUE if the file in the delete queue; otherwise, false.
DeleteSecurityContext(Sspi.CtxtHandle) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Secur32
The DeleteSecurityContext function deletes the local data structures associated with the specified security context.
DeleteUrlCacheEntry(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet
DeleteVolumeMountPoint(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Deletes a drive letter or mounted folder
depth - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderPictFormat
depth - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XVisualInfo
depth - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
DeregisterEventSource(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Closes the specified event log.
DESCKIND() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND_FUNCDESC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND_IMPLICITAPPOBJ - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND_MAX - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND_NONE - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND_TYPECOMP - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DESCKIND_VARDESC - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DESCKIND
DesiredAccess - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool.LPPRINTER_DEFAULTS
Specifies desired access rights for a printer.
DesktopWindow - Class in com.sun.jna.platform
Holds some general information about a window.
DesktopWindow(WinDef.HWND, String, String, Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.DesktopWindow
destroy() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.SAFEARRAY
Destroy the underlying SAFEARRAY and free memory
DestroyAll - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DestroyIcon(WinDef.HICON) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
This function destroys an icon and frees any memory the icon occupied.
DestroyNotify - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DestroyPhysicalMonitor(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Dxva2
Closes a handle to a physical monitor.
DestroyPhysicalMonitors(int, PhysicalMonitorEnumerationAPI.PHYSICAL_MONITOR[]) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Dxva2
Closes an array of physical monitor handles.
DestroyWindow(WinDef.HWND) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Destroys the specified window.
destroyWindow(WinDef.HWND) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32Util
detach - Variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference.AttachOptions
detach(Callback) - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackThreadInitializer
Returns whether the Thread should be detached from the VM after the callback exits, if the thread was not already attached to begin with.
detach(boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Native
Indicate whether the JVM should detach the current native thread when the current Java code finishes execution.
DETACHED_PROCESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
detail - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureRequestEvent
detail - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XCrossingEvent
detail - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XFocusChangeEvent
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
Instantiates a new dev broadcast deviceinterface.
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
Dev broadcast hdr.
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE
Instantiates a new dev broadcast deviceinterface.
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE
Instantiates a new dev broadcast devnode.
DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_DEVNODE
Instantiates a new dev broadcast devnode.
DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
Instantiates a new dev broadcast handle.
DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE
Instantiates a new dev broadcast handle.
DEV_BROADCAST_HDR() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
Instantiates a new dev broadcast hdr.
DEV_BROADCAST_HDR(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
Instantiates a new dev broadcast hdr.
DEV_BROADCAST_HDR(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_HDR
Instantiates a new dev broadcast hdr.
DEV_BROADCAST_NET() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
Instantiates a new dev broadcast net.
DEV_BROADCAST_NET(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_NET
Instantiates a new dev broadcast net.
DEV_BROADCAST_OEM() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
Instantiates a new dev broadcast oem.
DEV_BROADCAST_OEM(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_OEM
Instantiates a new dev broadcast oem.
DEV_BROADCAST_PORT() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT
Instantiates a new dev broadcast port.
DEV_BROADCAST_PORT(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_PORT
Instantiates a new dev broadcast port.
DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
Instantiates a new dev broadcast volume.
DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DBT.DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME
Instantiates a new dev broadcast volume.
device_id - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XDeviceByReference
DEVICE_NOTIFY_ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
The device notify all interface classes.
DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
The hRecipient parameter is a service status handle.
DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
The hRecipient parameter is a window handle.
DeviceIoControl(WinNT.HANDLE, int, Pointer, int, Pointer, int, IntByReference, Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Sends a control code directly to a specified device driver, causing the corresponding device to perform the corresponding operation.
DeviceNumber - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winioctl.STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER
The number of this device.
DeviceType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winioctl.STORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER
The type of device.
DevInst - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi.SP_DEVINFO_DATA
An opaque handle to the device instance (also known as a handle to the devnode).
dialEntry(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Rasapi32Util
Dial a phone book entry by name (Synchronously)
dialEntry(String, WinRas.RasDialFunc2) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Rasapi32Util
Dial a phone book entry by name (Asynchronously - callback type 2)
dialNotification(int, int, WinNT.HANDLE, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RasDialFunc2
DIB_PAL_COLORS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
DIB_RGB_COLORS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI
DIBSECTION() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.DIBSECTION
DICS_FLAG_CONFIGGENERAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
1 or more hardware profile-specific changes to follow.
DICS_FLAG_CONFIGSPECIFIC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
make change in specified profile only
DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
make change in all hardware profiles
DIGCF_ALLCLASSES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Return a list of installed devices for all device setup classes or all device interface classes.
DIGCF_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Return only the device that is associated with the system default device interface, if one is set, for the specified device interface classes.
DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Return devices that support device interfaces for the specified device interface classes.
DIGCF_PRESENT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Return only devices that are currently present in a system.
DIGCF_PROFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Return only devices that are a part of the current hardware profile.
DIGSIG_E_CRYPTO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DIGSIG_E_DECODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DIGSIG_E_ENCODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DIGSIG_E_EXTENSIBILITY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
direct - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Xrender.XRenderPictFormat
directCallbackMap - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
DirectColor - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Directory - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_STANDARD_INFO
TRUE if the file is a directory; otherwise, false.
DIREG_BOTH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Delete both driver and Device key
DIREG_DEV - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Open/Create/Delete device key.
DIREG_DRV - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.SetupApi
Open/Create/Delete driver key
disable() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.Privilege
Disabled the prior enabled privilege
DisableAccess - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
disableEncryption(File, boolean) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Disables or enables encryption of the specified directory and the files in it.
DisableScreenInterval - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DisableScreenSaver - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DisconnectNamedPipe(WinNT.HANDLE) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
Disconnects the server end of a named pipe instance from a client process.
discoverClsId(ComObject) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.Factory
discoverClsId(ComObject) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ObjectFactory
DISP_E_ARRAYISLOCKED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_BADCALLEE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_BADINDEX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_BADPARAMCOUNT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_BADVARTYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_BUFFERTOOSMALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_DIVBYZERO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_NONAMEDARGS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_NOTACOLLECTION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_OVERFLOW - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_PARAMNOTOPTIONAL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_UNKNOWNINTERFACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_UNKNOWNLCID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
Dispatch - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
Wrapper class for the IDispatch interface IDispatch.GetTypeInfoCount 12 IDispatch.GetTypeInfo 16 IDispatch.GetIDsOfNames 20 IDispatch.Invoke 24
Dispatch() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Dispatch
Dispatch(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Dispatch
Dispatch.ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DISPATCH_METHOD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto
DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto
DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto
dispatchCallback - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.AbstractComEventCallbackListener
DispatchListener - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchListener(IDispatchCallback) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.DispatchListener
dispatchListener - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
DispatchMessage(WinUser.MSG) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
This function dispatches a message to a window procedure.
DispatchVTable - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.DispatchVTable
DispatchVTable.AddRefCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.GetIDsOfNamesCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.GetTypeInfoCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.GetTypeInfoCountCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.InvokeCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.QueryInterfaceCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DispatchVTable.ReleaseCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM
DISPID() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DISPID
DISPID(int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DISPID
DISPID_COLLECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_CONSTRUCTOR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_DESTRUCTOR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_EVALUATE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_NEWENUM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_PROPERTYPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
DISPID_VALUE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl
The Constant DISPID_VALUE.
DISPIDByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DISPIDByReference
DISPIDByReference(OaIdl.DISPID) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.DISPIDByReference
Display() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Display
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XAnyEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XButtonEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XCirculateEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XCirculateRequestEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XClientMessageEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XColormapEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XConfigureRequestEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XCreateWindowEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XCrossingEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XDestroyWindowEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XErrorEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XExposeEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XFocusChangeEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGraphicsExposeEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGravityEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeyEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XKeymapEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XMapEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XMappingEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XMapRequestEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XMotionEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XNoExposeEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XPropertyEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XReparentEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XResizeRequestEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSelectionClearEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSelectionEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSelectionRequestEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XUnmapEvent
display - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XVisibilityEvent
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Free native resources associated with this callback.
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Free the native memory and set peer to zero
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Close the native library we're mapped to.
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.GhostedDragImage
Make all ghosted images go away.
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.FileMonitor
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ProxyObject
dispose() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.W32FileMonitor
disposeAll() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.CallbackReference
Dispose of all memory allocated for callbacks.
disposeAll() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Dispose of all allocated memory.
disposeAll() - Static method in class com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary
Close all open native libraries.
disposeAll() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.ObjectFactory
DISPPARAMS() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS
Instantiates a new dispparams.
DISPPARAMS(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OleAuto.DISPPARAMS
Instantiates a new dispparams.
DLL_FPTRS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.win32.DLLCallback
Total number of DLL callbacks available for allocation.
DLLCallback - Interface in com.sun.jna.win32
Indicate that the callback needs to appear to be within a DLL.
DllEntry(String, String, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.TypeInfoUtil.DllEntry
Instantiates a new dll entry.
dmhd - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONMSGSTRUCT
Additional information about the DDE message.
DMLERR_ADVACKTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A request for a synchronous advise transaction has timed out.
DMLERR_BUSY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
The response to the transaction caused the DDE_FBUSY flag to be set.
DMLERR_DATAACKTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A request for a synchronous data transaction has timed out.
DMLERR_DLL_NOT_INITIALIZED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A DDEML function was called without first calling the DdeInitialize function, or an invalid instance identifier was passed to a DDEML function.
DMLERR_DLL_USAGE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
An application initialized as APPCLASS_MONITOR has attempted to perform a DDE transaction, or an application initialized as APPCMD_CLIENTONLY has attempted to perform server transactions.
DMLERR_EXECACKTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A request for a synchronous execute transaction has timed out.
DMLERR_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A parameter failed to be validated by the DDEML.
DMLERR_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DMLERR_LOW_MEMORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A DDEML application has created a prolonged race condition (in which the server application outruns the client), causing large amounts of memory to be consumed.
DMLERR_MEMORY_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A memory allocation has failed.
DMLERR_NO_CONV_ESTABLISHED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A client's attempt to establish a conversation has failed.
DMLERR_NO_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DMLERR_NOTPROCESSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A transaction has failed.
DMLERR_POKEACKTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A request for a synchronous poke transaction has timed out.
DMLERR_POSTMSG_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
An internal call to the PostMessage function has failed.
DMLERR_REENTRANCY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
An application instance with a synchronous transaction already in progress attempted to initiate another synchronous transaction, or the DdeEnableCallback function was called from within a DDEML callback function.
DMLERR_SERVER_DIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A server-side transaction was attempted on a conversation terminated by the client, or the server terminated before completing a transaction.
DMLERR_SYS_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
An internal error has occurred in the DDEML.
DMLERR_UNADVACKTIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
A request to end an advise transaction has timed out.
DMLERR_UNFOUND_QUEUE_ID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
An invalid transaction identifier was passed to a DDEML function.
DNLEN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas
DNS_ERROR_ALIAS_LOOP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_AUTOZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_AXFR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_BACKGROUND_LOADING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_BAD_PACKET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_ROOT_HINTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_CNAME_COLLISION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_CNAME_LOOP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DATABASE_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_OPEN_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DATAFILE_PARSING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DNAME_COLLISION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_ENLISTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_FSMO_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DP_NOT_ENLISTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DS_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DS_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DWORD_VALUE_TOO_LARGE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_DWORD_VALUE_TOO_SMALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_FILE_WRITEBACK_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_FORWARDER_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_GENERAL_API_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_ROOT_HINTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_DATAFILE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_IP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_OPERATION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_INVALID_ZONE_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_MASK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NAME_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NAME_NOT_IN_ZONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NBSTAT_INIT_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NEED_SECONDARY_ADDRESSES - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NEED_WINS_SERVERS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_BOOTFILE_IF_DS_ZONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_CREATE_CACHE_DATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_DNS_SERVERS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_PACKET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_TCPIP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NO_ZONE_INFO - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NODE_CREATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NODE_IS_CNAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NODE_IS_DNAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RODC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_ROOT_SERVER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DELEGATION - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_UNDER_DNAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NOT_UNIQUE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_NUMERIC_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_OPERATION_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_PACKET_FMT_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_PRIMARY_REQUIRES_DATAFILE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADKEY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADSIG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_BADTIME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_FORMAT_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NAME_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NO_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTAUTH - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NOTZONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_NXRRSET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_REFUSED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_SERVER_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXDOMAIN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RCODE_YXRRSET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RECORD_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RECORD_ONLY_AT_ZONE_ROOT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RECORD_TIMED_OUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_RESPONSE_CODES_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_DATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_SECONDARY_REQUIRES_MASTER_IP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_SECURE_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_SETUP_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_SOA_DELETE_INVALID - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_TRY_AGAIN_LATER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_RECORD_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_UNSECURE_PACKET - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_WINS_INIT_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_BASE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_CREATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_DOES_NOT_EXIST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_HAS_NO_NS_RECORDS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_HAS_NO_SOA_RECORD - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_IS_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_LOCKED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_NOT_SECONDARY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_ERROR_ZONE_REQUIRES_MASTER_IP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_FILTEROFF - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DNS_FILTERON - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DNS_INFO_ADDED_LOCAL_WINS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_INFO_AXFR_COMPLETE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_INFO_NO_RECORDS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_REGISTER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DNS_STATUS_CONTINUE_NEEDED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_STATUS_DOTTED_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_STATUS_FQDN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_STATUS_PACKET_UNSECURE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_STATUS_SINGLE_PART_NAME - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_UNREGISTER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
DNS_WARNING_DOMAIN_UNDELETED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DNS_WARNING_PTR_CREATE_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DnsDomainName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS
Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the DNS name of the domain.
DnsDomainName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainTrust
DNS name of the domain.
DnsForestName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the domain at the root of the DS tree.
dnsForestName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the domain at the root of the DS tree.
DnsName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_DOMAIN_INFO
do_not_propagate_mask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XSetWindowAttributes
do_not_propagate_mask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XWindowAttributes
DoBlue - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
docStr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.tlb.imp.TlbAbstractMethod
DoGreen - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
domain - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.Account
Account domain.
Domain - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_RPC_LOGIN
The domain to which the user account belongs.
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
DomainController() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
DomainControllerAddress - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the address of the discovered domain controller.
DomainControllerAddressType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Indicates the type of string that is contained in the DomainControllerAddress member.
DomainControllerName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the computer name of the discovered domain controller.
DomainGuid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
The GUID of the domain.
DomainGuid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS
Contains the GUID of the domain represented by this structure.
domainGuid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
The GUID of the domain.
DomainGuid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainTrust
Contains the GUID of the domain represented by this structure.
DomainGuidString - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainTrust
Contains the string representation of the GUID of the domain represented by this structure.
DomainInfo - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD.UNION
DomainName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the domain.
domainName - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainController
Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the domain.
DomainSid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS
Contains the security identifier of the domain represented by this structure.
DomainSid - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainTrust
Contains the security identifier of the domain represented by this structure.
DomainSidString - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainTrust
Contains the string representation of the security identifier of the domain represented by this structure.
DomainTrust() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32Util.DomainTrust
DontAllowExposures - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DontPreferBlanking - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DoRed - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
DoubleByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.ptr
DoubleByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference
DoubleByReference(double) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.ptr.DoubleByReference
doubleVal - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winevt.EVT_VARIANT.field1_union
doubleValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.IntegerType
doubleValue() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Variant.VARIANT
DRAGDROP_E_ALREADYREGISTERED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_E_INVALIDHWND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_S_DROP - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DRAGDROP_S_USEDEFAULTCURSORS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Called when a user drag gesture is recognized.
DragHandler - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.dnd
Provides simplified drag handling for a component.
DragHandler(Component, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Enable drags from the given component, supporting the actions in the given action mask.
dragMouseMoved(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
dragStarted(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
Override to perform any decoration of the target at the start of a drag, if desired.
Drawable() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Drawable
Drawable(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.Drawable
drawable - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XGraphicsExposeEvent
drawable - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XNoExposeEvent
DRIVE_CDROM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The drive is a CD-ROM drive.
DRIVE_FIXED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The drive is a type that cannot be removed, for example, a fixed hard drive.
DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The root path is invalid, for example, no volume is mounted at the path.
DRIVE_RAMDISK - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The drive is a RAM disk.
DRIVE_REMOTE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The drive is a remote (network) drive.
DRIVE_REMOVABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The drive is a type that has removable media, for example, a floppy drive or removable hard disk.
DRIVE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
The drive type cannot be determined.
drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Indicates the user has initiated a drop.
drop(DropTargetDropEvent, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Handle an incoming drop with the given action.
dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DragHandler
dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
DropHandler - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.dnd
Provides simplified drop handling for a component.
DropHandler(Component, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Create a handler that allows the given set of actions.
DropHandler(Component, int, DataFlavor[]) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Enable handling of drops, indicating what actions and flavors are acceptable.
DropHandler(Component, int, DataFlavor[], DropTargetPainter) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.dnd.DropHandler
Enable handling of drops, indicating what actions and flavors are acceptable, and providing a painter for drop target feedback.
DropTargetPainter - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.dnd
Provides a callback for DropHandler to customize drop target feedback.
DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Domain is directly trusting.
DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Domain is directly trusted.
DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Domain is a member of the forest.
DS_DOMAIN_NATIVE_MODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Primary domain is running in native mode.
DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Domain is the primary domain of queried server.
DS_DOMAIN_TREE_ROOT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Domain is root of a tree in the forest.
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS
DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS
DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DsGetDC
Valid domain flags.
DS_S_SUCCESS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
dsBitfields - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.DIBSECTION
dsBm - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.DIBSECTION
dsBmih - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.DIBSECTION
DsEnumerateDomainTrusts(String, int, PointerByReference, IntByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32
The DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function obtains domain trust data for a specified domain.
DsGetDC - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
Ported from DsGetDC.h.
DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO structure is used with the DsGetDcName function to receive data about a domain controller.
DsGetDC.DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO.ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
The DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS structure is used with the DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function to contain trust data for a domain.
DsGetDC.DS_DOMAIN_TRUSTS.ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DsGetDC.PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DsGetDC.PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO.ByReference - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
DsGetDcName(String, String, Guid.GUID, String, int, DsGetDC.PDOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32
The DsGetDcName function returns the name of a domain controller in a specified domain.
DsGetForestTrustInformation(String, String, int, NTSecApi.PLSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Netapi32
The DsGetForestTrustInformationW function obtains forest trust data for a specified domain.
dshSection - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.DIBSECTION
dsipIdMap - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.util.CallbackProxy
dsOffset - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.DIBSECTION
DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
Disables the DTR line when the device is opened and leaves it disabled.
DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
Enables the DTR line when the device is opened and leaves it on.
DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase
Enables DTR handshaking.
dump() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Memory
Dumps the contents of this memory object.
dump(long, int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.Pointer
Dump memory for debugging purposes.
DuplicateHandle(WinNT.HANDLE, WinNT.HANDLE, WinNT.HANDLE, WinNT.HANDLEByReference, int, boolean, int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Kernel32
The DuplicateHandle function duplicates an object handle.
DuplicateToken(WinNT.HANDLE, int, WinNT.HANDLEByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The DuplicateToken function creates a new access token that duplicates one already in existence.
DuplicateTokenEx(WinNT.HANDLE, int, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, int, int, WinNT.HANDLEByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
The DuplicateTokenEx function creates a new access token that duplicates an existing token.
DV_E_CLIPFORMAT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_DVASPECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_DVTARGETDEVICE_SIZE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_FORMATETC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_LINDEX - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_NOIVIEWOBJECT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_STATDATA - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_STGMEDIUM - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DV_E_TYMED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
dwActiveProcessorMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO
Mask representing the set of processors configured into the system.
dwAlignmentErr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of alignment errors on this connection or link.
dwAllocationGranularity - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO
Granularity for the starting address at which virtual memory can be allocated.
dwAlternateOffset - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the structure to a list of consecutive null-terminated strings.
dwBps - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The speed of the connection or link, in bits per second.
dwBufferOverrunErr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of buffer overrun errors on this connection or link.
dwBuildNumber - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFO
Build number of the operating system.
dwBuildNumber - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFOEX
The build number of the operating system.
dwBytesRcved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of bytes received through this connection or link.
dwBytesXmited - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of bytes transmitted through this connection or link.
dwChannels - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Reserved for future use
dwCheckPoint - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwCheckPoint - The check-point value the service increments periodically to report its progress during a lengthy start, stop, pause, or continue operation.
dwCheckPoint - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwCheckPoint - The check-point value the service increments periodically to report its progress during a lengthy start, stop, pause, or continue operation.
dwCompressionRatioIn - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The compression ratio for the data being received on this connection or link.
dwCompressionRatioOut - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The compression ratio for the data being transmitted on this connection or link.
dwConnectDuration - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The amount of time, in milliseconds, that the connection or link has been connected.
dwControlsAccepted - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwControlsAccepted - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwCountryCode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the country/region code portion of the phone number.
dwCountryID - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the TAPI country/region identifier.
dwCrcErr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors on this connection or link.
dwCurrentState - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwCurrentState - The current state of the service.
dwCurrentState - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwCurrentState - The current state of the service.
dwCustomAuthKey - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
This member is used for Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
dwDamageMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
dwData1 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
Additional data.
dwData2 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
Additional data.
dwDialExtraPercent - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies a percent of the total bandwidth available from the currently connected subentries.
dwDialExtraSampleSeconds - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the number of seconds that current bandwidth usage must exceed the threshold specified by dwDialExtraPercent before RAS dials an additional subentry.
dwDialMode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies whether RAS should dial all of this entry's multilink subentries when the entry is first connected.
dwDisplayType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE
The display options for the network object in a network browsing user interface.
dwEncryptionType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
The type of encryption to use with the connection.
dwError - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCONNSTATUS
If nonzero, indicates the reason for failure.
dwError - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASPPPIP
A value that specifies the result of the PPP control protocol negotiation.
dwExemptDelta - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO.UNION
Exemption time from the last accessed time, in seconds.
dwExStyle - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO
dwExtraInfo - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT
dwExtraInfo - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.KEYBDINPUT
An additional value associated with the keystroke.
dwExtraInfo - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MOUSEINPUT
dwFileAttributes - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA
The file attributes of a file.
dwFileDateLS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The least significant 32 bits of the file's 64-bit binary creation date and time stamp.
dwFileDateMS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The most significant 32 bits of the file's 64-bit binary creation date and time stamp.
dwFileFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
Contains a bitmask that specifies the Boolean attributes of the file.
dwFileFlagsMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
Contains a bitmask that specifies the valid bits in dwFileFlags.
dwFileOS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The operating system for which this file was designed.
dwFileSubtype - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The function of the file.
dwFileType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The general type of file.
dwFileVersionLS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The least significant 32 bits of the file's binary version number.
dwFileVersionMS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The most significant 32 bits of the file's binary version number.
dwFillAttribute - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE, this member is the initial text and background colors if a new console window is created in a console application.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32
This member is no longer used, and is always set to zero.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
A bit field that determines whether certain STARTUPINFO members are used when the process creates a window.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
A set of bit flags that specify properties of the pixel buffer.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCONN
A value that specifies zero or more of the following flags.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.FLASHWINFO
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.KEYBDINPUT
Specifies various aspects of a keystroke.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MONITORINFO
The attributes of the display monitor.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MONITORINFOEX
The attributes of the display monitor.
dwFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MOUSEINPUT
dwfNetProtocols - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the network protocols to negotiate.
dwfOptions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASDIALEXTENSIONS
A set of bit flags that specify RasDial extensions.
dwfOptions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
A set of bit flags that specify connection options.
dwfOptions2 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
A set of bits that specify connection options.
dwfOptions3 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
This parameter is reserved for future use.
dwFrameSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the IP address of a secondary WINS server to be used while this connection is active.
dwFramesRcved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of frames received through this connection or link.
dwFramesXmited - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number frames transmitted through this connection or link.
dwFramingErr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of framing errors on this connection or link.
dwFramingProtocol - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the framing protocol used by the server.
dwHangUpExtraPercent - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies a percent of the total bandwidth available from the currently connected subentries.
dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the number of seconds that current bandwidth usage must be less than the threshold specified by dwHangUpExtraPercent before RAS terminates an existing subentry connection.
dwHardwareOverrunErr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of hardware overrun errors on this connection or link.
dwHeaderInfoSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Size of the lpHeaderInfo buffer, in TCHARs.
dwHelpContext - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.EXCEPINFO
The dw help context.
dwHighDateTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILETIME
dwHitRate - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Number of times the cache entry was retrieved.
dwHorizontalFrequencyInHZ - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_TIMING_REPORT
The monitor's horizontal synchronization frequency in Hz.
dwHotKey - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.SHELLEXECUTEINFO
Type: DWORD A keyboard shortcut to associate with the application.
dwIdleDisconnectSeconds - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the number of seconds after which the connection is terminated due to inactivity.
dwIndex - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.EnumKey
dwInstanceIndex - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Pdh.PDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS
dwIPv4InterfaceMetric - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Sets the metric of the IPv4 stack for this interface.
dwIPv6InterfaceMetric - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Sets the metric of the IPv6 stack for this interface.
dwIPv6PrefixLength - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
The length of the IPv6 address prefix in ipv6addr.
DWL_DLGPROC - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
DWL_MSGRESULT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
DWL_USER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser
dwLangID - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT
language ID for topic/item strings.
dwLayerMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
dwLength - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.MEMORYSTATUSEX
The size of the structure, in bytes.
dwLength - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES
The size of the structure, in bytes.
dwLowDateTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILETIME
dwLower - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecHandle
dwLower - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SECURITY_INTEGER
DWM_E_COMPOSITIONDISABLED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DWM_E_NO_REDIRECTION_SURFACE_AVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DWM_E_NOT_QUEUING_PRESENTS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
DWM_E_REMOTING_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
dwMajorVersion - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFO
Major version number of the operating system.
dwMajorVersion - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFOEX
The major version number of the operating system.
dwMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCREDENTIALS
Specifies a set of bit flags.
dwMemoryLoad - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.MEMORYSTATUSEX
A number between 0 and 100 that specifies the approximate percentage of physical memory that is in use (0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use).
dwMinorVersion - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFO
Minor version number of the operating system.
dwMinorVersion - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFOEX
The minor version number of the operating system.
dwNetworkOutageTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, that IKEv2 packets will be retransmitted without a response before the connection is considered lost.
dwNumberOfProcessors - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO
Number of processors in the system.
dwOemID - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO.UNION
An obsolete member that is retained for compatibility with Windows NT 3.5 and earlier.
dwOptions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASPPPIP
A value that specifies IPCP options for the local client.
DWORD() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD
Instantiates a new dword.
DWORD(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORD
Instantiates a new dword.
DWORD_PTR() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR
DWORD_PTR(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR
DWORDByReference() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORDByReference
Instantiates a new dWOR dby reference.
DWORDByReference(WinDef.DWORD) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORDByReference
Instantiates a new dWOR dby reference.
DWORDLONG() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORDLONG
Instantiates a new dwordlong.
DWORDLONG(long) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinDef.DWORDLONG
Instantiates a new dwordlong.
dwOSVersionInfoSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFO
Size of this data structure, in bytes.
dwOSVersionInfoSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFOEX
The size of this data structure, in bytes.
dwPageSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO
Page size and the granularity of page protection and commitment.
dwPlatformId - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFO
Operating system platform.
dwPlatformId - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFOEX
The operating system platform.
dwProcessId - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION
A value that can be used to identify a process.
dwProcessId - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwProcessId - The process identifier of the service.
dwProcessorType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO
An obsolete member that is retained for compatibility with Windows NT 3.5 and Windows Me/98/95.
dwProductVersionLS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The least significant 32 bits of the binary version number of the product with which this file was distributed.
dwProductVersionMS - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The most significant 32 bits of the binary version number of the product with which this file was distributed.
dwPromptFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinCrypt.CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT
DWORD flags that indicate when prompts to the user are to be displayed.
dwRedialCount - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the number of times RAS attempts to redial a connection.
dwRedialPause - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the number of seconds to wait between redial attempts.
dwReserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.IDLDESC
dwReserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.TYPEATTR
dwReserved - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO.UNION
dwReserved0 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA
If the dwFileAttributes member includes the FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT attribute, this member specifies the reparse point tag.
dwReserved1 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.WIN32_FIND_DATA
Reserved for future use.
dwReserved1 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
dwReserved2 - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
dwResetPeriod - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS
The time after which to reset the failure count to zero if there are no failures, in seconds.
dwRet - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
The value returned by the DDE callback function that processed the transaction.
dwScope - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE
The scope of the enumeration.
dwSecurity - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.CONVCONTEXT
Private security code.
dwServerOptions - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASPPPIP
A value that specifies IPCP options for the remote server.
dwServiceFlags - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
This member can be one of the following values: 0, or SERVICE_RUNS_IN_SYSTEM_PROCESS
dwServiceSpecificExitCode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwServiceSpecificExitCode - A service-specific error code that the service returns when an error occurs while the service is starting or stopping.
dwServiceSpecificExitCode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwServiceSpecificExitCode - A service-specific error code that the service returns when an error occurs while the service is starting or stopping.
dwServiceType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwServiceType - the type of service.
dwServiceType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwServiceType - the type of service.
dwSignature - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
Contains the value 0xFEEF04BD.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.MODULEENTRY32W
The size of the structure, in bytes.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Tlhelp32.PROCESSENTRY32
The size of the structure, in bytes.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.RGNDATAHEADER
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
Specifies the version of the structure.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCONN
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the RASCONN structure.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCONNSTATUS
Specifies the structure size, in bytes.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCREDENTIALS
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the RASCREDENTIALS structure.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASDEVSPECIFICINFO
The size, in bytes, of the cookie in pbDevSpecificInfo.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASDIALEXTENSIONS
Specifies the size of this structure, in bytes.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASDIALPARAMS
A value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the structure.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the size, in bytes, of the RASENTRY structure.
dwSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASPPPIP
A value that specifies the size, in bytes, of the structure.
dwSizeHigh - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
High-order portion of the file size, in bytes.
dwSizeLow - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Low-order portion of the file size, in bytes.
dwSizeofEapInfo - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASEAPINFO
Specifies the size of the binary information pointed to by the pbEapInfo member.
dwStructSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Size of this structure, in bytes.
dwStrucVersion - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.VerRsrc.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO
The binary version number of this structure.
dwStyle - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO
dwSubEntries - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the number of multilink subentries associated with this entry.
dwSubEntry - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASCONN
For multilink connections, a value that specifies the subentry one-based index of a connected link.
dwTcpWindowSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
Specifies the TCP window size for all TCP sessions that run over this connection.
dwThreadId - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION
A value that can be used to identify a thread.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCBSTRUCT
The Windows time at which the transaction occurred.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONCONVSTRUCT
The Windows time at which the conversation was established or terminated.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONERRSTRUCT
The Windows time at which the error occurred.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONHSZSTRUCT
The Windows time at which the action specified by the fsAction member takes place.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONLINKSTRUCT
The Windows time at which the advise loop was started or ended.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml.MONMSGSTRUCT
The Windows time at which the message was sent or posted.
dwTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.LASTINPUTINFO
dwTimeout - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.FLASHWINFO
dwTimeoutErr - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RAS_STATS
The number of timeout errors on this connection or link.
dwType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE
The type of resource.
dwType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
The type of phone-book entry.
dwType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASTUNNELENDPOINT
A value that determines endpoint type
dwType - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.RAWINPUTDEVICELIST
dwUpper - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SecHandle
dwUpper - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Sspi.SECURITY_INTEGER
dwUsage - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winnetwk.NETRESOURCE
A set of bit flags describing how the resource can be used.
dwUseCount - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet.INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO
Current number of WinInet callers using the cache entry.
dwVerticalFrequencyInHZ - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.LowLevelMonitorConfigurationAPI.MC_TIMING_REPORT
The monitor's vertical synchronization frequency in Hz.
dwVisibleMask - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinGDI.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
Specifies the transparent color or index of an underlay plane.
dwVpnStrategy - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinRas.RASENTRY
The VPN strategy to use when dialing a VPN connection.
dwWaitHint - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwWaitHint - The estimated time required for a pending start, stop, pause, or continue operation, in milliseconds.
dwWaitHint - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwWaitHint - The estimated time required for a pending start, stop, pause, or continue operation, in milliseconds.
dwWin32ExitCode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS
dwWin32ExitCode - The error code the service uses to report an error that occurs when it is starting or stopping.
dwWin32ExitCode - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winsvc.SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS
dwWin32ExitCode - The error code the service uses to report an error that occurs when it is starting or stopping.
dwWindowStatus - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.WINDOWINFO
dwX - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEPOSITION, this member is the x offset of the upper left corner of a window if a new window is created, in pixels.
dwXCountChars - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS, if a new console window is created in a console process, this member specifies the screen buffer width, in character columns.
dwXSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESIZE, this member is the width of the window if a new window is created, in pixels.
dwY - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USEPOSITION, this member is the y offset of the upper left corner of a window if a new window is created, in pixels.
dwYCountChars - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS, if a new console window is created in a console process, this member specifies the screen buffer height, in character rows.
dwYSize - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.STARTUPINFO
If dwFlags specifies STARTF_USESIZE, this member is the height of the window if a new window is created, in pixels.
dx - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MOUSEINPUT
Dxva2 - Interface in com.sun.jna.platform.win32
A port of dxva2.dll
DXVA_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Dxva2
dy - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinUser.MOUSEINPUT


E_ABORT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_ACCESSDENIED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_FAIL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_HANDLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_INVALIDARG - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_NOINTERFACE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_NOTIMPL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_OUTOFMEMORY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_PENDING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_POINTER - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
E_UNEXPECTED - Static variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.COMUtils
E_UNEXPECTED - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
EastGravity - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
EC_DISABLE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
EC_ENABLEALL - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
EC_ENABLEONE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
EC_QUERYWAITING - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ddeml
EDITED_CACHE_ENTRY - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wininet
Cache entry file that has been edited externally.
EffectiveOnly - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinNT.SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE
Specifies whether the server may enable or disable privileges and groups that the client's security context may include.
ELEMDESC() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ELEMDESC
ELEMDESC(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ELEMDESC
ElemDescArg() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ElemDescArg
ElemDescArg(Pointer) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ElemDescArg
elemDescArg - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.ElemDescArg
elemdescFunc - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.FUNCDESC
elemdescVar - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.OaIdl.VARDESC
elements - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.FFIType
elements - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Structure.StructureSet
ELFAnalyser - Class in com.sun.jna
Analyse an ELF file for platform specific attributes.
enable() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.Privilege
Enables the given privileges.
ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_INSERT_MODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_LINE_INPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT_MODE - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Wincon
EnableAccess - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
enableCallback(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeClient
enableCallback(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.DdeConnection
enableCallback(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeClient
Enables or disables transactions for a specific conversation or for all conversations currently established by the calling application.
enableCallback(int) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.IDdeConnection
Enables or disables transactions for a specific conversation or for all conversations currently established by the calling application.
enableCallback(int) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.DdemlUtil.StandaloneDdeClient
encodePaths(String[]) - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.ShellAPI.SHFILEOPSTRUCT
Use this to encode pFrom/pTo paths.
encodeString(String) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.mac.XAttrUtil
encoding - Variable in class com.sun.jna.Function
encoding - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11.XTextProperty
EncryptFile(String) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Encrypts a file or directory.
encryptFile(File) - Static method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util
Encrypts a file or directory.
EncryptionDisable(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32
Disables or enables encryption of the specified directory and the files in it.
EndOfFile - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinBase.FILE_STANDARD_INFO
The end of the file.
EndTime - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Pdh.PDH_TIME_INFO
Ending time of the sample interval, in local FILETIME format.
ensureAllocated() - Method in class com.sun.jna.Structure
Ensure this memory has its size and layout calculated and its memory allocated.
EnterNotify - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
EnterWindowMask - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.unix.X11
Entries - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.NTSecApi.LSA_FOREST_TRUST_INFORMATION
Pointer to a pointer to an array of LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD structures, each of which contains one piece of forest trust information.
EntryPoint - Variable in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Psapi.MODULEINFO
Enum() - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.IMoniker
Enum() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.Moniker
ENUM_E_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ENUM_E_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ENUM_S_FIRST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
ENUM_S_LAST - Static variable in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinError
EnumChildWindows(WinDef.HWND, WinUser.WNDENUMPROC, Pointer) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
The EnumChildWindows function enumerates the child windows that belong to the specified parent window by passing the handle to each child window, in turn, to an application-defined callback function.
EnumConnectionPoints() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ConnectionPointContainer
EnumConnections() - Method in class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM.ConnectionPoint
EnumConverter<T extends Enum<T>> - Class in com.sun.jna.platform
A TypeConverter that maps an integer enum value to an actual Java enum.
EnumConverter(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.EnumConverter
EnumDisplayMonitors(WinDef.HDC, WinDef.RECT, WinUser.MONITORENUMPROC, WinDef.LPARAM) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32
Enumerates display monitors (including invisible pseudo-monitors associated with the mirroring drivers) that intersect a region formed by the intersection of a specified clipping rectangle and the visible region of a device context.
EnumerateSecurityPackages(IntByReference, Sspi.PSecPkgInfo) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Secur32
The EnumerateSecurityPackages function returns an array of SecPkgInfo structures that describe the security packages available to the client.
EnumJobs(WinNT.HANDLE, int, int, int, Pointer, int, IntByReference, IntByReference) - Method in interface com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Winspool
The EnumJobs function retrieves information about a specified set of print jobs for a specified printer.
EnumKey() - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.EnumKey
EnumKey(WinReg.HKEY, int) - Constructor for class com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.EnumKey
EnumMoniker - Class in com.sun.jna.platform.win32.COM